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Ga's Newest Signature Author, Graeme!



Long time staff, and long time author, Graeme has finally been wrangled into the Signature Author group where he belongs! Yay! LOL Whether you are looking for short stories or novels, Graeme has a bit of everything. Slices of life, snapshots of a hilarious event like a visit to a farm or a dramatic turn like an AIDS diagnosis, and more can be found among his many shorts. He also has several novels of varying lengths, mostly featuring the ups and downs everyday people, teens and adults, experience in life and love. There are so many to choose from and more being added all the time!


Check out Graeme's stories here, and then please join me in welcoming Graeme to the Signature Author group!


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LOVE this!!!  I've read all of Graeme multi-chapter stories, as well as most of his short stories.  I've always loved how he writes from just a bit off a the path view, whether is it a brother trying to hide being gay from his sister and her friends, to the boy who pretends to be gay so his boyfriend stays friends with him.


He also has some of the best coming-out lines I've read in gay stories, but I won't spoil any of them - well maybe one:


“Bloody, hell,” he whispered, “I’ve been outed by a tree!”



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  • Site Administrator

Thank you, everyone! :*) After a three year break, I'm back writing again, so I hope I can keep up the standard. I'm intending to have fun trying, at the very least :D

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Congrats Graeme!! It's your stories which brought me to GA four years ago, so I am particularly happy to learn of your promotion. :D

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Awesome! Congratulations Graeme!


I've read all of Graeme's work and not only is all of it great writing, some stories and story ideas made it to my personal list of favorites (and I read TONS of stuff). There is a lot of great work he wrote.

Street Life left me crying. It is such a sad, devestating, yet also beautiful, hopeful story. And one that reminds us that we (at least many, if not all, of us) have it so much better nowadays.

The Price of Friendship has one of the probably most unusual (for gay fiction) plots, but also one of the most interesting ones and together with New Brother it had a notable influence on my own work (even if my writing is probably not comparable to Graeme's ^^).

Oh, and not to forget: My Roomate's Gay - a very short must read for every avid reader of gay fiction! It's hilarious, it's totally true and it's what got me to read all of Graeme's other work in the first place!

I could go on and an, about the two sons who want to get their gay dad to date again and about the mystical tree of love etc., but I think you get my point. ;)


Keep it up, Graeme! :)

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Congrats Graeme. Just means you have a standard people recognize. Now get writing so in a few months you can have that other title as well. :)

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