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  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst

Prompt Day Sept 2, 2022

Between editing, proofreading, and writing for the anthology, along with things being crazy at work, my brain is a bit on the crispy side at the moment.  So let’s get right into this week’s prompts.   PT Prompt #79 You are hiking through the woods when you encounter a wooden sign with the following words written in red, dripping paint:  I’d turn back if I were you.  Do you turn back or continue on the path?  If you continue, what do you encounter?  PT Prompt #80 Your ch


Valkyrie in Prompts

The Final Countdown

Today is the last day to submit stories to the proof team for inclusion in the anthology. I feel like we need a New Year’s Eve type countdown as we approach midnight, EST, complete with champagne and confetti.  Of course, there’s still work for the proof team to do, but we’ll be able to take a break soon.  Maybe.    So the big question with this year’s anthology is “did we reach the goal of twenty stories?”.  Well, I’m going to let the question go unanswered until the antho goes


Valkyrie in Anthology

August CSR Discussion Day: The Seventh Wing by Dark

August flew right on by, and if you were a science fiction geek like me, or if you love dragons, you enjoyed reading about the flying in Dark's Pern fanfiction, The Seventh Wing, that was featured earlier this month. Make sure you share your thoughts in a comment below his interview!  If you were an animal, what would you be?  Vampire Deer What do you like to do when you’re not writing?  Read, read, read!  I also sing in a choir and paint DnD miniatures for my brother and hi


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 21 - Aug. 27)

Hey all, what's up? First off, thank you Cia for stepping in last week and getting the majority of the Weekly Wrap Up done for me Not sure if you noticed the latest announcement, but Myr, Cia and the programmer are all working triple overtime to try to fix the caching issues. Some significant improvements have happened over the past week with a few more patches coming this week. Hopefully they can nip this in the bud soon, as I know they are all trying so hard to get it done. You als


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Author Branding

Author Branding One of the greatest parts of being a highly creative person who shares their work with others who enjoy it is this...no one can ever ever take it from you. It can’t be taught, forced, or manipulated, by anyone else. It’s hard for most people to even understand, to be honest. How can someone create something out of nothing? No order given, no guidelines, no rules or regulations, no fixed direction on what to do or where to go. I assume that most of you reading this right now


Comicality in Writing Tips

Famous First Words

I always wondered if famous authors stare at a white sheet of paper or a blinking cursor, wrestling with the very first word, the first sentence, like me. There is a story somewhere, but how to begin? Or do the words just pour out of them? PT#77 Let’s borrow an opening line of a famous book and write a short piece of fiction or a poem. I’m pretty much f*cked. (The Martian by Andy Weir) All children, except one, grow up. (Peter Pan by J.M: Barrie) He was born with a gift


Aditus in Prompts

We Need Your Support!

The anthologies are an important part of GA, and have always been eagerly anticipated by both authors and readers.  We’re in the final stretch for this year’s anthology, with the deadline for submission to the proof team a week away.  That’s still plenty of time to complete the final edits and get stories to me by or on September first. I’m going to let the final number of stories be a surprise, so you’ll have to wait until it goes live to find out if we met our goal of at least twenty stories.


Valkyrie in Anthology

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 14 - Aug. 20)

Stay tuned to this spot.  Currently I cannot do the weekly update as I have a caching issue. I'm lucky to get this far. I will try again in the morning   Edit to add: I'm swooping in because I was online doing homework. I can see what Mr. Wildone cannot for some reason, so I thought I'd help out! Thank you all for being patient with this horrible bug; Myr is working diligently to track it down every day since that last IP update. It's not an easy one, and he's swamped! ~ Cia Monda


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Intimacy In order to really connect your readers to the romantic stories that you write, you’ve got to keep in mind that it’s not always some giant swing of the pendulum that brings the mood and the tone from one extreme to the other. I think that it’s important to be able to recognize opportunities for all of those little giddy moments in between that can sometimes come off as being your biggest strengths. In fact, I’ve found that they can end up being the most touching and engaging parts o


Comicality in Writing Tips

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