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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (May 26 - Jun. 1)

    By wildone

    I now know why I was so giddy last week. The fact is I think that @Valkyrie is the reason why   See, she found this silly little web page all about otters, Called In Otter News. It is all about an otter named Steve and his friends  Some are actual pictures, other are cartons of him.   So every day the last couple of weeks, I check throughout the day and get my chuckles. So thanks for that Val  If it wasn't you, then I will retract my thank you and send to the correct person

The natives are restless

As Kitty mentioned to me in an e-mail (along with the final edit of Ch. 7), "the natives are getting restless." So I'll be posting Ch. 7 on Wednesday evening (which would be Thursday morning for me, Taiwan time ... hehe) It's the longest chapter so far, and I hope everyone enjoys it. It'll be up on my own web site first, and then probably a day or so later on my GA shared member hosting page.   I'm also working on a (long) short story right now. I'm about halfway finished (I think). I'm alread



sexy details...

So, last weekend while I was sitting outside the grocery store for SIX hours selling cookies... I picked up a magazine to read... They had this article in it that allowed three couples of different levels of commitment and length of time answer this questionaire... I thought it would be fun so I made Rich do it with me He's answering his portion right now and keeps telling me not to peek, giggle! I think the man needs a voting booth and a curtain the way he is hiding his answers   Anyway, I




Chaz and I drove back to his home town today. He wanted me to meet his friends. Yes this includes his ex girlfriend. I only agreed with the condition that I could see his grandparents. I love his grandparents and I really wanted to see them, plus we have a card rematch to take care off.   Chaz said that he would take me if they were around as they go on trips every other month and this one was the other month. I agreed and we were off. His grandparents weren't home they're in Chicago right now



Original Post from some nut job

They called me an idiot. They said I was crazy. They filed a restraining order prohibiting me from coming within 500 feet of them. But now my right-wing grandparents are eating some serious geriatric crow, for recently obtained videos prove once and for all that Bush not only knew about the existence of Hurricane Katrina days in advance, but personally steered the storm into New Orleans to kill as many poor, inner-city Blacks as possible.   Up until now, the Shrub has maintained a false fa



I Must Have Been Really Loud Before

So today at work a friend/coworker came up to me and said, "you seem quiet today, everything okay?". The odd thing is this seems to be par for the course the last month or so. It seems like lately every time I turn around someone's saying how quiet I'm being and making sure I'm not upset about something. And I'm really not upset, mad, unhappy, sick, or worried. Heck I don't even think I was being that quiet today. I was completely responsive and friendly to everyone. I may not have been fo



He thinks he's sweet...

I woke up this morning to find my boyfriend sitting next to me Indian style watching me. After I jumped across the room from fear I sat down next to him. I exhaled and I asked him why he did what he did? First he pulls out a check made out to what I had spent. I tore it up and handed it back to him. He frowned and then he pulled out a couple Styrofoam cartons filled with breakfast food. He also pulled out a rose. I had to give it to him because he was trying to get to me but I am not forgetting.



feeling chattty...

First off, I started my entry for the spring anthology and I'm super excited already! The only down side is... I don't want FBTE to get left behind. I'm going to try my very hardest to get them both worked on... Have no fear!   So I was chatty with Rich today while he was at work...   Rich: whats fer lunch? Viv: whatchya wantin'? Rich: something warm Rich: or maybe even... Rich: hot Viv: awwwwwww, you say the sweetest things honey Rich: thats me, mr say the sweetest things Viv: so



Finally finished!

WOO-HOO! I finally finished the rough draft of my Ph.D. research proposal, and have sent it on to my thesis editor. Now everything (including the last few chapters of my thesis) are in her hands, so now I just have to sit back and wait for her to send me the corrections. I still have to start doing some reading to prepare for the written exam, but that only counts for about 30% of the score for the entrance exam. The other 70% or so is based on your oral exam (discussing your M.A. thesis, resear



Uselessness of it all...

:nuke: Chaz and I are not talking right now. We had an argument last night. I had planned this whole romantic day including a limo, a fancy restaurant and a B&B. He never showed up. He never called me and I found him yesterday morning sleeping on my doorstep. He had forgotten his keys and he still didn't think he did anything wrong.   I asked him where he was and he told that he went out with some old friends. Which is totally fine with me except when he knows that I had planned something



If it ain't Baroque...

You didn't really think I was actually going to make such a horrible pun, did you?   I'm really blogging way too much lately. Maybe I'm becoming something of an egotist. Anyway, last night I went to this party, and I think there were probably a good 40 people crammed into this apartment, and most of them I'd never seen before in my life. Most of them the girl that I knew who lived there had never seen before in her life. A lot of them were these frat guy types, who I have to say are not my fav



My Anthology Entry

Ok, so I did it...I finished my anthology entry and now it's off to Kitty...I hope it's good enough to get published     I worked super hard on it, and i wanted to try something original. The theme was a day of silence, as most of you know, and i thought it was kinda generic, so I decided to go at it from a different angle. I'm hoping people like it. Also, I can't wait to post it in the short stories section of my new and improved Nick's Story Page   So anyway, besides that, I'm super tic



My newest project

Warning:::: No rant ahead this time   Alright, so I've been working to make my stories better through my editor, Talonrider, the greatest editor of all time IMO. While he's been working his butt off on my story, he's also been working hard to get me hosted on some really awesome sites, including CRVboy and his site, The Talon House. There's no way I could ever pay him back for all of his hard work and his patience with my bad spelling and grammer. While he's been doing all of that for me, I'



I hate people

The idiot kids who live across the hall from me are having some loud, drunken party. I was okay with this, for now, cause I stay up pretty late anyway. Then I heard sort of a scratching sound coming from my door, and went and looked out the peephole. There were like 8 people standing right outside my door and one of them was stealing one of the numbers off the door! (they're stickers) Then he yells really loudly (for me? just cause he was drunk and being loud?) "I've got the 0 in my wallet!" and



They don't know..... They don't understand.......

Ok, so I'm kinda gonna go on another rant, but on a different subject, so here goes...warning, rant ahead   I was sitting alone in the breakroom at work (because i cant stand to be in there when my supervisors in there since she stinks the place up with her ciggerrettes) and I was thinking about my life and what it's about right now. I mean, I'm definitely doing different things with it, and I'm happy about what I'm doing...I'm even managing to keep up with my homework even though I dont seem



sneezing bunnies-the most pathetic thing ever

I'm sort of freaking out because I think my bunny is sick. Earlier today he was making these really pathetic and scary whimpering noises, and he's been sneezing a lot. I thought maybe he was just whining because we got him a new brand of hay that he's been more or less refusing to eat, and he stopped when I gave him a carrot, but now there's the sneezes, which sound kind of wet. Every time he starts I have to force myself not to call the boyfriend at work in a panic. We don't have a functional c




We're having a great time here at the beach. It's still cold as hell but at least we are having fun. Selene finally found us we wouldn't have let her in but it was cruel to leave her out in the cold with her daughter so we let her in. Green and I love her daughter, she's so cute. Selene yelled at us because of the Dragon breath remarks we have made. I pointed out that neither of us lied. She thought it was rude of us to mention it. I wouldn't have if it wasn't for the fact that it kept me up all



My Internet History

It was early 2000, and I was a sophmore in high school. One of our cats suddenly got very sick and since the vet in our town was closed, my mom and I drove to the city of my aunt and cousin to take her to the all night emergency clinic. After dropping her off we go and visit my aunt and cousin and the four of us play the card game rook, which I hadn't done in about 4 or 5 years. Playing it makes me remember just how much fun it is, and what ashame we never play anymore. "But wait" I think, "




We're here we're here at the cold beach. Oh it's freezing so we arent going to venture outside anytime soon. I am working on some artwork for my site and Chaz is writing a couple of papers he has due. So everything is calm here. No drama and I am very happy with that.   My ankle is good enough that I can walk on it and I don't get dizzy every time I stand up anymore. As predicted Selene called me this morning asking where the beach house is. I didn't tell her but Chaz saw her drive by the hou




This is not what we really look like but Jonathan made it and I thought it was cool.   Here is the real reason for this though.       For those that follow my Story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song 2. The next couple of chapters are going to be the turning point to the series. Things are happening that cannot be undone and when it's all over things will not be the same.   GREEN



An exciting day ... NOT!

Today was probably the most eventful day I've had in a while ... I went to see my doctor this morning to get a refill on my sleeping pills (I have really bad insomnia sometimes). It's 2:23 AM now and I'm still not ready to sleep, but I have to wake up at 6:30 to get ready for work ... so apparently the medication isn't helping very much.   I also managed to trek over to the supermarket, Carrefour (a French supermarket chain, although it's unfortunately been "Taiwan-ified"). I had to go because



My thought process and the deleted Blog Entry

Warning.....Rant Ahead   Ok, the first thing i want to say is that I had a completely different entry written and even posted but not published. I deleted it because I didn't want to cause any trouble and hurt anyones feelings. I guess that's how I am. I have a lot to be angry about (in my mind) but I don't want to express all of it because I don't want to cause problems for everyone else.....if I can't handle whatever it was I made my deleted entry about, I can always stop coming here and ask




My boyfriend in a drunken act of Genius has hurt himself. Green fell down the stairs and broke his leg. My boyfriend thought that he could jump the last five steps. He hit himself with the ceiling and fell, spraining his ankle when he fell on it. He also has a concussion. Our trip is no more, but at least we get the house to ourselves. I get to cater to my wonderful but slightly stupid boyfriend.   I really don't know what compelled him to jump. I saw it in slow motion his head hit the ceil



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