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  • Cia

    January Signature Author Feature: Boundaries: An Old West Tale by Headstall

    By Cia

    In this first month of 2025, as we look forward to this new year, I thought I'd feature a story that looks back. So who feels like reading in the historical western genres? Headstall is known for those, so I thought I'd pick one of his stories.  Boundaries: An Old West Tale by @Headstall   Length: 16,640 Description: A lot can occur in a single day, and this day starts with Virgil Pruitt riding into a sad, struggling Texas town seven years after the end of the Mexican-Am
  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst
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Anthology Flashback - 2010 No Going Back

I'm on vacation this week, so decided to re-feature one of our past anthologies.  Check out the stories from 2010's anthology "No Going Back".  Also, please be sure to vote in the two current polls in the Anthology section of the Writer's Club.  Both polls close on November 17th.   https://gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/27-2010-fall-no-going-back/    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

GA's Newest Promising Author: kbois

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating  @kbois in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. She has been a member at GA for just under five years, and in that time she has posted over 900,000 words across ten stories. Writing mainly romances, she's the author of the popular shifter novels Spirit Wolves and Shadow Effect as well as the very entertaining The Devil is Gay short stories. You can find all of her stories on her author page so please don't be s


Graeme in News Archive

November CSR Feature: A Soldier's Guide to Single Parenting by Dodger

November and the months keep rolling by toward the end of 2022 already. Life is what happens when you're not really paying attention, and sometimes things change suddenly and then you have to try and make them work. Well, in this month's feature story we're going back in time and to the summer months to see how this newly single father handles all that life throws at him. I couldn't believe I hadn't already featured this story before, but now you can for this month's CSR. Don't forget to come ba


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 30 - Nov. 5)

Well folks, I unexpectedly find myself not at home without anything but an iPhone 😳 So for now I’ll publish the stories updated over the week and then tomorrow fill in the rest of the blanks.    And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets! Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories On Fire by Cia (In Process) Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories Gap Year by Mark Arbour  Flying Circus by Carlos Hazday  Get Into


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Fantasy Alrighty then, hehehe... This is going to be another one of those articles that I need help with from the rest of you, because even though it’s been a while since I first started my very first full blown ‘fantasy’ story, I am still doing my best to wing it and figure things out. Any help or advice that you guys could give me from your own experiences would be greatly appreciated. I still feel a bit intimidated by the series, personally, but I’m trying my best to get past that.


Comicality in Writing Tips


I love a good play on words, which is why I like Dad jokes and memes with puns.  Don't judge me... someone has to laugh at them!   Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any eye strain or facial bruising caused by excessive from any stories inspired by these prompts.     PT Prompt #85: Sometimes words have very different meanings across languages.  For example, the word "gift" in English means something given to another person without expectation of payment, synonymous with "present"


Valkyrie in Prompts

More Anthology Voting

Based on the results of the polls I created a couple of weeks ago, I have created two new polls to further narrow down our choices for next year as far as number and type of anthologies/contests, and what you would like to see as far as themes go.  The polls will be open for two weeks, then will be closed.    


Valkyrie in Anthology

Ask An Author 3.0 #22

Another month has come and gone. Over here in Kentucky, we're actually getting some autumn weather for once. I'm used to going from intense heat to severe cold within a week. No need to immediately break out the heavy coats. However, I am getting used to coming up with innovative ways to freshen up Ask An Author. No questions came in this past month, so we're switching things up.  We're going back to interactive. When we didn't have questions last time, our authors and readers asked and ans


astone2292 in Author Interviews

Weekly Wrap UP (Oct. 23 - Oct. 29)

Sooooo, that should kick off the mood of this weekend  Not really sure what is more scary, the song or the facial expressions of Bobby Pickett!! I had a certain European food and chocolate company send me a whole bunch of Halloween candy mini bars due to my current job! I have boxes and boxes of mini chocolate bars, not the best for a lifelong diabetic  I know that Krista is expecting some but I think the UPS fee to send them to Kentucky might be a bit excessive. So what should I do with th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Action

Writing Action Multiple meanings, when talking about ‘action’ in the world of writing of fiction. Something to get readers to lean forward in their chairs, adjust their laptop screens or get a tighter grip on their mobile device. A heightened focus on the moment at hand. And while I’ve definitely written my fair share of chases, fight scenes, and shootouts...that’s not the only kind of action that we’re going to be talking about today. Ask yourselves the question...what is ‘action’? And


Comicality in Writing Tips

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