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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Blast From The Past!

Glorious Saturday! And here at the GA News Blog, we like to look back on Saturday's to previous newsletters or anthologies. Today is a review by Birds of a Feather, of a poem by Nickolas James called The Hand that first appeared in the December 2006 newsletter. We hope you enjoy! The Hand by Nick James Reviewed by Birds of a Feather   Poetry Review   There is an eminent paradox that most poets at GA have confronted, but few have conquered as triumphantly as Nickolas James. Is there


Trebs in Reviews

Writing Prompts #142 & #143

It's Friday AND it's JUNE!!! Be sure to change your calender (people still use calenders, don't they?!?) and then settle down and try one of our prompts, supplied by the ever inventive Comicfan. Be sure to share what you do with the community in the Writing Prompts forum!   Prompt 142 – Creative Cue – First Line “Because … how could you not know this was done to me?”   Prompt 143 – Creative Cue – Superhero Don’t they only exist in comics? Who expected to run into a real life superhero? What


Trebs in Prompts

Author Showcase

Gayauthors.org, as with many sites, thrives on its Hosted Authors. They are a valuable part of this board and unlike some sites, we have a formal contract with them, including such things as either exclusivity or preferential posting to GA (the details of which, vary by author). They are authors who are recognized by our site as special, and we here try to make sure that we show our appreciation to them, for the value they bring to the site.   We also have a cadre of wonderful Promising Author


Trebs in Reviews

Feature Story: Double Down

First, for our US members, here is hoping you have an enjoyable Memorial Day. Though my father didn't die in service, he was in the US Military from shortly before World War II until the late 60's (and in three different branches - Army, Navy and Air Force). So thank you - to all who have served and died while in service.   On to our feature story - I'm grateful to one of our favorite guest reviewers, Fozzie Bear, for this great review of Hosted Author Cia's Double Down. Enjoy!   Double


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope your weekend has been going well - mine started poorly due to allergies but major recovery today, so that's good.   We had some fantastic reviews and other material here in the news blog this week. On Monday, we got a great review of prolific Hosted Author Mark Arbour's Wars End. If you haven't checked out any of his work, this may be the one to try first!   Tuesday, I extended the conversation started the previous week, getting some additional input on this news blog. I really apprecia


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Blast From The Past!

So, it's Saturday once again and that means it's time to look at something from the earlier years of GA!!!! Today we are bringing you a review written by MJ85 on one of the anthology works from 2007!!! Broad Ripple Blues was written by Altimexis for the 2007 Anthology: The Rainy Day. Enjoy this look into the past! Broad Ripple Blues by Altimexis Reviewer: MJ85 Status: 2007 Anthology Word Count: 7,874   This is one of the many stories I checked out in my first few months o

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Writing Prompts #140 & #141

Friday - start (for me) of a three day weekend! Hope you enjoy your weekend but first, our weekly writing prompts, thanks to the genius of ComicFan.   Our prompts this week are: Prompt 140 – Creative Cue – The Date This wasn’t what you expected when you finally agreed to go out. You figured maybe a movie and dinner but that isn’t you got. Who could have expected this on a date? So what did happen?   Prompt 141 – Creative Cue – Elements Life is created by the elements around us from the eleme


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Ingy Verbs

Ingy Verbs - Where They Don't Belong by Cia   Interesting title, no? I thought it was better than if I hit you with 'Present Participle Phrases Do Not Belong at the Beginning of a Sentence' because that's just confusing right? I mean, who remembers what those grammar rules and names were for all the little bits of a sentence? *puts hand down* Soooo not me. So, if you're like me and it has been a long time since you took grammar lessons in school, I'm going to go with laymen's terms


Trebs in Writing Tips

Author Showcase!

Well, it's Wednesday again, which you know what that means! Author Showcase! And today we're not having just any Author Showcase, it's actually a complete Poetry Showcase! It's great to have a day that is just poems! The first set of poems are by our Promising Author: Bugeye and the second set of poems are by our Poet: Menace! Both sets of Poems have been reviewed by Mark92!!!! The Art of Poetry by Bugeye   This man is one of the sweetest members I’ve met on GA. He is both shy

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Feature Story: Wars End

Well, it's the start of another week! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and were able to do something fun! Today we are going to look at a story by one of our Hosted Authors who have been with the site since 2005! Mark Arbour! During that time he has posted 25 stories, including the very popular CAP saga! Today though, we are going to look at the short story he shared with us for the 2010 Spring Anthology: I'd Never Do That! Wars End By Mark Arbour   Reviewer: Renee Stevens

Weekly Wrap Up!

The weekend is almost over - but at least NEXT weekend will be a three-day one for many of us in the states.   We've had a busy week with a ton of great feedback. For our "Tuesday tip", we did something different and had a poll as well as requests for open comments about this news blog. If you haven't chimed in, or if you have something new you want to add - please go and either post there or as a comment here.   One of the suggestions has even been implemented already. As we continually ask


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Tip: From Imagination To Publication

Today we look at a writing Tips by VLista... That still hold true today! This was from the December 2006 newsletter. From Imagination to Publication Steps every writer should know   You never know when it’s going to hit. You could be lying in bed trying to sleep, at the movies with your friends or family, driving down a long stretch of highway.   Oftentimes, when you least expect it, your brain starts moving at a rapid pace, formulating and creating an idea for your next master


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #138 & #139

So, it's Friday again! That means that we're bringing you two more prompts from Comicfan! We're glad to see so many people trying out the prompts! Remember, share what you do (and see what others are doing) in our Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 138 – Creative Cue – The Sleeper You volunteered for the experiment figuring with the disaster your life was, two years asleep in the cryo-tank might allow some changes to happen allowing you to fix everything. While you were sleeping massive changes o

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Site Tip: Reviewing For The Blog!

So, you may have noticed that we are asking the members of GA to do reviews on stories that they have enjoyed. You may have even thought, “Oh, I should do a review on…” but there is still something that holds you back from doing a review to be featured on the blog. You might even think that the story you just read might not be one we are looking for. Well, forget that worry! We want all stories!!! Hosted, Promising, Author, Poet, New Authors, Old Authors, even the old anthologies! Or perhaps you

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Author Showcase

First - if you haven't chimed in on yesterday's blog, can you take a moment and check it out (and please vote). Thanks   Now for reviews of some of our great stories. First is a review of Promising Author Rilbur's story Choice followed by a review of Author Houdinii's story, Agoraphobia. Enjoy!   Choice by Rilbur   Reviewer: Cia Status: Complete Word Count: 3,304   I reach Choice a while back, and I read it again so I could do the review. By Rilbur, the story was writ


Trebs in Reviews

Featured Story: Catara

In addition to being a fantabulous asset to GA through all his work and time here, Lugh is also one of our Hosted Authors. Here our great guest reviewer Fozzie Bear has written a review of Lugh's Catara - a story you may want to check out yourself!   Catara By Lugh   Reviewer: Fozzie Bear Status: Complete Word Count: 24,325   Wakka, Wakka, Wakka. Fozzie Bear here again. What do we say about our resident grouch, other than get to know him. He might be the guy in chat you

Weekly Wrap Up!

Hopefully your weekend has been enjoyable - here's your look back at our GA week.   We started looking at Hosted Author Nephylim's great story Home. If you haven't check out LouisHarris's review of Home, and, if it grabs your fancy, maybe check out Home itself.   Our tips for the week were on Being a Reader, and one for authors on What to Look for in a Beta Reader. We're always looking for new tips so if you have one you want to share, let Renee Stevens or myself know.   Our midweek author


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Blast From The Past!

Today for our "Blast from the Past" we are going to look at an old anthology story. Hope you enjoy this little look into "All I Wanted" by Viv and why not take a look at the story yourself! All I Wanted By Viv Reviewer: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 10,007 2006 Fall Anthology: Halloween   So, I was looking for an old anthology story and I came across “All I Wanted” by Viv from the 2006 Fall Anthology: Halloween. After reading, I decided that I needed to read more

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Writing Prompts #136 & #137

Friday! Time to jump in and try a new prompt, with our most sincere thanks to ComicFan!   Prompt 136 – Challenge Cue – The Family Caretaker You almost laugh as you read the century old book. Who knew that someone would write stories about tattoos coming to life or electric grandmothers who never die? Little did that author know how close he would come to the truth that you live with every day. You shiver as you turn to face the family caretaker, who might live forever but isn’t the sweet kindl


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: What To Look For... In A Beta Reader

So, you’ve written your story, and you’ve even found an editor to help point out all those pesky missed commas and misspelled words. That’s it, right? I mean, what else could you possibly need? How about, a Beta reader!   A good beta/author relationship is worth its weight in gold. If you do decide to find a beta reader, be forewarned that it might take you a couple tries before you find one that you really mesh with. I personally have had countless beta readers before finding my current team

Author Showcase

Two great stories - first a review of our Promising Author AFriendlyFace's Buy Me A Drink followed by a review of Author Frostina's Prison of Hope. I hope you enjoy these reviews and check out the stories - and if you are interested in a reviewing a story, let Renee Stevens or myself know!   Buy Me A Drink by AFriendlyFace   Reviewer: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 30,401   Aaron starts off as just a clinical sociology student who hangs out at the local gay bar with his roomm


Trebs in Reviews

Featured Story: Home

Home by Nephylim   Reviewer: LouisHarris Status: Complete Word Count: 20,328   Nephylim has a way with real life dramas and Home strikes at the very life blood of the reason we are human. We are gifted with the emotion which becomes a setting in the work. Heartfelt and poignant, Home is a fascinating portrait of gay love and a moving exploration of the bond of love, friendship and the heart’s most complex choices.   It is a richly layered drama and she never loses its grip.


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

A week of holidays - from Beltane to Star Wars Day to the Battle of Puebla - and now, it's over. I hope yours was good.   We started our GA week looking at Hosted Author Bill W's story Butterflies Fly Free, thanks to a great review by K.C.. I hadn't been aware of the story, but thanks to KC's review, I'm very intrigued.   Our tips this week were a good mix with a writing oriented one about Pleonasms, learning what they are to better avoid them; and a site oriented one on the community that i


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

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