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  • Cole Matthews

    Conflicted or Confident

    By Cole Matthews

    With effective writing, our characters should always try to show, and not tell, the reader how they are feeling.  Verbal expressions are the simplest and most direct way, like stuttering or announcing things.  But, there are certain actions and reactions in the body, which are even more efficient at conveying a character's feelings.  I've decided to give you a couple of opposite feelings to work with.   Here are physical clues for you to use portraying your character's state of being.  Feel

I cry a lot

I finally saw "Rent" tonight, and I cried. And cried, and cried, and cried. It was so sad. "Without You" is my new favorite song. I mean, I had always known about it, I just didn't like it as much as I do now that I've seen it in context. Now I feel all empowered, and I want to write really sad songs and stories. I'll get started on that right away. It could take a while.   Well, that's all for this entry.   -psychic psychopath



Dance, Dance

So pretty much all my life I've liked really lively, fast, up tempo music. Which means I was actually very much into the "pop punk" scene because even though the lyrics are usually a little grim, the beat is (IMO) infectious. Actually I usually like the lyrics too, they may be dark, but they're usually witty and full of word play. Anyway as a result of my musical preferences few people would describe me as a sophisticated listener. Does that matter? Nope not a bit, I like it and that's all



Avante Guarde Turkey

Hello everyone I hope your thanksgivings were good. Mine was very good even if it was weird. I went to mycousins house in NY I arrived about ten on wednesday night. I arrived to a party that was apparently in full swing. There were alot of people there. I'm introduced and then left to my vices which included drinking heavily spiked eggnog and talking to the people in the party. I can't remember any of them.   The next day I woke to a pretty crappy hangover and the smell of food. I took a show




So, I went to the buttcrack of America for Thanksgiving today...my uncle's house. And as much as I like buttcracks, this one was not very fun.   My family is absolutely crazy. Ok, Snow Dog knows exactly how crazy my mom is; extremely. However, my mom looks like an amateur in comparison with the rest of my family. The craziest is by far my grandma. We were just talking about this amazingly annoying kid I used to go to school with, and my grandma says, "It's raining in New York."   My sis



forever friends

Alright, I'll admit it... I'm worried... It seems like I do an awful lot of that lately and while the actual worrying is no fun at all, especially for me cause it's like a million times worse than for a normal person, I realized that it's because I have so many people I care about... that's a GOOD thing right?! I said... RIGHT! I guess I should also admit, since I'm admitting stuff , that I have absolutely wasted the last two days and gotten almost nothing written at all. Partly because I h



another move, and family sucks

So I'm sort of obscenely excited right now. I think I'm going back to Pittsburgh soon. (I hope, I hope.) The bf looked at an apartment today that's in the building right next to the one where we were sharing with the evil roommates. It sounds pretty decent, and the move would be easy, and we could go ahead and leave all our crap in the basement of the other building. Supposedly he can sign the lease tomorrow, and I dunno when he'd be moving exactly, but probably next week, or the week after. The



Who's got the license now?

I don't know how many of you I told, but a couple weeks ago I had the most minor fender bender possible - I pull up behind a lady at a stop light and I dint realize how close I was and I bumped her maybe going 5 mph and put a tiny scratch, thas it, on her fender...the lady was really pissed at first but she was really surprisingly nice to me by the cop had wasted half our night away. The f**kin cop gave me a $94 ticket for careless driving to be an asshole and another ticket that shouldnt have



So I Told Her

Well first off I want to thank Michael, Nick and Reaper very very much for the supportive comments they made. It really meant alot to me and made things easier, Thanks guys .   So anyway I decided I'd tell her this afternoon when I got home from work,,,,,,and I did. And it was really good. I'd prepared myself for the possibility of crying, or something. I even tried to think it would be normal and OK if there was some yelling or something. But none of that ever happened. I successfully



late night coffee.

I couldn't sleep the other night so I decided to go get some coffee but there wasn't any in the house. I really wanted it so Idecided to go to Seven Eleven to pick up a can. On My way there I almost hit a cat who appparently is suicidal bacuse after I braked it kept putting itself in front of my car.   So after five minutes of this I guess the cat put it's life in perspective and decided it was best to live. So he walked away. Fine so I'm still five blocks away when a man pull up next to me a



O Come O Come Emmanuel pt. 2

This is going to be a really long blog entry. I saw Harry Potter 4 Friday Night, and I must say that Daniel Radcliffe is quite yummy. He has a little bit of hair just around his nipples and it is really hot.   Because I saw Harry Potter, I only got three hours of sleep Friday Night, which was really bad because I had an academic team competition Saturday. My team was one of freshmen, and we beat lots of varsities from other schools. We ended up getting 5th or 6th, though. We lost twice to



I may tell her

So my mom just got here a little while ago. She's going to be staying until Wednesday, then going home for Thanksgiving (And I'll be going too Thursday morning). Anyway she's visiting for a little while, as a kinda vacation thing, and just to visit. It's quite nice and it should be fun. But I can't help thinking that perhaps now is when I ought to come out to her. I mean I never even considered it before last summer, when I actually got inspired enough to think I might actually be able to f



testicles on the menu

Hey howdy hey~   Lots of random crap to talk about here...   1. So I had to work a crappy ass shift at work today, but the upside to that was that Rich came and took me out to lunch on my break. We end up at Taco Bell/Pizza Hut to appease the children arguing in the back seat... shrugs indifferently So, we are at Taco Bell and we have just gotten our food and are starting to eat when the couple behind us at the next table start fighting This was not just some quiet discussion, but basical



No Longer Alone.

I talked to Chaz today. We had a long talk about what he wants and what I am able to give. So as of today were in fact together. I think we've waited enough to actually let ourselves say that. We've decided not to tell anyone just yet. He's going away for thanks giving so I'm a little sad.   I talked to my father once agin and I let him know that I wouldn't be talking to him for a while. I need to get away from him to be able to deal with him. He didn't take that well but I know that this si w



Justin's mom, has got it goin on....

lol, not like that, but I just have to say, did I call that one or what...     Okay, heres what I mean. Sherry (Justin's mom) works at the cable station, and my mom went there the other day to pay our bill, and her and my mom got talking. Well I've obviously told my mom about some of the stuff that's gone on with Justin and her . My mom gets home and tells me that all on her own, Justin's mom started talking about Lorena, and that her and Curt don't like Lorena, and that theyre trying to g



I can't do this.

I had another fight with my father today. He wants me to come over for thanksgiving. I of course said no because I know that we'll just fight again. I can't do this any longer. It seems like verything that comes out of his mouth is the wrong thing. The man is incapable of saying something nice and as long as he's like this I can't talk to him.   Today the first thing out of his mouth is this, "That friend of yours Chaz, he's a faggot too?" Then he says this, "He can come too. I mean I don't ha



Breaking up with people is hard.

Today I broke up with my girlfriend. Well, it was kinda a mutual breakup. It feels weird to say that, because I'm gay and most definitely should not have a girlfriend. We broke up because: 1) I felt like I was leading her on because I'm gay and she didn't know that and This is a run-on sentence that will end now. 2) She and I really acted more like friends than boyfriend and girlfriend, and being her friend is exactly what I wanted. We are now friends, and we will be for quite a while. 3)



Home Sick....ugh......why this sucks so bad

It's about 1:40 and Im sitting here making this entry because I had to come home sick from school.....I hate that. It's bad enough having to wait in the office for my stepmom to come get me, but then when we were leaving I saw a bunch of people I knew and as we were driving off they were looking at us and talking. I think it sucks because they were probably talking about how my stepmom looks, which according to a lot of my breeder freinds, is really really hot. I know it's not that big of a deal



My first Entry

Hey everyone!.....I don't know if anyone will actually read this thing, but I figured it might be fun to do one. I like stuff like this, so why not. So let's see what shall I write about? I guess I'll start with a brief description of myself.   I'm a 22 year old male senior in college. I should graduate in May with a double major in Psychology and Sociology, great right? Yeah sorta, the only snag is that I've now decided I want to pursue a career in writing instead. I'd ALWAYS planned



The manly KISS?

I drank a little too much last night and I did something I shouldn't have done. I kissed a gurl I thought was a guy, who I really shouldn't have kissed because I have a boy, and this is why we don't drink on weekdays. I went to David's friends house with David. They were having a party I really wanted to go out but everyone else was busy so I went.   Turns out I knew most of the people at this party. Including my ex who was slobbing all over some poor fool and that culty guy I hit last week.



13 f****** note cards

We have latin Note Cards due tomorrow, and while thirteen may not seem like too many, but I put ten terms on each card. 130 words. It is hard.   But seriously, latin is, like, the hardest language ever. I mean, you have to remember part of speech, gender, declension, conjugation, case, tense, and many, many other things. My latin teacher keeps stressing that there are only three tenses in English, but there are six in Latin: Present, Future, Past Perfect, Past Imperfect, Pluperfect, and Fu



In court today

Many of you may remember that Chris's mum contested his Granmothers will. She left her whole estate to Chris and his brother Jon. We were in court today so a Judge could decide the course of action to take with her will. Im pleased to say he decided that the will should stand as written. Im also pleased to sat his mother never turned up and was represented by her lawyer. Chris and Jon are delighted with the decision, and now we can put all this behind us.   On a lighter note heres a lit



Come set me off!

Today was a marvelous day. A marverlously horrible day and I want my revenge. It started with a call from Selene. She needed me to give her a ride to the airport, so she could go to her mother's house. An hour later I was stuck in traffic. Let's just say she never made her flight and she's probably still stuck at the airport right where I left her.   David moved into my spare today but I didn't think he was going to move in a whole entertainment system too. So now we have a movie theater in my



Go away swingers from hell!

I went to a party last night. A couple of people from one of my classes invited me. They seemed like they were fun so I went to the party. I actually had a good time at the party and I went without any of myfriends because I don't like to bring people where they arent invited. My class mates made sure I felt confortable and introduced me to a whole group of people.   As the night progresses I end up with a guy named Tom and a girl named Tanya. We get into this really good conversation about m



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