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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Anthology Challenge

I’d like to issue a challenge to site authors/poets.  Since the anthology this year is celebrating GA’s 20th Anniversary, let’s see if we can get twenty stories/poems submitted.  This will also put us over the 800 mark for anthology stories on the site.  Let’s thank Myr for creating such an amazing place by making this an anthology to remember. Who’s with me?       


Valkyrie in Anthology

Ask An Author 3.0 #18

It's come to this. The scrapings from the bottom of the piggy bank. Jeez, I don't even have a dust bunny to share with y'all. Well... That's it, I guess. Curtain's coming down. We're callin' it a day. No sense in delaying the inevitable.  ... Pfft. Nah. I'm invoking "Take Backsies."  I can't just throw in the towel. Time to innovate things! It's a few days shy of July, but I think we can have Christmas early this year. Before I go any further, allow me to soapbox a bit. I w

July CSR Feature: Him in the Dust by James Matthews

Happy July, folks! Can you believe the year is half over? I can't! I thought I'd share a story that has a theme that is as enduring as these last few years seem to be... war. It's a heavy topic, but readers seem to enjoy James Matthew's departure from his normal fiction to share his work with Him in the Dust. What did you think? You'll get a chance to share your thoughts on the discussion day on Monday, July 25th.  Him in the Dust by @James Matthews Length: 33,793 Description

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 26 - Jul. 2)

A belated happy birthday to all the folks up in Canada that had Canada Day on the 1st of July. And an early happy birthday to the folks down in the US of A that have Independence Day on Monday   Can't forget Burundi Independence Day on July 1st, Ghana Republic Day on July 1st, Territory Day in the British Virgin Islands also on the 1st, Philippine's Republic Day on the 4th, and Rwanda Liberation Day on the 4th. Now the question is, do you live in one of these countries other than Canada or


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Quarter 2 2022 Reading Report

Quarter 2, 2022 Reading Report Top 10 Most Recommended Stories Jay's Loelife by Mrsgnomie Hidden Secrets by Mawgrim CDMX by Carlos Hazday Inherited by lomax61 Tied up in Knotts by Mrsgnomie Spirit Wolves by kbois Luke Hanson's Mind & Punishment: A Teen in Despair by James Matthews Awoken by the Wolf by Georgie DHainaut Shadow Effect by kbois The Knight's Tale by Tim Hobson   Top 10 Stories Per Primary Gen


Myr in Reading Archive

A Midsummer Night's Prompt

Maybe summer has just begun, according to the summer solstice.  But, we get to treat the month of July as the middle point of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.  Midsummer is a fantastic time of picnics, parades, hanging out at the lake or the ocean or the pool, and letting the sun and fun wash over you.  Let's play with our characters at a bright and cheery midsummer setting or even in a dark and spooky midsummer's night.     #61 - You're at a cookout and there is an attractive young

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Anthology 101

Myr posted a great blog last Saturday about the history of GA's anthologies and how participating in the anthology is a good way to get exposure as an author here.  Based on the comments on that blog, it sounds like there are some great stories already in the works!  One of the perks of being on the proof team is being able to read the anthology stories before they're released, and if the two I've already read are any indication, we're in for a real treat once the stories go live in September. 


Valkyrie in Anthology

June CSR Discussion Day: Dolphin Delivery by Carlos Hazday

Well, I don't know about what it's like where you are, but I'm stuck in a heat wave. What a time for some ocean-related story fun! I can imagine enjoying the cool water now, and if there were dolphins? *squee* I hope you enjoyed reading, or re-reading Carlos's Earth Day story, Dolphin Delivery. Share your thoughts in the comments below after you enjoy my interview with him!    Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom? Jerry Maguire or Tom Cruise? Aren’t they the same person? LOL. I

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 19 - Jun. 25)

In North America we are a week a way from celebrating two of the three county's big parties. July 1st is Canada Day, and July 4th is Independence Day. After two years of shut downs, I imagine lots and lots of people are looking forward to letting loose for a day or two. Myself, I'm heading up to a lake and relaxing and enjoying the first days of summer  What sucks is that I have to do some coverage for a boss that is away too, so I'll be logging on the laptop each day for hopefully only an


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Get More Exposure via Anthologies

One of the common refrains that we hear from new authors on Gay Authors is that we are a bit cliquey here and that it is harder to get established.  That's true to some extent.  We have authors that have been here from the beginning and are still going strong, such as @Comicality and @Bill W.  Reading is a leisure activity and for many people you have to overcome the familiarity bias.  I would rather reread a story I know I enjoy than roll the dice on a new author in my natural state. It is only


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