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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

July Classic Author Feature: Stuff People Do by Ronyx

As the year begins to turn, I thought what better than to bring a story all about changing. It's not an easy read, but it is a worthwhile one that hits you in the feels. Please check out this month's Classic Author feature, and don't forget to leave a comment.  Length: 92,791 Description: Matt Stevens is a normal sixteen-year-old. He goes to school and makes good grades. Even though he is being raised in an extremely religious home, he manages to do well. Then, unexpectedly, his


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 10 - Jul.16)

Middle of July, so what should we talk about? What the heck, why not weather! I'm curious how things are shaping up in your neck of the woods as far as the weather goes. In my hometown, it is Stampede  week, and mother nature has so far cooperated. I don't think in the past 8 days we have had any rain. Temps have been around 30 C (86 F). This is too hot in my humble opinion. I know some areas of the world are having record breaking temps like Europe and elsewhere, so my heart goes out to th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Arguments

Writing Arguments When creating a compelling scene in your stories that will really work to hold the attention of your readers captive, it’s always important to remember what elements you can use, and what tools that you have at your disposal, that can elicit that particular emotional response in your readers. And one of the most powerful spells that you can cast as a wizard of words...is the amazing power of confrontation. When I say ‘confrontation’, I’m not talking about conflict. Con


Comicality in Writing Tips

Humor Me

I know it really means don’t argue with me, or just do it (please), or even indulge me. What I’m asking for is to make me and everyone else laugh in my very special, weird way. PT #65 Explain why the MC of your prompt story is standing in front of their house in their underwear, with one sock on the left foot and a cooking spoon in their hand.   PT #66 After a long flight, someone grabs their suitcase, marked with a bright yellow band to avoid any mix-up, from the luggag



Anthology Favorites

There are currently 781 anthology stories in the GA story archive, so there’s sure to be something in there for everyone.  It’s hard to pick a favorite out of that many stories, but in the nine years I’ve been on the site, there are a few that stand out to me.  The Bachelor Farmer by Cole Matthews is the first story that comes to mind when I think about favorite anthology stories.  It’s a unique blend of history and characterization and has stuck with me since I read it back in 2014. 


Valkyrie in Anthology

Featured Story: Damphir by Nephylim

Well what has our Review Team been doing? Reviewing  Let's see what they shall entice us to read in July.     Damphir by Nephylim Reviewer: Aditus Status: Complete Word Count: 61,147 A werewolf called Rover, a cat who can fly (among other things), a confused vampire, a spiteful faery, and a testy human are all confined in the same house and trying to learn to live together. A strange mix (and a strange story). After reading this story description I was ins


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 3 - Jul. 9)

Well howdy partner Yes, it is that time of the year that all the cowboys and cowgurls come out of the woodwork in Calgary for the annual Stampede. So far after 2 days things are huge! No restrictions and everyone seems to be having a good time! I've been down at the grounds for the past two nights and there is lots to see, people to see and people to do Oops, did I say that out load   So for public engagement, if you are willing to reveal where you live; city, town or country, is ther


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Formatting Now...this article may come off as being a bit weird to many of you, but it’s a big part of me doing what I do with my own stories, and how I do everything that I can to create an immersive experience with everything that I write. I wanted to include it in my collection of writing tips, because as long as I’m giving my secrets away, I might as well give you everything, right? Hehehe! See...to me, formatting isn’t just a matter of putting the paragraph breaks in the right plac


Comicality in Writing Tips

All About Bacon

Today's prompts are brought to you courtesy of my dinner on the day I wrote this blog. 🍳 🥓 This is a tribute to the porky, fatty goodness we all love (well, most of us, @Slytherin  ). Bacon makes everything better, right?   PT Prompt #63a: Describe bacon to someone who has never eaten it.   #63b: For the site poets - Write an Ode to Bacon.    PT Prompt #64:  You are a strict vegetarian and your non-vegetarian boyfriend has just moved in.  To your dismay,


Valkyrie in Prompts

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