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  • Cia

    January Signature Author Feature: Boundaries: An Old West Tale by Headstall

    By Cia

    In this first month of 2025, as we look forward to this new year, I thought I'd feature a story that looks back. So who feels like reading in the historical western genres? Headstall is known for those, so I thought I'd pick one of his stories.  Boundaries: An Old West Tale by @Headstall   Length: 16,640 Description: A lot can occur in a single day, and this day starts with Virgil Pruitt riding into a sad, struggling Texas town seven years after the end of the Mexican-Am
  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst
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Happy Prompt-aversary!

While it feels like just yesterday when I approached Aditus and Cole Matthews about working together to continue offering GA prompts on a weekly basis, it’s actually been one year!  To celebrate our one-year anniversary, we thought we’d pay homage to GA’s late prompt guru, Comicfan, by choosing our favorite prompts created by Wayne.    Aditus: Comicfan’s prompt #213 made me put my toe in the water and write a very short story. I got so many encouraging comments that I dared to wr


Valkyrie in Prompts

Writing for a Theme

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the polls I posted last week about the number of themes and anthologies for next year.  There was some interesting discussion, and I will be taking a close look at all the comments and the poll results this weekend and will open up further discussion in next week's anthology blog.  This week, we have a guest blog post written by @CassieQ about her take on writing for themes.  She's given us some great food for thought when it comes to writing for an


Valkyrie in Anthology

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 16 - Oct. 22)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words  This is what it looked like in my next of the woods after 3 days of temps in the mid 20's C, (77F) which were records, to dropping down below 0 overnight (32 F) and getting around 15 cm (6 inches) of snow  Just so you know, even though I'm happy to see some much needed moisture and the first snow fall of the year, I blame this 100% on @Krista   She wished this on me for like the past month and a half.  Now rumour has it snow has been spotted bel


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The Naughty Audience

The Naughty Audience Hehehe, it was the loving folks here at GayAuthors that first turned me on to the term, PWP! Meaning, quite simply...’Porn Without Plot’! Now, before anybody starts blushing and feeling guilty about anything, let me just say that I actually love the occasional stroll down the old ‘quickie’ lane from time to time. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with reading it, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with writing it either. So relax. We’re throwing any perceived


Comicality in Writing Tips


PT #83 It’s a matter of common knowledge among friends and family that the protagonist of your story despises a certain person. Ironically, this very person dies in a freak accident at their house. As no one would believe this, they have to hide the body. Help them.   PT#84 In order to avoid the pesky marriage-soon-trigger, Ash doesn’t date, officially. Find the most outrageous excuses to tell the family or — just tell them a truth of your choice, preferably all nicely boxed


Aditus in Prompts

What's in a Theme?

Themes can make or break an anthology, as our recent Anniversary anthology showed.  The theme spoke to a lot of site authors and exceeded my challenge to have twenty stories for GA’s twentieth anniversary.  The next few anthology blogs will be focusing on theme selection, writing for a theme, and submitting ideas for next year’s anthology.  I’m excited to announce we have a guest blog post for next week.  CassieQ has written a great article about how to write for a theme, so be sure to check it



October Signature Feature: Let the Music Play by CJames

Sometimes it feels like life is just a grind, with no way things will change, much less for the better. This time of year can feel that way, right? Before the holidays really hit it off, when we're all feeling the drag of our routines... just like Brandon before he got an unexpected turn in his journey. I admit, looking for a good visual inspiration sucked me back into this story and I couldn't stop reading until late, or early, depending on how you look at it. CJames never disappoints, so give


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 9 -- Oct. 15th)

I just noticed this was missing, so here is a quick wrap up for the stories posted this week.  I'm sure someone will be along to update the rest of the stuff.  (Psst, sorry Myr, I forgot , Steve) Monday, Cia helped out the Review Team with a new Featured Story.  Thursday Myr got some time to bring us an Anthology Flashback: After some time off to look after the Anthologies, our Prompt Team came back with two new prompts: @Comicality returned Saturday with another new artic


Myr in Weekly Wrap Up


Wordless There are many times, while I sit here at this keyboard and stare blankly off into space when I’m trying to find just the right words to express the emotions that I’m feeling in my heart at that moment...the words I need to finish the next sentence or two of the story or chapter that I’m working on at that moment...and words only seem to get in the way. It can be a really aggravating head space to be in when you’re trying to get something finished. It, actually, feels a lot like wri


Comicality in Writing Tips

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