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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Brothers - 57. Chapter 57



His throat was parched. Jason sat in the waiting room, studiously avoiding Richard’s gaze as they waited for the dentist to tell them Devyn was waking up.

The neko hadn’t had anything to drink since dinner. He didn’t know if Devyn had noticed, but both Jason and Richard had held themselves to the same standards. The wolf was not suffering alone.

“It’s admirable that you scheduled an appointment with your brother,” Richard said suddenly.

His voice broke through the relative silence of the waiting room. There was no one to disturb, aside from the receptionist sitting behind a counter. Still, the man spoke quietly.

Jason pulled out his phone, opening a note taking app. He typed quickly, confidently, before handing the phone to his father.

It wouldn’t be fair to ask him to do something we aren’t willing to do ourselves.

“How is your mouth doing?”

Jason shrugged, his fingers tapping quickly.

I had a small cavity, but the dentist filled it. He said he had the time; someone cancelled.

“Yeah, I imagine that was the only reason you were seen,” Richard replied. “So… you seemed rather shocked when Devyn said he had a mate. Did he ever mention it to you?”

Jason’s fur puffed out, the neko sucking in a silent breath. This was the worst time to have that question asked. He wasn’t going to lie to Richard, but telling him the truth here was not an option.

He shrugged.

It was all he could do; feign disinterest in hopes that Richard would drop the matter. The man studied him for a moment longer, and Jason fought the urge to fidget.

Finally, Richard looked away. Even then, Jason bit back a sigh of relief, letting out his breath as normal as possible. He was still being honest. Just not explaining everything yet.

“So… everyone’s together today. I was thinking of stopping by the trucking school and signing up to use the practice track when we’re done here,” Richard added a moment later.

This time, Jason did sigh. His tail twitched as he stared at the phone in his hand.

Do I have to?

“Yep. There’s nothing to be afraid of. You can practice driving on roads without any traffic. And Devyn will be with us.”

How does that work? Shouldn’t the track be used by truckers?

“I am a trucker,” Richard chuckled. “Granted, it’s unusual to take cars out there, but I think I can get away with it at least once. After that, we’ll have to stick to more conventional training.”

Jason thought about it for a moment. Richard had gone through an entire program dedicated to learning how to drive large vehicles. There really wasn’t anyone better to teach the neko. But it didn’t take away the terror of knowing he would be in control of such a dangerous object. And he honestly wasn’t sure whether Devyn being there would be better or worse.

I need to work on my writing.

“Then we’ll make the lesson short,” Richard said. “Don’t try to get out of this Jason. It’s only going to help in the long run.”

I’ve always been more of a sprinter.

Richard laughed as he read the last comment. Shaking his head, the man handed the phone back to Jason.

“You know, Devyn loves car rides. I’m sure driving him around the city would make him very happy.”

The neko’s shoulders slumped. He hadn’t thought about that. His mate was a wolf; of course he’d love to go for car rides. Jason really had no choice then. He had to put his fear aside if he wanted to make Devyn happy.

Before he could respond, a door opened, and an elf stepped out. She scanned the room quickly, before approaching Jason and Richard.

“Mr. Farin?” she asked quietly.

When Richard nodded, the elf took a deep breath.

“Devyn woke up during surgery. We had to increase the doses used in his anaesthesia, and he’s unconscious right now. He should be awake in a few minutes. I have to confirm, did he ingest anything in the past twelve hours?”

Richard shook his head mutely, looking at Jason in alarm. The neko gulped, typing quickly.

Would neko cum have any effect on anaesthesia?

The elf frowned at the phone, and then back at Jason. He could feel the judgement in the stare; if Devyn had ingested neko cum, clearly it would have come from the neko in front of her.

“That is not something that has been tested to my knowledge,” she finally said, handing the phone back like it carried the taint of neko semen. “But it does seem to be the only variable here.”

“What is?” Richard demanded.

Jason stiffened slightly, looking at his father nervously.

“Sexual activity with a neko,” the elf said quietly, glancing furtively around the waiting room to make sure she wasn’t heard. “We aren’t sure how much Devyn will remember from his operation. It’s very rare for this to happen, when the proper fasting procedures are adhered to.”

She shot a glare at Jason, and the neko sank down in his seat, ears folding in shame. It had been over twelve hours since Devyn had licked him; the wolf had seemed perfectly fine. How was he supposed to know his cum would still be in Devyn’s system? The neko barely understood why his semen had that effect to begin with.

“Can we see him?”

“There’s only space for one visitor in the office,” the elf frowned.


Jason settled back into his seat. The meaning was clear in his mind. Richard was Devyn’s father; it was best if he was there when Devyn woke up.

“Jason, go ahead. I can wait out here for you two.”

The neko stared at his father in shock. He leapt to his feet, hurrying after the doctor before Richard could change his mind.




His throat was burning. The wolf grunted, his head rolling against a leather rest. A hand gently stroked his arm, but his eyes felt like they were glued shut.

Devyn took a deep breath, coughing a moment later as his nose was hit with the smell of cleaning supplies and strange medicines. But Jason’s smell overpowered all of that, and Devyn’s lips turned up into a smile.

Or, he tried to smile. The wolf wasn’t sure if he succeeded or not.

“Is it done already?” he mumbled.

The hand on his arm tightened slightly, and Devyn forced his eyes to open.

“Yes, it’s over. How are you feeling?” a monotone voice asked.

The wolf looked over at his brother, his muscles twitching to wag a tail that didn’t exist. He tried to reach for Jason, only to realise his arms were bound to the chair he was in.

Devyn stared at the leather bindings in confusion.

“Why can’t I move?”

An elven woman approached cautiously, frowning at Jason as the neko continued typing on his phone. She unbuckled the restraints, letting them fall aside as Devyn leapt out of his seat.

He nearly fell. Strong hands wrapped around him, holding him up, and Devyn almost collapsed into Jason’s arms, enjoying the love pouring out of the neko. The elf was staring at them strangely, but a tiny growl from the wolf changed her reaction, and she turned away, focusing on something else.

Turning back around, the elf handed him a tiny paper cup filled with water. Devyn gulped it down frantically, finally soothing his parched throat. He whimpered as he handed the empty cup toward Jason, but the neko only stared at the cup, shaking his head slightly. There was no more water to be had.

“The cement for his crown should have set already; we kept him out for that to keep him from poking at it. He should stick to soft foods for twenty four hours, and avoid playing with the crown. Make sure he keeps up normal brushing…”

The elf trailed off, scowling at the sight of Jason typing furiously on his phone. The neko paused, looking up at her in confusion, and the elf grunted.

“I’ll just tell your father.”

“Where is Dad?” Devyn frowned, looking around the room.

Jason typed again, the monotone of the phone speaking a moment later.

“Only one of us was allowed to come back, so he let me wake you up.”

“He’s not here, so can we kiss?”

Odours assaulted the wolf’s nose, horror, fear, anger… he could barely make any sense of them. The room had gone deathly silent, and that only confused Devyn more.

“You should avoid kissing too,” the elf said suddenly. “It might… knock the crown loose.”

Devyn felt Jason twitch, as though the neko had laughed. Sure enough, he could smell sweetness in the air, the smell of happiness. It only seemed to make the other scents more jarring. He wrapped his arm around the neko more securely.

“Oh. But the tooth was in the back of my mouth?” he pointed out. “So… if he doesn’t lick me, it should be okay then…”

Jason’s lips turned up, a small grin on the neko’s face. Devyn felt lips feather over his cheek, a rough tongue scraping over his skin, and he pouted.

“That’s mean. You know what I want.”

The neko shook his head, nudging Devyn toward the door. The two paused a moment later, Devyn glancing back at the elf. She pushed past them, leading the way through a maze of halls until finally they made it back to the waiting room.

“Yes, I’m sure about it. The boys won’t mind-”

Richard stood up at the sight of Devyn and Jason.

“I have to go; Devyn’s out of the office,” he said into the phone. “I’ll see you later.”

Ending the call, Richard turned back to his sons just in time to catch Devyn’s arms around him.

“I feel dizzy,” the wolf grunted, his eyes wandering the waiting room.

“Then you should sit down,” Richard frowned, helping Devyn into a seat. “How did the appointment go?”

Devyn frowned at his dad.

“I slept through it. I don’t know,” he muttered.

“Well, that’s good then. Is it normal for him to be dizzy after waking up?” Richard asked, looking at the elf.

Jason pushed his phone into Richard’s hands, and the man stared at the screen as the elf spoke up.

“It’s a common side effect, and should pass within twenty four hours. The cement should have set by now, but he should still only eat soft foods for a day or two. He can keep his brushing up-”

“So basically what Jason has written here?” Richard interrupted, holding up the neko’s phone.

The elf frowned at the comment, and Devyn let out a whimper as the stench of embarrassment filled the room.

“Forgive me, but I wanted to be thorough. It is important that Devyn take care of his teeth properly,” the elf said.

“I don’t see anything about shifting though. When is he allowed to shift?”

“I’ll make sure instructions are printed up too. Excuse me.”

The elf hurried back through the door, and Richard let out a low sigh, handing the phone back to Jason.

“So, how much trouble did she give you?” he asked.

“She got upset at Jason for typing on his phone,” Devyn scowled. “And she told me I can’t kiss anyone. I don’t know why. My tooth broke in the back of my mouth.”

“But she is a medical professional, so I better not see you kissing anyone,” Richard said sternly.

“Don’t worry Devyn, I won’t kiss anyone either,” Jason’s phone said a moment later, a smirk on the neko’s face.

“There you go. Brotherly solidarity!” Richard chuckled. “Now, why don’t we go get some lunch?”

“Maybe we should go home. I don’t think driving around will help Devyn’s dizziness,” Jason typed quickly.

“Okay, it’s obvious you’re just trying to get out of your driving lesson. But I suppose you do have a point,” Richard frowned. “Home it is. I think we still have some pasta from last night. That should be soft enough.”

Devyn leaned against his mate as they stood up again, letting Jason lead him out to the car. His eyes were drooping again, and he felt exhausted, even though he’d just woken up. But the wolf knew the neko would take good care of him.




The kilt flew across the room, followed by the shirt. Jason watched his brother walk out of his bedroom. He seemed to be doing better, not as dizzy, but Jason resolved to keep an eye on him anyway.

Richard had dropped them off at the house, and Jason knew he was going back to the pack house. The man had a bad case of puppy love. There was no way he was staying away from Patrick, and the neko just hoped Richard’s rebound from Margaret wouldn’t leave a wolf without his mate.

It left him alone with Devyn, but the wolf didn’t seem to be in the mood to do anything. He wasn’t supposed to shift for another few hours, and that only brought his mood down further.

Jason pulled out his phone, typing as he followed his brother downstairs.

“After we eat, I think we should practice dancing again.”

Devyn cast a disparaging look at the neko. Jason ignored the look, setting his phone on the table. Digging through the fridge, he found the leftover pasta from the night before, and warmed up a couple bowls in the microwave.

“Fine. But I want to do it my way.”

Jason’s fur bristled at Devyn’s words. What exactly was the wolf’s way? This could end horribly, but it would also keep Devyn’s mind off the fact that he wasn’t supposed to shift.

The neko decided to stay silent as they ate, not agreeing to anything yet. Richard had already mentioned he was eating out, hopefully going on a date with Patrick. There was a good hour or two before they’d be back, plenty of time for Jason and Devyn to work.

Dinner was eaten quickly, and Jason washed the dishes, feeling Devyn’s eyes on him. If he did this right, he could help the wolf without putting them both in danger.

Grabbing his phone, the neko typed quickly, a long paragraph of rules forming. Pausing, he deleted it all, before trying again.

“Fine, but no kissing and no sex.”

A pout crossed the wolf’s face, before being replaced with a grin.

“Take off your clothes.”

Jason let out a sigh at the command, pulling off his shirt. He made his way back upstairs, removing his clothes as his brother waited in the doorway. The neko wasn’t going to let the wolf boss him around, but he figured he’d humour him for now. Devyn had just gone to the dentist after all. And there was little chance of Richard catching them; Jason highly doubted the man would go to pick his mate up and come right back home.

Still, the neko kept an ear aimed at the front of the house as he followed Devyn back downstairs. His body shivered, his length growing, and Jason tried to hide it from Devyn, though he knew the wolf could smell it. It wasn’t that he wanted to have sex; Jason hadn’t been naked outside of a bathroom or bedroom before.

He set his phone on a side table as they entered the living room, taking a moment to move the couch out of the way and make sure the blinds were closed over the window. Arms wrapped around him from behind, and a warm tongue washed upward from the center of his back.

He spun around, scowling at his brother as their dicks bounced off each other.

“You never said anything about licking,” Devyn grinned, before licking Jason’s mouth.

The neko spluttered, stepping back quickly. He shook his head roughly, and Devyn pouted again. Turning back to get his phone, Jason set up a metronome, keeping it slow for now. He grabbed Devyn’s hands, pulling the tall wolf’s left hand to his right upper arm. Grasping Devyn’s left shoulder, the neko clasped their free hands.

Devyn frowned down at him, Jason’s head nodding lightly with the metronome. The neko waited for three beats, before nodding to Devyn and taking a step.

“One… two… three… four…”

The wolf counted under his breath, the two staring at their feet as they stumbled along together. Jason suddenly held up their clasped arms, nudging Devyn toward the connection. The wolf’s head knocked against the connection, breaking it, and their hands lowered awkwardly.

Jason grabbed his phone, taking a minute to stop the metronome before typing.

“Three steps. It’s supposed to be a box.”

“But you turned me…”

The two frowned at each other, and Jason let out a sigh.

“Okay, forget the spin for now. Let’s work on the box.”

Setting the metronome back up, the neko connected their arms together again. Waiting three beats, Jason stepped into Devyn, pushing him back a step before sliding him over another step.

The wolf tripped, and Jason yowled as Devyn’s heel landed on his foot. Tears sprang into his eyes as the two fell, and Devyn crawled over him, fear in the wolf’s eyes.

“Jason! Are you okay?!”

The front door suddenly opened, and the neko let out a strangled whimper as Richard and Patrick stepped into the house.

“Boys! We’re ho-!”

Richard cut off mid call as he took in the two, naked in a pile on the floor.

“What are you two doing?!”

“Dancing,” Devyn provided helpfully.

“But what are you doing?”

Beside the man, Patrick let out a sigh.

“They’re mates Richard. Sorry Jason, but there’s no getting out of this one,” the elf said apologetically.

“Yeah, I know they’re mates, but why are you two naked in the living room?”

Copyright © 2020 Yeoldebard; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

22 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Richard doesn't seem bothered about Jason and Devyn being mates. Naked dancing was fun.

Found it amusing how Neko cum affected the anaesthetic on Devyn.

That’s also tap dancing around the whole doctor/patient confidentiality rule too!

Let’s see, modify the pre-op instructions to be; no food or drink for 12 hrs, and no neko cum within 24hrs, before the procedure. Hahaha 🤪

  • Haha 5
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