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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Big Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Joyous Kwanzaa to all who celebrate! I'm still in a bit of a food coma from Christmas dinner, but I wanted to bring a reminder and also some important news for next year's anthology.  First, submissions for Carlos' tribute event are due tomorrow, so be sure to put the finishing touches on your stories and post the link in the thread in the Writer's Circle.  Second, I decided to do things a little differently this year, and instead of having a committee decide

Writing Prompts #178 & #179

While it is great to read what some established writers do with these writing prompts, it is just so wonderful to see new authors, who haven't published any stories on GA.Stories yet, answer these writing prompts. These writing prompts are a great way to try your hand, see how you can do and get some great feedback. We're thankful to Comicfan for these prompts, and we hope you take a try and share what you write with the community in the Writing Prompt forum.   Prompt 178 – Creative Tag – List


Trebs in Prompts

Tip Thursday: Constructive Criticism

We love getting News blog articles and tips from members - and CassieQ has been a wonderful contributor. Here she writes her thoughts on Constructive Criticism - a very detailed article that shows a lot of thought. I hope you enjoy and let us know your thoughts as well! Also, if YOU have an article you think would be great for this blog, let Renee Stevens, Andy021278 or myself know. Thanks!       Constructive Criticism by CassieQ   I'll try to make this as painless as p


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Dare / The Life Of Him

Sorry, today's author showcase is a bit late this morning - was having crashes with my computer last night.   First we look at Promising Author KingdombytheSea's Dare and then LouisHarris gives us a great review of The Life of Him, by Author SidLove. Enjoy!   Dare by KingdombytheSea   Reviewer: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 5315   If you couldn't tell from my reviews, I love a great short story. While novels are interesting and give us such rich texture, it is


Trebs in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Double Trouble

I feel a bit odd, writing an intro to my own review soooooo... Here is a review of Double Trouble by our Hosted Author Altimexis. Enjoy!   Double Trouble by Altimexis   Reviewed by: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 14,081   I fondly remember waiting for each new chapter of Love in a Chair when Altimexis wrote this beautiful story six years ago. So when I was looking around for something new to read, I saw Double Trouble and decided to check it out.   I am glad I did


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

Ack - spent the weekend helping the kids get ready for Halloween. Can't believe it is just around the corner (sort of like I couldn't believe the prices on the stuff they "needed" for their costumes). Oh well, just means we are getting colder nights finally - and can do big pots of soup and stew, with baked bread :-)   So here at the the News Blog, we started the week looking at a beautiful story by Hosted Author Libby Drew. Radiant Renee Steven's reviewed Libby's The Art of Walking in Snow. I


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: Unconditional

It's always fun looking back in time - this time, to our October 2006 issue of "The GAzette", GayAuthors.org's previous newsletter. In this second issue, was a Poet's Corner, that I'd like to share with everyone today. Disclaimer - normally I post these past newsletter items as they originally appeared, but for this one, I did edit it to update the links to Luc's forum and to the Poetry Discussion forum. Enjoy!       Poets' Corner   Poetry is a growing area at Gay Authors. In recen


Trebs in Featured Stories

Writing Prompts #176 & #177

I recently read a great short story that originally started as a Prompt response. These prompts have helped generate some fantastic reads - and with this week's prompts, I'm looking forward to some more great responses. Try one (or both) of these prompts and please share them with the community in the Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 176 – Creative Tag – The Mythical Your child has just told you they found something and want to keep it as a pet, but as they describe it to you, you smile thinkin


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Keeping It Legal

No - this has nothing to do with pharmaceuticals or jailbait - it is a much more serious tip on how to avoid legal issues when publishing your writings. We thank KingdombytheSea for this great and very timely tip, as more and more authors are looking to take the plunge into being published. Enjoy!       Keeping it Legal by KingdombytheSea   The Copyright Police do exist, and if you’re an author planning on publishing, it’s a good idea to keep that in mind.   When I wr


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Three Hundred Years / All That Matters

With so many stories on site, it can be next to impossible to decide what to read next. The Author Showcase can help you do that with it's reviews of both Promising Author's and Authors. Today, our guest reviewer Fozzie Bear returns with a review of Promising Author: WrathofMagneto's story "Three Hundred Years." We also have a review by Zombie of Author: podga's story "All That Matters." If the stories sound like something you might like to read, check them out and then leave the authors a revie

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Toss-Up Tuesday: Interview With Cia

She can turn the world on with a smile... She can take a nothing day - well, you get the picture. Who am I talking about? Well Cia of course (though Radiant Renee Stevens gives her a close run for the money). So what better way to enjoy a Tuesday than with an interview WITH Cia, GIVEN by Renee? Double the trouble and double the fun! Enjoy!   Interview with Cia Interviewer: Renee Stevens   First off, Congrats on getting Pricolici published, that must be exciting! Now, onto the questio


Trebs in Author Interviews

Featured Story: The Art Of Walking In Snow

What better way to start off a week, than with a review by Radiant Renee Stevens - and especially when the review is of Hosted Author Libby Drew's The Art of Walking in Snow. Enjoy!   The Art of Walking in Snow By Libby Drew Reviewer: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 10,666   Scanning through Libby’s story, the title of this little piece caught my eye. I’ve read a few stories by her, but I had not yet had the pleasure of reading this one. I’m so glad that I f


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

Announcement: As we've recently noted, we're working with our Hosted Author's to promote their eBooks. A few weeks ago we were proud to announce Cia's eBook Pricolici, and in today's "New Reading", we have Lugh's eBook Catara - which has a surprising ending. This is just the start and we look forward to working with more of our author's in the future and, as always, are exploring other ways of supporting the authors of this site.   October is almost half over - this year has been passing so f


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Blast From The Past!

Looking back on old newsletters, I'm reminded of a program that we had of Author Chats. This was before we had a regular chatroom, and so it was a special occasion to schedule a time that an author would go into chat and talk to the community. I very clearly when DKStories had such a chat time, and I got to ask him some questions, that led to PM's and eventually meeting him for a movie. Unfortunately, now I'm stuck with him ;-)   So with these fond memories, here is an article from our October


Trebs in Author Interviews

Writing Prompts #174 & #175

Thank G*d It's Friday! A chance to relax for most, a time to look forward to partying or time with family. For us, it is also a time to take a chance, for one last dance for romance... errr - I mean for writing.   Thanks to our Prompt-Guru Comicfan, we have two great new prompts this week, The Storm and The Job. I'd love to see how YOU might respond to either (or both) of these prompts. And then, please, share what you have with the Writing Prompt Community!   Prompt 174 – Creative Tag – The


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Using Description

First, Happy National Coming Out Day (NCOD)! First started in 1988, with the date picked as the anniversary of the 1987 March on Washington, the simple theme is to come out - to those you love, those you know, as people's opinions of LGBT persons and rights is better if they know someone who is LGBT.   Now on to our tip, generously contributed by CassieQ, on Using Descriptions in writings. Enjoy!   Using Description by CassieQ   I like to use description to help set a m


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Facing The Demons / Hidden Sunlight

First, thanks to everyone for their feedback yesterday - and if you haven't chimed in with your thoughts, you can still go back and comment on yesterday's blog.   For today's Author's Showcase, we have two great stories - first is my review of Facing the Demons, by Promising Author Dezlboi. Then CassieQ gives us a great review of Author Stellar's Hidden Sunlight. Enjoy!   Facing the Demons by Dezlboi   Reviewer: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 8024   October is the


Trebs in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Memories Of Forgotten Love

Start of another week and here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog, we want to help you start on a great footing with a review by Radiant Renee Stevens of our Hosted Author Nephylim's Memories of Forgotten Love. This fantastic story was Nephy's entry in our first Novella contest in 2009, and I remember reading it - riveted to each passing event. I hope you enjoy Renee's review and check out Nephy's story for yourself. Enjoy!   Memories of Forgotten Love By Nephylim   Revie


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up

Sorry about the lateness of this Weekly Wrap-up - been one of those Sunday's already here.   We started the week with a review by LouisHarris of Hosted Author Cia's Never More Lonely - a story that LouisHarris concludes by saying "A delightful, interesting read that I would certainly reread (and I have)."   On Tuesday, we had a personal essay on Perspective, how viewpoint is important when confronted with unexpected health issues, and also important when considering literary criticism - a l


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: End Of The World

Yay - Saturday and a start to a great spring weekend.... Well - spring if you live upside down like Graeme, though fall for all of us normal people ;-)   Speaking of our antipodean friend, Radiant Renee Stevens has done a great review of a 2007 Anthology story written by Graeme - his End of the World.   And on the subject of reviews - once again, we need help. If you are interested in helping us by reviewing a story here on GayAuthors.org, please let me know. We can't do it without your help


Trebs in Featured Stories

Writing Prompts #172 & #173

What better way to unwind after a long week, than to glance at a writing prompt and just let your mind and fingers go. Don't think - just type and see what you come up with.   Sound like fun? Well, thanks to these two prompts from Comicfan, it should be. And please, once you've come up with something, share it with the rest of the community in our Writing Prompts forum!   This week's prompts:   Prompt 172 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – pillow, evergreen


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: The Mystery Story

The Mystery Story - Crafting a Tale of Suspense by Comicfan       The mystery is one of those things that just can’t be jumped into. You really need to plan out a mystery before pen hits the paper, or in most cases before fingers hit the keys. There is a lot that happens in a mystery and it is important for you follow some basic ideas before you embark on such task.   First up is the mystery itself. Did someone have something stolen? Was there a murder? Is it something tha


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Red / Dancing

Thanks first to our new team member Andy021278 for writing these two great reviews - first of Promising Author Comicfan's Red, and then of Author Hayven's Dancing. And rather than blather, I'll get out of the way so you can enjoy his reviews, and then hopefully go check out these stories! Enjoy   Red by Comicfan   Review by: Andy021278 Status: Complete Word Count: 10,773   This is one of Wayne’s fairy tale remakes for which he is well known, and like many of his stories,


Trebs in Featured Stories

Toss-Up Tuesday: Perspective

So - the format for Toss-up Tuesday is... a toss up /ducking       But then again, so is life. (ya, I should write greeting cards, eh?)   You go along, having a great year, husband and kids busy with work, school and baseball. Your days are watching their games and practices or working on campaigns and convention plans. Then you go in for a routine follow-up, because of the lymphoma that you kicked four years ago. And on that July 5, 2012 day, instead of "See you in six months", I get "It'


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