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  • Myr

    Non-Fiction Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Non-Fiction Top read Sub-genres since Feb 2024. Top 7 Most Read Non-Fiction - Autobiography is a self-written account of one's life. Takes stock of the autobiographer's life from the moment of composition. While biographers generally rely on a wide variety of documents and viewpoints, autobiography may be based entirely on the writer's memory. An Advent Calendar by Aditus Complete Pride Month, and other Haibun by AC Benus Temporary Hold Second Sight: Remember
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  • Cia

    June Signature Feature: Spirit of Fire by Stellar

    By Cia

    For some June is a month where it heats up, others it's a month of change... so this story is perfect! Then again, those are just a few tidbits on the surface, and if you've ever read a novel by Stellar, you know there's so much more underneath. Why not sink into this LONG story posted a few years ago? Length: 196,536 Description: With a life that is almost painfully normal and unremarkable, 16 year old Torsten has no reason to believe in anything out of the ordinary. Then, a ser
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Be Our Guest

@AC Benus was kind enough to start off our guest prompts during National Poetry Writing Month with a couple of poetry prompts.  Since the Prompt Team started, we've had a few members send us prompt suggestions, so we thought it was time we featured one of them. If you have any ideas for prompts, please feel free to send them to myself, Aditus, or Cole Matthews, and you may be featured in a future edition of the prompt blog.  All types of prompts are welcome - creative, word lists, poetry, techni


Valkyrie in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 26 May 2022

May 26th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox) Lambert of Vence Peter Sanz (one of Martyr Saints of China) Philip Neri Pope Eleutherius Quadratus of Athens Zachary, Bishop of Vienne May 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Independence Day, commemorates t


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 298

Grammar Guide 21 - The End of the Sentence

We are going to do a really simple Grammar Guide this week.  We're going to talk about the end of the sentence. There are three common ways to end a sentence.  A period. An exclamation point! A question mark? First up, the round dot at the end of your sentence is the period.  A period is used when the sentence states a fact or makes a command. Each sentence in this paragraph ends in a period. Next up, the question mark: ❓ Sentences that ask a question or display doubt e


Myr in Grammar Guide

My Daily Bread Crumbs 25 May 2022

May 25th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Africa Day (African Union) African Liberation Day (African Union, Rastafari) Christian feast day: Aldhelm Bede Canius Dionysius of Milan Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad Gerard of Lunel Madeleine Sophie Barat Mary Magdalene de Pazzi Maximus (Mauxe) of Évreux Pope Boniface IV


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 297

Book Review: The Long Firm by Jake Arnott

Harry Starks is the quintessential 1960s London gangster, an Eastender, thuggish, violent, sharply dressed and homosexual, but he also loves Ethel Merman, Judy Garland and opera music. This novel tells his story from the 1960s until the early 1980s, portraying the changing face of London’s organised crime. In the 1960s he’s a racketeer, running cons and criminal corruption, but he has a pathetic desire for respectability too, first through his nightclub, at the wrong end of Soho, and then throug

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

My Daily Bread Crumbs 24 May 2022

May 24th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Aldersgate Day/Wesley Day (Methodism) Battle of Pichincha Day (Ecuador) Bermuda Day (Bermuda), celebrated on the nearest weekday if May 24 falls on the weekend. Christian feast day: Anna Pak Agi (one of The Korean Martyrs) Donatian and Rogatian Jackson Kemper (Episcopal Church) Joanna Mary, Help of Christians


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 296

My Daily Bread Crumbs 23 May 2022

May 23rd 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Aromanian National Day Christian feast day: Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church) Desiderius of Vienne Giovanni Battista de' Rossi Julia of Corsica Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler (Episcopal Church (USA)) Quintian, Lucius and Julian William of Perth May 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgi


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 295

GA's Newest Promising Author: astone2292

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating @astone2292 in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. Aaron has only been a member at GA for just under two years, but in that time he has posted over 600,000 words across eight stories. Writing mainly paranormal romances, he's the author of the popular Cerrunnos shifter story as well as his current novel Death in the Shadows, the third in his In the Shadows series. You can find all of Aaron's stories on his author pag


Graeme in News Archive

My Daily Bread Crumbs 22 May 2022

May 22nd 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Abolition Day (Martinique) Aromanian National Day[7] (marginal, celebration on May 23 is more common) Christian feast day: Castus and Emilius Fulk Humilita Michael Hồ Đình Hy (one of Vietnamese Martyrs) Quiteria Rita of Cascia Romanus of Subiaco May 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 294

Weekly Wrap Up (May 15 - May 21)

Not much to say this weekend, so we will go with the facts, just the facts ma'am  Well, I guess I can ask since in Canadia and other Commonwealth countries I do believe this is a long weekend, any plans? Kick off summer bbq's or parties? I know the US of A has theirs next weekend which is much smarter. One more week for things to warm up  So what are the plans next weekend for all my American friends? Jumping right in, Monday was an announcement by Cia of our new Classic Author Feature:


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

My Daily Bread Crumbs 21 May 2022

May 21st 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Afro-Colombian Day (Colombia) Christian feast day: Arcangelo Tadini Blessed Adílio Daronch and Manuel Gómez González Blessed Franz Jägerstätter Earliest day on which Corpus Christi can fall, while June 24 is the latest; held on Thursday after Trinity Sunday (often locally moved to Sunday). (Roman Catholic Church) Emperor Constantine I


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 293

Venting Machine

Venting Machine It'll happen at some point. Don't try to dodge it, duck it, or outrun it. You can be the nicest, most docile, most hard-working person on planet Earth...you can back out of conflicts, you can work yourself to the point of utter exhaustion trying to avoid an argument or attempt to keep the peace...but that sinister beast is going to creep up, raise its head, and find you every single time. It happens. It's never a matter of 'if'...but 'when'. And all you can do is try to find


Comicality in Writing Tips

My Daily Bread Crumbs 20 May 2022

May 20th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Abercius and Helena Alcuin of York Aurea of Ostia Austregisilus Baudilus Bernardino of Siena Ivo of Chartres Lucifer of Cagliari Sanctan May 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of Remembrance (Cambodia) Emancipation Day (Florida)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 292

Book Review: Rag and Bone by Michael Nava

Back in 1986, Michael Nava published his first novel to feature the West Coast American lawyer Henry Rios. Over the years that followed, Henry Rios featured in seven novels and all of them have been highly readable and enjoyable. But Henry Rios is not the clean-cut, all-American male lawyer who breathlessly solves murders. Henry Rios is a defense lawyer who usually defends the underdog, but that is where the similarities end. Henry Rios is Mexican, from a forcefully working-class family and

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

Roads Less Travelled - The Genre Edition

I love murder mysteries, but I love other kinds of writing as well.  Whether it's Tolkien or Asimov, I can really enjoy a good sci fi series or a great book of fantasy.  So, I'll offer up a couple of prompts in those genres.  Please simply take the kernel of the idea and play with it.  You don't need it to follow the prompt exactly.  It's the concept that's fun.  Try something different!!!   Prompt #49 - The Lycan Hunter - A werewolf hunter hears about a pack on the other side of the c

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 19 May 2022

May 19th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Calocerus (Eastern Orthodox Church) Crispin of Viterbo Dunstan (Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church; commemoration, Anglicanism) Ivo of Kermartin Joaquina Vedruna de Mas Maria Bernarda Bütler Peter Celestine Pudentiana (Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 291

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