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  • Myr

    Paranormal Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Paranormal Stories since Feb 2024 Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cryptid Features creatures from folklore, mythology, or cryptozoology, such as Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, or Chupacabra. The narrative often revolves around encounters with these mysterious beings. No stories Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cursed Objects Focuses on objects with supernatural or cursed properties. The plot typically involves characters trying to understand or break the curse asso

Grammar Guide 17 - Phrases

Welcome to our 17th Grammar Guide!  This week we continue our coverage on sentences.  The topic for today is Phrases.  A phrase is a group of words that adds detail to a sentence but does not have its own subject or verb.  Phrases are parts of sentences, but cannot stand on their own. There are five types of phrases: Adjective Phrases - Phrases that give more detail about a noun, and they are usually found right after the word or words they modify. A few guys


Myr in Grammar Guide

My Daily Bread Crumbs 27 Apr 2022

April 27th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast days: Anthimus of Nicomedia Assicus Floribert of Liège John of Constantinople Liberalis of Treviso Pollio Virgin of Montserrat Zita Origen Adamantius[21] April 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of Russian Parliamentarism (Russia) Day of


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 269

My Daily Bread Crumbs 26 Apr 2022

April 26th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Chernobyl disaster related observances: Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl tragedy (Belarus) Memorial Day of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes (Russia) Christian feast day: Aldobrandesca (or Alda) Franca Visalta Lucidius of Verona Our Lady of Good Counsel Pope Anacletus and Marcellinus


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 268

Why I joined GA and remain

When I joined GA it was as a result of an upsetting event in my own life and GA helped me to process that to a degree, I'm not going to go into any detail at this time but I may do so at some point in the future. I originally joined to read some of the stories that had and were being written at the time and I enjoyed doing just that. Soon I had a thought pop into my head which I decided to post as short story. I wasn't brilliant or researched but very spontaneous and received mixed but main

My Daily Bread Crumbs 25 Apr 2022

April 25th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Giovanni Battista Piamarta Major Rogation (Western Christianity) Mark the Evangelist Maughold Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur Philo and Agathopodes Anianus of Alexandria April 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) World Malaria Day[26]   Observances Anz


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 267

April CSR Discussion Day: Corporate Galactic by astone2292

April showers bring... well, snow in my neck of the woods! It seems like everywhere I looked online people were talking about strange weather. Life on Earth has been rough the last few years, but could it be worse? That's explored in astone2292's story based on our prompt game, Corporate Galactic. Did you enjoy these snapshots in future time? Share your thoughts below, and enjoy my interview with him too! Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Do wine and cheddar broccoli soup count?


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

My Daily Bread Crumbs 24 Apr 2022

April 24th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (Armenia, France)[20] Christian feast day: Benedict Menni Dermot of Armagh Dyfnan of Anglesey Ecgberht of Ripon Fidelis of Sigmaringen Gregory of Elvira Ivo of Ramsey Johann Walter (Lutheran) Mary of Clopas Mary Euphrasia Pelletier


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 266

Part 2

Hero’s journey In the last part, we talked about it seeming to be difficult to tell origin stories that inweave new concepts. Apparently, there’s something like laws of nature that apply to writing. Let’s have a look at the hero’s journey. Most of you should be familiar with this. In its beginning, the hero (or heroine) lives in their own world until something happens with an impact that changes the hero’s worldview and sets everything into motion—something that makes the hero and their men


Zuri in writing tips

Book Review: The Dressmaker by Beryl Bainbridge

Beryl Bainbridge, at her best, always had a dark view of life. It wasn’t just the unhappiness of life she wrote about so well but the pain and regret under that unhappiness. This novel is a fine example of the darkness she found in ordinary people’s lives. It is set in Liverpool in 1945. The war is finally turning and the city is awash with American GIs, but this is still the world of ration books, shortages and make do and mend. In this cold and austere world, naïve and immature Rita lives

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 17 - Apr. 23)

I've been sitting here at the computer staring at it for about 10 minutes  Is this what writers block is to all you authors out there? Not like I'm creating anything that will be talked about, reviewed, commented on or anything like what you all put out there day after day. I'm sure the Writers Circle has a ton of topics on how to get over writers block and then I think of all the interviews Cia has done where she asks Authors what they do to tackle this hurdle or get in the mood . Just is


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

My Daily Bread Crumbs 23 Apr 2022

April 23rd 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Adalbert of Prague[38] Felix, Fortunatus, and Achilleus George[29] Blessed Giles of Assisi Gerard of Toul Ibar of Beggerin (Meath) Toyohiko Kagawa (Episcopal and Lutheran Church) St George's Day (England) and its related observances:[29] La Diada de Sant Jordi (Cat


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 265

Character Development

I've been away on a writing course this week and would like to share some of the exercises we did. Much of it was concerned with character development. Here's one of the first ones we did: Close your eyes. See a character walking towards you. At first, they are indistinct, then as they come closer, you start to pick out some features. What are they wearing? What do they look like? As they come closer still, notice their face and hair, the texture of their skin. Closer still, what do they sm


Mawgrim in Writing

Part 1

When writing, there are rules based on the experiences of countless authors from several literary periods on one hand and the expectations of readers that are somewhat trained in what stories look like. While it’s never bad advice to play along, for the most part, good writing oftentimes resorts to some unusual surprises. That’s where stories might shine. Don’t always tell the same old story and dare to break some rules https://gayauthors.org/story/sammy-blue/gemini/ is partly a very c


Zuri in writing tips


Plagiarism It was a very very long time ago but I can remember the whole issue vividly, because when I really sat down and gave it some deep thought...I was kind of conflicted about the idea. And maybe I still I am to a degree where it's still pretty hard to decide whether or not I'd be willing to say 'never say never'. And that had to do with a few Diet Coke commercials on TV and a rapidly growing technology that was suddenly brought to a screeching stop just as it was becoming something un


Comicality in Writing Tips

My Daily Bread Crumbs 22 Apr 2022

April 22nd 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Further information: April 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Acepsimas of Hnaita and companions (Catholic Church) Arwald Epipodius and Alexander Hudson Stuck (Episcopal Church) John Muir (Episcopal Church) Opportuna of Montreuil Pope Caius[30] Pope Soter St Senorina[31] Fighter Aviation Day (Brazil) Discovery Day (Brazil)[32]


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April 22nd - Introduction Line

Sometimes the story is outlined on paper or in our head, but how to begin? The first sentence should engage the reader without revealing too much or boring them to death. This time we’ll do it the other way around. PT #41a Pick an introductory sentence from a favorite book on your shelf at home or a story on GA and use it to start a short story or vignette. And because it’s still April: PT#41b Choose the first line of any poem and continue to write a poem of yo


Aditus in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 21 Apr 2022

April 21st 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Further information: April 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Abdecalas Anastasius Sinaita Anselm of Canterbury Beuno Conrad of Parzham Holy Infant of Good Health Shemon Bar Sabbae Wolbodo Civil Service Day (India) Grounation Day (Rastafari) Heroic Defense of Veracruz (Mexico) Kang Pan-sok's Birthday (North Korea) Karti


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 263

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