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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Gimme a Cake!

Around here we’re picking berries, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, and currants, which means, cakes, pies, jams, preserves. Okay, I’ll stop here. What are your favorite cakes? Which cake is typical for your country? PT #59 The protagonist of your story finds a beautiful cake on their doorstep, without a card or any hint who gave it to them. Help them to unravel the secret.   PT #60 Describe any cake and make your readers want to eat it. If yo


Aditus in Prompts

June Classic Author Feature: Everybody's Wounded by Duncan Ryder

Welcome to June, Pride month, and halfway through 2022! How's it going in your corner of the world? In this month's story, we follow along with the characters as they learn about the damage love and life can cause and hope that things turn out all right in the end. What do you think? Can love heal all wounds? Length: 75,883 Description: Three young men, all wounded by past relationships. Can they learn to trust and to love again? Are some wounds deep beyond healing? A Reader


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 12 - Jun. 18)

I read a joke in Chapter 5 of Dabegal's new story House of Frost the other day from @weinerdog: Q: What do gay horses eat? Okay, if you have stopped your uncontrollable laughter or maybe your uncontrollable groans, I want to mention that I think that falls in what people now refer to as 'Dad Jokes'. So here is the question for this week and what better time to do it than on Father's Day 2022, what is your best Dad Joke? Or maybe your worst ? Add them to the comments below and we will


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Character Empathy

Character Empathy As a 'self proclaimed' writer...I've found that there is no stronger, no more engaging, tool in your arsenal than character empathy when it comes to truly crafting an immersive experience when it comes to your readers' involvement in your story. This is something that a lot of writer's believe they can 'tell' their audience, and they'll obviously fall in line and agree with the author, because how you can not feel bad for people (fictional as they may be) going through such


Comicality in Writing Tips

Pride Flowers

June is halfway over and summer is just around the corner, although with the high temperatures lately it feels like summer is in full swing!  Pride month celebrations are still going strong.  I've been seeing lots of pictures in my FB feed of friends celebrating Pride all over the country.  For my birthday this year, I decided I wanted to get some flowers, something I don't tend to keep in the house since I am death to plants  The grocery store I shop at had a display of Pride-themed bouquets, s


Valkyrie in Prompts

Featured Story: CDMX by Carlos Hazday

Hey all!  Our Review Team put their heads together and came up with a great review of an author who is also our CSR author for the month as well  Make sure to enjoy both and let us know what you thought.     CDMX by Carlos Hazday Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 139,904 Three years after Carlos concluded the CJ story, he returns with this new story which starts to fill in the gaps. We follow CJ, Ozzie and Liebe as CJ takes a job at the US Embas


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 5 - Jun. 11)

I'm glancing out my window and in my neck of the woods the saying it correct: June showers bring July flowers  Seriously, we are out of the periodic snow now and after a dry first bit of the month, we are getting some rain.   Can you believe we are nearly at the summer solstice in North America? Tonight, dusk was around 10:15. I always like to be camping at this time of year, so you can have a fire going late into the night after a long day of fun! Not sure how many of our members fall in t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The Hero Protagonist

The Hero Protagonist When writing a story...there needs to be a main focus. Naturally, there can be many characters and many different events and situations surrounding that character, but I truly believe that it's important to keep things primarily concentrated on the thoughts and actions of a single protagonist in your narrative, in order to keep things tight and interesting without wandering off into La La Land. Your protagonist should be the first thing that you think about when you


Comicality in Writing Tips

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