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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 16 - Jun. 22)

    By wildone

    Is it just me or is it dark in here ? Where is my menu bar? Well the say that things that don't change go stale, so keep that in mind at times when you hate change  Wait, Google is dark for me too! My Documents is empty 😮 WTF 😮  A bit of a surprise when I logged in tonight. I mean everything else I have is in dark mode, so why not GA, right? The thing is, I don't know what I did or if I can reverse it   I do have urgent matters to attend to tonight  so we are going to to do short and t

The Shadow Boys One: A Conversation In Heaven

I found the place hidden at the end of that alley. Twelve Shadow Place, a small theater that went by the name Shadow Theater. The place had definitely seen better days. The gold paint on the door was chipping and the box office glass was cracked. The marquee read THE SHADOW BOYS EXCLUSIVE ONE NIGHT ENGAGEMENT   My boyfriend had sent me a letter asking me to meet him here. I anxiously paced back and forth this place was giving me the creeps. There was no one here. In fact I had



possible threat to national safety!

Okay, so Rich and I chat while he is at work throughout the day...   Rich: Hey sexy...   Viv: blush! hi honey   Rich: Coming to see me for lunch today?   Viv: hmmmmmmm, i could... or you could come home...   Rich: I could... or you could come see me:-)   Viv: are you asking me out? i'm a married woman!   Rich: if thats what it takes Dont look at it as a date, just two adults getting together to do whatever it is two consenting adults do   Viv: hmmmm! I bet you say that to all



Brokeback Mountain

I saw "Brokeback Mountain" this past Saturday evening, and the movie was early sold out when I reserved my tickets online early that morning. I have to say that it was one of the most moving films I've seen, regardless of the subject matter. Ang Lee is truly a remarkable director. It's amazing to me how realistically he captured the culture, way of life, and sentiment of the American West and cowboy lifestyle, considering that he's Taiwanese. I also admired that he portrayed it as a "love story"



Funny Moments From the Last Year

So I was just in one of those reminiscent moods this evening and I got to thinking of all the funny little moments in my life over the last year or so. SO for your reading pleasure, and in the spirit of my reminiscing, I'll recount a few.   ************************************************** Setting and background: Me, Kim and a couple of other co-workers were all at work and somehow the conversation turned to underwear.   Kim: "My pants are so lose, I wish I'd worn some cuter underwear to



On curtains and pituitary glands

So I just found out today that this whole thing with the mine fire in WV has made national news. I haven't even been paying all that much attention to it. In case I'm not the only one, http://edition.cnn.com/2006/US/01/20/mine.fire/index.html Last I heard, they weren't releasing the names of the people who are missing, but as it turns out I'm sort-of-but-not-really related to one of them. He's my sister-in-law's something or other. I've never heard of him personally. We went to the same high sc



DIYS-ing and Classes

***so this probably won't really be very interesting to anyone, but I still wanted to post it just in the general "journal" sorta way people do, ignore it unless you've got extra time on your hands or think I'm a much better storyteller than I'm guessing I am.***   So last night I was just getting into the shower. I'd adjusted the water temp. and I pulled the stopper up on the faucet to turn on the shower stream and......the little plastic washer thing that blocks up the water and makes it go



it's started davey...

Okay, well I posted chapter 9 last night. I hope you're all enjoying it That was my penis envy chapter... but I'm sorta really proud of it, and I have received some... excited reviews so I guess it was what I wanted it to be.   As for the next chapter it will probably be another week still, and I'm apologizing in advance, NOW, for the way that it ends... but, Davey made me do it! The few people I have shared ahead with have said that we can't stop right there... and it's a good thing that



A monster who needs his meat cut up

This afternoon when I got home from school I was soooooo hungry, so I opened the refridgerator and looked inside to see what there was to eat. I found some leftover steaks from last night so I had my stepmom heat two of them up for me. I don't know if it was because she heated them up wrong, or because she didn't add enough salt to them, but when I took my first bite, I didn't bother chewing because I was so hungry, and I got a huge chunk of unchewed steak stuck in my throat, making it hard for




Have you ever been on a little trip where every thing seems to go wrong? Well we were at the start of the week. All the little things that went against our plan just made it more fun.   Firstly, I screwed up the train times on our way out, so we had like a 4 hour wait between trains. We spent this time grabbing a nice dinner, a couple of drinks then playing pool and arcade games. Then JUST making it back for our connecting train.   So we got to our destination at 11PM our friends were ther



Justin at last; happy half birthday xander

As you may have noticed, my last blog entry was a long time ago....reason for being that my life turned boring and that I was really busy with finals, lol.   Anyway, YES!!! I knew it was coming, but alas it's finally here....second semester and finally some school time with JUSTIN! Before now, the only time I saw him was in the morning for Chorus (which I didn't even get to sit by him in, and still don't ) and during 1st quarter lunch. Come 2nd quarter and I was reduced to Chorus and no lun



The Impaler?

In case anyone hasn't seen this yet, it's way too funny to miss.   http://www.jonathonforgovernor.us/Home_page.html   I honestly don't know if it'd be funnier if this guy took himself seriously or if it was all a joke. I think my favorite part is, "As I have previously stated, I am evil. However, I prefer to unleash my evil side upon terrorists and criminals. Not the innocent."



A Boyfriend or a Playmate

So today was totally amazing!   I had work, which was pretty much uneventful. Then as I was about to leave, Amber came in for her shift. I hadn't seen her in about 3 weeks. See she basically transferred to our other location, but was filling in for someone. Well I pretty much had felt like it was all for the best, that she'd made it more or less clear she wasn't interested in being close friends anymore, and that I (and she) was better off. Then I saw her. I had a reaction which rather t



I Have Something Up My Sleeve!

So I've been dabbling with some things and I found an old short story of mine. I forgot that I even wrote this story. I read it and it Inspired me to come up with three more story ideas. I'm only going to post these in my blog. My friend Jonathan wipped the artwork up for me in an hour.       So look forward for the first story in a few days as I Write and edit them.   GREEN   P.S. one is going to be loosely based on my lovely bf.



Taipei weather is insane!

It's been really warm here the past few days ... I swear, I hate the weather in Taiwan! Just last week, I had to wear layers of clothes just to keep barely warm, since they don't have heating here (and I won't get one of those space heaters 'cause I don't trust my cats around them). The past two days, though, have been really warm. I've had to open the windows, which hasn't really helped much (plus they're letting in a lot of mosquitoes) ... I've contemplated turning on the air-conditioner, but



Jealousy, Strippers, Fever, Accidents and Devils!

I had a crazy night last night. I was almost arrested for assault by a male stripper. Yeah A male stripper dressed like a cop. I went to a bachelorette party at the request of a friend. Chaz decided that he needed to go too so we went. As it turned out it was not a bachelor party but a surprise party. I was a little annoyed at first but when I saw all of the hardwork that myfriends went through this year just to keep it from me I decided why not, just have fun. Alright I've never seen Chaz jeal



I need something to bitch about

So, I read Snow Dog's and Nick's blogs tonight, and they both have problems in their lives, and it made me realize how lucky I am. I mean, I really don't have any problems right now. Well sure, I had problems in the past, but they are staying in the past. And my mom may be a little crazier than your average shithouse rat, but she stills love me to death. So in essence right now I am complaining about having nothing to complain about. Ironic, eh?   In other news, I have a new name for Assh



Thoughts I can't control

I know this is kinda depressing, but I decided to write this here because it's my blog, and I feel like this is a good place to get things off of my mind that I don't feel comfortable talking about with too many other people.   I've been thinking about my mom a lot lately, and it's kinda had me bummed out. I know that there's no way to go back in time or to bring her back, but I have so many questions that I know I can never get the answers to. It's like Rory in DD, but I wasn't ever lied to b



Next on the List

So it's not going perfectly, but I gotta say I think I'm doing better with my New Year's resolutions than I usually do. I resolved to:   1)Basically quit drinking except in very safe social situations. I mean I never thought I was drinking excessively, heck I think I only got drunk three times all of last year. I guess what was concerning me was that I really got to the point that I'd crave a margarita a couple of times a week, and if no one wanted to get one with me, I got to the point I'd



Few things, story business mostly.

How would you guys feel about a story that I could post here in my blog? I have a couple ideas for a blog series. I could post a new short chapter here every few days. Please let me know what you think. I could also break up one of my series for posting.   Speaking of stories I am also preparing to add My Story A hero In the hallways to the GA archive. It will be my first addition. I am working with a new editor named Richard and I'm hoping to be able to polish and post it here soon. A Hero



Old Tennis Balls

You ever just find yourself with pointless clutter that you don't know what to do with. I mean you don't need the random objects anymore (if you ever did at all), but there's nothing wrong with them so you hate to throw them away, but then they're so random you don't really have a "place" for them.   See tonight I decided I was going to thoroughly clean up my room, and ruthlessly throw away all the old junk I don't need. Then I'm going to my kitchen, and dumping all the stuff in my pantry



good book?

Wrapped in a pink and orange, argyle, fleece blanket to keep warm, I'm always cold. I walk down the hallway acrosss the old creaky, wooden floor to my living room looking for some tissues. I find some and make my way to the kitchen where I find Rich, getting laundry from the dryer to be folded and put away, hung in closets. It's midnight now. I've been home from work for two and a half hours and while Rich and Tony are playing Nintendo and laughing with each other, an amazing sound that makes me




Today as I came home from my little excursion with the family my friend David asked me if I could go with him to spy on our friend Rob. David got it in his head that Rob was cheating. I of course said yes so he could see how much of an idiot he was. Rob has been spending some time working with some kids part time so he could earn enough money to take David to the Bahamas for his birthday.   So knowing full well that this could spoil the surprise I decided I would go. Nothing amuses me more tha



I hate Rory

It's been a while since I posted. My life has been extremely uneventful lately.   The episode of CSI Thursday night made me cry. It inspired me to begin writing a tear-jerker. Well, begin another one. I've already started like three. That's about all that has happened. I don't have to take my English final becuase I exempted it. I am happy. I am sad that I had to go back to school, though. dk;fbjkfjkag;ikbnfngnerkbuir.   -psychic psychopath



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