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Writing Prompts #244 & #245



Well it is that time of the week again, prompt time! So who is ready for a new challenge?


Prompt 244 – Creative
Tag – Zombie Apocalypse
It has finally happened, zombies have risen and are attacking. Is this like Shaun of the Dead or are your Zombies more vicious. Tell us all about the apocalypse.


Prompt 245 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – engagement party, clown, toilet paper, magnolia tree, and cowboy boots


Last week only one of the two prompts drew any attention. There were two attempts at prompt 243 and both were vastly different. Here is a sample of Kitt's take on the first line prompt "I never make a promise I don't intend to keep."

“I never make a promise I don’t intend to keep. You know that!”
“I didn't think you would stop talking to me over this! It was a misunderstanding!”
“No, a misunderstanding is handled by talking to the other person. You spread gossip, all of which was untrue, and you hurt my reputation in the business. I have had 4 clients call and cancel already this morning and you just spout that shit last night! How are people supposed to trust me when you have them convinced I don’t give a shit about anything but making money?”
“I never intended for that to happen. I just thought that if you were not as busy all the time maybe we could, you know…get to know each other better.”
“I don’t think that is much of an option at this point.”
Tyler turned away and tried to control the emotions welling up inside him. He could feel his chances with Lucas slipping away quickly, all because of an ill thought out plan to try and win his mom over. Danielle was right; he should have just invited her out to lunch or something.
“Where did I ever get this not so bright idea?” he thought. If it was possible he would kick himself in the pants. “Luke would never forgive me if he finds out.”
Tyler took a deep breath and turned back to the hopping mad woman.
“Dani? Please? Let me explain. I never wanted to really hurt the business. I just thought that if you were not busy this weekend you could go up to the lake with Luke and me. We could all relax and you and I could get to know each other better. I really care about Luke, so it’s important that you and I at least get along. I've seen friends whose parents dislike their choice in partners. It always turns nasty.”
“And you thought a perfect way to get on my good side was to sabotage the business that I have spent the last three years building up out of nothing but a dream?” Danielle slammed her hand down on the kitchen island hard, making everything on it dance about a bit. It was a measure of just how irritated she was. She never lost it like that.


So want to see what else Kitt did with this? Of course you do. So check it and the other attempt out here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37246-prompt-243-creative/


Enjoy your week everyone and remember to keep writing and reviewing.


Recommended Comments

...I am debating whether or not I should drag myself away from my current project to write about the Zombie Apocolypse.  But that could take a while.  It could morph into it's own novel.  Decisions, decisions. :D

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What if the Zoambies only become obcessed lovers of the living and bring monumentous amount of flower at their dorrsteps, and chocolates, and serenade... instead of being plain vicious.

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It really freaks me out when something real life happens while I'm reading about it in a book. The other day we had a horrific hail storm moments after reading a chapter with a tornado in it.  Now I'm see here the prompt tag for a zombie apocalypse and im reading Laurell K Hamilton brand new book Affliction which is all about a zombie apocalypse....just way to freaky for my piece of mind.

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gay cowboy zombies are dancing in my head.


and they aint growling brains.


its 2am and ive had a drink so my imagination is active

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Done with Prompt 244 & 245. I somewhat combined the two, and didn't realise that there were two prompts. HAHA. I'll post the link here later.


I don't think my story is really a zombie apocalypse. I think it's a post zombie-apocalypse with a pinch of Meryl Streep on the side.

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Vicious?? :o  Don't be mean - we have feelings too :lol:


LOL :lol: it's time for Zombie to write a story !!

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Congrats Henry - you can post in GA.Stories or as a reply to one of the prompt threads in our Writing Prompts forum, and since you did both prompts in one response, you can put it either under prompt 244 or prompt 245

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Has to be done Gay cowboy Zombies... yup I'm writing as we read. its the heat that's doing it...honest.

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