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  • Cia

    June CSR Feature: Sneakin by penguinsrgay

    By Cia

    So... why not throw another curveball at you? Plus I really chuckled at the username. This recently finished short story is by a newer author to GA but comes with a high recommendation in its only review... lets get some extra comments and reviews on the story this month!  Sneakin by @penguinsrgay Length: 14,472 Description: A delinquent sneaks out of his home to go shoplifting.  A Reader said: I opened this and started reading it 40 days ago when it posted. It’s taken m
    • 1 comment


Viv just texted me   She's on her way home, she said it snowed all weekend   anyway, she should be home in like 3 hours so im staying up to ay hi



lets put this to a vote.

So Chaz wants me and him to share this blog. I said I'd put it to a vote.   Let me know how many of you want us to share it, and how many of you want him to get his own.   GREEN



Chris is home! And stuff..

8:18AM! Thats when the door opened this morning and Chris walked through!   Ben I took you advice and did the Post It note thing. I layed a trail for him last night, little post it's stuck to the walls and doors telling him which items of clothing to remove and when to remove them   Reaching the bedroom he was down to just his boxers, laughing hystericaly. The last note on our bedroom door was the important one telling him to drop the underwear. Entering the room (Naked) he lept the remanin



Conversations from the dog house.

I fell asleep after the most boring night in my life. I woke this morning after a long night of tossing and turning. The first thing I do is put my arm on what used to be Chaz's side of the bed. Fully expecting him not to be there but I felt something there. A body and it was breathing lightly on the back of my head. I turned to see who it was.   "Hello," he said.   I was shocked. First I didn



rescue efforts... just in case

Today I need to be quick... not eloquent   I posted the next chapter, chapter 12... WOW I can't believe it, as promised for you to all hopefully enjoy while I am freezing my ass off on some mountain all weekend! :wacko:   I hope Rich doesn't kill my sister while I'm gone... but at least Tony will be home to wear the referee shirt for the weekend.   I got my hair done today and it looks sooooooooooooooo awesome! I know it's funny, and I only go about once a year, but I swear I still can



Car trouble

Umm woops!     I kinda had a little accident today and kinda totaled my car   Im perfectlly fine (No worrying Viv!)   I was driving to work this afternoon after having my lunch break, and well was driving down the road about 45mph, when I guess I got a little close to the inside kerb, well my tire clipped it and wheeeee I bounced across the lane into the crash barrier.   The car hit the barrier then spun round a couple times hitting the other barrier finally coming to a stop. Someo



So what do you want from me!

I want to thank you guys for everything. I am taking everything you guys are taking to heart. Libb You are totally right and I am taking yours to heart most of all. Sometimes you need someone to make yousee how stupid you are and I thank you for that. I thought on everything that was said and I thought back on my previous relationships. I pushed Julio away too. He wanted to be there for me as much as I needed to be there for him but I never let him and look where that ended.   I wrote a lette



"Sometimes I Wish For A Mistake"

"I always thought I'd be a mom Sometimes I wish for a mistake The longer that I wait the more selfish that I get You seem like you'd be a good dad   Now all those simple things are simply too complicated for my life How'd I get so faithful to my freedom? A selfish kind of life When all I ever wanted was the simple things A simple kind of life "   ~A Simple Kind of Life by No Doubt   For someone who's so basically completely unconventional and who prides himself on his individuality




I parked my car in front of my house this morning. Selene is there and she runs towards my car. When I step out of it she hits me hard across my head. I walked away from her she was angry. She walked back over to me and hit me again. Then she hugged me. She told me not to ever do that again, then she took off.   When I walked into the house I walked into the worst thing I could ever see. My boyfriend sitting in the living room talking to my mother worried about me. It broke my heart even more



lol....Im making some doctor rich

I guess first I should say Happy Valentines Day to everyone..... I have to wake my bf up in a few minutes and we have to begin the dreaded walk to his house where we part for the evening and I dont get to see him again until tomorrow afternoon sometime, so I thought I would get on and make an entry. If you read my last entry, you'd know that I had to go to the hospital and get stitches because Im such a knuckle head.....well, I got to get out of school early today to go for my checkup or whate



The things you never know. Part One

I sat down with my mother last night and we talked. I told her everything. She cried which really made me sad, but what really broke my heart was when she asked me to stay and watch a movie with her. It was important to herthat I stay. We watched the movie me and her watched the night my father told us he was leaving. The Liar came in at one point and he looked at us. I dont know something in him looked real sad. I noticed that before he walked away. We didnt talk about him last night but my mo



'V' Day

If you've read Viv's entry you might be wondering what she's talking about...   Well I thought this valentines day was going to toally suck.   Chris got called away by work on sunday for a full week, which of course means Im alone for today   So I chaneled my energys into writing a little story for a yahoo group. Its seems Viv and a few others liked it so thats helped to make my day suck a little less   But! The big thing thats helped make today great is... of course... Chris!   At w



Happy 'V' Day and stuff...

Ugh! I just ate sooooooo much ice cream... spumoni from this yummy italian restaurant we go to. It is so good and I couldn't stop myself! :wacko:   So, first of all, Happy Valentine's Day!!! To everyone!   I am SO proud of Davey! Just an amazing effort from an amazing little brother with an amazing heart and a way to use a crappy situation and turn it into something that's just... AMAZING!!! If you want to know what he did... ask him! It's his news to share... but SO YAY sweetie! A se



Slow Motion.

I thought about everything that happned last night. My mental break down. I reread what I had written. It really felt good to write that but In the same sense it made me think about where I was mentally last night. I could have easily told my friends yet I am always hesitant to hinder then with my problems. This si why I feel like I am losing my mother. I wanted to tell her so many times in the past week but I always failed at it.   I came home today with every intention of telling my friends



A Dozen Long Stem Artichokes

I don't get flowers. I mean obviously I don't get flowers since A) I'm not in a relationship and B ) even if I were I don't think guys recieve them that often. However, by "get" I didn't mean "recieve"; I actually meant "understand". I don't understand flowers. Oh, I get that society has attached a special significance to their reception from that special someone, and as such I would be thoroughly delighted to recieve flowers from a boyfriend. Yet, all of the pleasure would be derived from



Alright, I'm sick of this crap

You all know and are probably in love with my dog Xander. Well every so often, Jayne (my brother's dog and Xander's mommy) gets loose and runs off. Xander never having to toughen up from being taken from his mom like the rest of his siblings, has always been a mommy's boy. In being so, whenever Jayne runs off, so does he, but only running for his life to keep up with her, and usually crying as he runs . Otherwise, if he's not on a leash, he just stays in the yard like the good boy he is. Well s



I need to get this off my chest.

Two weeks ago I found out I had three tumors on my back. In my mind as the doctor told me I saw myself dying and I accepted that. I mean I didn




Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! EWW!   Last night my cat was kind of freaking out, we could hear him scurrying around at the end of the hallway, and Rich even went down there once to find out what was going on and came back shrugging. So I went down there to go to the bathroom and the cat is still being freaky and when I turned on the light OMG!! He is batting around this 'thing' on the bathroom floor. I literally have to shove the cat out of the way with my



Throw your son out of a chair why don't cha?

So dinner, yes dinner. Dinner turned into an unexpected disaster that ended with me falling out of my chair, and me yelling and me hitting the Liar with my fist.   I went to my mothers house because apparently she wanted to cook for me. I was weary of this but as I wrote before I wanted to talk to my stepfather about her behavior. So much to my surprise the Liar is there cooking with my mother. My stepfather had to stay late at work. So I said crap just get it over with. Naturally I called Ch



Uncomfortable at home!

My mother called me and asked me to come over. She said she needed help going through some of the stuff we have in the attick, you know old furniture and pictures my mom has. I know this was an effort to get us close again, and I caved in. I mean she was reaching.   Chaz, Selene and David invited themselves as usual. I really don't know what they were planning on finding. I dont have alot of pictures. I dont take them. Its a personal thing for me. I have an average of two pictures taken of m



Language Overload

Well my first Latin test is tomorrow. I'm really rather concerned about it. Mostly because I don't think I'm that ready for it AND because now I feel like I'm going to disappoint my professor. But it'll work out, I'm going to study a little bit more before bed and hopefully it'll be enough. On the bright side he's allowing us to use our Latin dictionaries for the test. Which is awesome because, truth be told, I never bothered to learn my noun endings (something I should have done at the b



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