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  • Cia

    June Signature Feature: Spirit of Fire by Stellar

    By Cia

    For some June is a month where it heats up, others it's a month of change... so this story is perfect! Then again, those are just a few tidbits on the surface, and if you've ever read a novel by Stellar, you know there's so much more underneath. Why not sink into this LONG story posted a few years ago? Length: 196,536 Description: With a life that is almost painfully normal and unremarkable, 16 year old Torsten has no reason to believe in anything out of the ordinary. Then, a ser
    • 1 comment
  • Myr

    Non-Fiction Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Non-Fiction Top read Sub-genres since Feb 2024. Top 7 Most Read Non-Fiction - Autobiography is a self-written account of one's life. Takes stock of the autobiographer's life from the moment of composition. While biographers generally rely on a wide variety of documents and viewpoints, autobiography may be based entirely on the writer's memory. An Advent Calendar by Aditus Complete Pride Month, and other Haibun by AC Benus Temporary Hold Second Sight: Remember
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Chit & Also Chat Equals An Upset "N"

Chit & Also Chat Equals an Upset “N” May 12th, 2022   I can’t believe it’s already May 12, 2022. Life seems to move faster and faster the older you get. I’ll be fifty in two and half years. Where the hell did the time go? Just yesterday I was twenty year old chasing fuzzy bunny slippers and now I’m lucky to find my slippers. Not sure if that is a euphemism. But it sounds dirty so I’ll allow it.  So I’m bald. But that’s been for like ten years now. I’m one of the lucky one

Grammar Guide 19 - More Clauses

This week we go over even more clauses. This week we continue our discussion on clauses. Clauses can be categorized by whether or not they are necessary to the meaning of the noun in the sentence.  An essential clause, also called a defining clause or a restrictive clause is essential to the meaning of the noun in the sentence. Example:  The car that I just bought in the driveway. The restrictive clause, that I just bought, distinguishes the car from any and all others.  


Myr in Grammar Guide

My Daily Bread Crumbs 11 May 2022

May 11th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Anthimus of Rome[184] Gangulphus of Burgundy[184] Majolus of Cluny[184] Mamertus, the first of the Ice Saints[184] National Technology Day (India)[185] Statehood Day (Minnesota)[186] Vietnam Human Rights Day[187]   Observances National Receptionists Day World Ego Awareness Da


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 283

My Daily Bread Crumbs 10 May 2022

May 10th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Children's Day (Maldives)[234] Christian feast day: Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus[235] Calepodius[236] Catald[237] Comgall[238] Damien of Molokai[239] Gordianus and Epimachus[240] Job (Roman Catholic Church, pre-1969 calendar)[241] John of Ávila[185] May 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturg


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 282

My Daily Bread Crumbs 09 May 2022

May 9th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Anniversary of Dianetics (Church of Scientology) Christian feast day: Beatus of Lungern Beatus of Vendome Christopher (Eastern Orthodox Church) George Preca Gerontius of Cervia Gregory of Nazianzen (The Episcopal Church (US) and traditional Roman Catholic calendar) Nicolaus Zinzendorf (Lutheran) Pac


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 281

Featured Story: Brother by Yeoldebard

What a way to start the week off with another great review from our Review Team. @chris191070 presents this months feature!   Brother by Yeoldebard Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 191,715 Here we have Jason, a neko who lost his voice and parents aged six. He's adopted by a family of wolves and things change rapidly for him. Then we have Devyn, who was born a wolf and doesn't understand the rules of his two-legged family. All of a sudden Jaso


wildone in Reviews

My Daily Bread Crumbs 08 May 2022

May 8th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Amato Ronconi Apparition of Saint Michael Arsenius the Great Desideratus Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran) Magdalene of Canossa Our Lady of Luján Peter II of Tarentaise Blessed Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Chu

Weekly Wrap Up (May 1 - May 7)

What a week it has been! We had May 1st, 4th and 5th all wrapped within the week! So before I get into N'Sync (as I was so rudely corrected about), May the Force, and Cinco De Mayo, I want to announce that spring has finally showed it's face where I live. The trees are budding, the flowers are popping up out of the ground, the bunnies are hopping around, the skunks are tooting . Also rain predicted for the rest of the week. Well, it is nice to finally catch up to most of you in the North America


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

My Daily Bread Crumbs 07 May 2022

May 7th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Agathius of Byzantium Agostino Roscelli Pope Benedict II[52] Flavia Domitilla Gisela of Hungary Harriet Starr Cannon (Episcopal Church (USA)) John of Beverley[49] Rose Venerini Stanislaus (Roman Martyrology) May 7 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) D


Heartbreak It hurts. If any of you guys have been through it, and I'm assuming that you all have at one time or another, same as me...you know just how much pain it can cause when it comes to experiencing a really painful heartbreak. I think the most damaging part behind the psychology of heartbreak itself is the fact that you have to willingly lower your defenses to truly love or be loved by anybody else. You have to break open. There's no way to truly enjoy and embrace love, while sti


Comicality in Writing Tips

My Daily Bread Crumbs 06 May 2022

May 6th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Dominic Savio Evodius of Antioch (Roman Catholic Church) François de Laval Gerard of Lunel Lucius of Cyrene Petronax of Monte Cassino St George's Day related observances (Eastern Orthodox Church): Day of Bravery, also known as Gergyovden (Bulgaria) Đurđevdan (Go

Book Review: Heterosexism in Health and Social Care

Homophobia is a word used frequently in our media, but what is meant by it? The dictionary definition is fear of someone homosexual, but Julie Fish (senior lecturer and research fellow in social work at De Montfort University, Leicester) doesn’t think it goes far enough to define the discrimination faced by lesbian, gay and bisexual people. This is the argument behind her book. In her opening chapter, Fish argues for the use of the term Heterosexism for prejudice/discrimination against LGB

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

Cinco de Mayo

May is a month full of days both fun and solemn.  We start the month with Beltane - Gaelic May Day at the approximate halfway point between spring and summer, to welcome summer, and end with Memorial Day in the US (a day we remember those who died in service of our country).  Memorial Day is also the unofficial start of summer in the US.  While not an official holiday, Star Wars fans celebrate their fandom on May the Fourth, usually by binge-watching the movies.  Another holiday growing in popul


Valkyrie in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 05 May 2022

May 5th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Children's Day (Japan, South Korea)[38][39] Christian feast day: Angelus of Jerusalem Aventinus of Tours Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice Frederick the Wise (Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod) Gotthard of Hildesheim[40] Hilary of Arles Jutta of Kulmsee Stanisław Kazimierczyk May 5 (Eastern Ort

Plans for a new book, or maybe even a new series.

After finishing the King’s Mate series, I wrote short stories for the anthologies, prompts, and collaborations with Valkyrie and Cole Matthews, mixed with some poetry. A few months ago, however, I thought it is time to start a new book. Those who know me a little are probably aware of my fascination with vampires. They will play a decisive part in the new series. I’m currently writing chapter four. As I am a slow writer due to life and the fact that English is my second language, it takes m


Aditus in writing

Big Changes for Authors Posting Stories

We have a pretty big Story Archive change arriving very soon.  We have separated Adding a story to the system and publishing.  This should finally address the issues related to setting a publishing time. First up.  You now add all the story meta data first.  If you are still in the moderation queue and the story is not yet publicly published, editing the story will remove Moderation approval if you have it. These steps are the same, except you no longer enter Prologue or Chapter


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