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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

2024 Writing Events - In Full Swing!

Even though we're only days into the new year, we've already kicked off our year of amazing writing events with our tribute to Carlos Hazday.  If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to do so.  We have several other exciting writing events in the works, including a poetry anthology and our annual anthology.  We will be holding another secret author contest as well.  There are some really cool prompt-related events coming down the pipeline as well, so stay tuned for further information r


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Bits and Pieces

"Bits and pieces put together, to present a semblance of a whole" - Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN I've always been intrigued by the ideas suggested in this quotation.  It suggests, quite correctly, that art and artifice are simply representations, and parts of a story.  Narratives necessarily pick and choose the elements they want to reveal in order to make a coherent story.  The artist decides what things are presented to a consumer of their art and what things to leave out.  For

Ask An Author 3.0 - A New Year!

2024... For some reason, I thought we'd have hover-cars and Futurama's tube transportation by now. Instead, I get a pinched nerve in my neck. Yippee! I'm not sure about y'all but I got a few resolutions to work on for this year. Speaking of resolutions, I think this is a good time to sit down and reflect.  In a few months, I will have been working on Ask An Author 3.0 for three years. It's been a fun ride with a few bumps along the way, including the one I tripped over when I realized I for

Story Archive Tech - What do you need?

Fellow Site Members: Welcome to 2024!  There are going to be some big software changes this year as the software that powers our website, Invision Community, goes from version 4.X to 5.0.  The big key under the hood changes for this version will be modernizing the software and removing some of the legacy weight it has been carrying for a long time.  Their main target seems to be making the software even more mobile friendly. With over 50% of our traffic coming from Mobile, more speed, better f


Myr in Site Tech News

Action/Adventure Genre Deep Dive 2

Welcome to the 2024 Genre deep dive. We're going to be doing these each week based on the feedback we got last year. There are plans to keep tweaking things.  We have already started the process of making software updates for the site now that we have found a new software developer.  There are nice enhancements for blogs like this and our weekly wrap ups that we'll see later in the year. Let us know what you like and what you'd like to see and we'll see what we can do.   A


Myr in Genre Deep Dives

Long May You Run - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday

January first has always been a day to look forward to for fans of Carlos Hazday.  He always posted something new for readers to look forward on this day.  While it hurts like hell knowing we will never have that privilege again, today we celebrate the man that was our friend, mentor, author, and site contributor.  So, raise a toast in honor of Carlos (or flip off the sky - I think he would appreciate either sentiment!) and check out these 11 tributes in his memory.  Long may you run, my friend.


Valkyrie in Memorial

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 24 - Dec. 30)

Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And the days of auld lang syne?   For auld lang syne, my dear For auld lang syne We'll drink a cup of kindness yet For the sake of auld lang syne   And surely you will buy your cup And surely I'll buy mine! We'll take a cup of kindness yet For the sake of auld lang syne   We two have paddled in the stream From morning sun till night The seas between us Lord and swel


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Lagging Have you ever been writing a new story, or perhaps just a new chapter...and you really want to enrich the characters, or pour some more emotion into the scene, or you feel like you could pack some more detail and dialogue and world building into what you’re doing...but you begin to wonder if maybe you’re doing too much of it? It’s something that I sort of struggle with from time to time, and my decisions on the matter sort of flip and flop back and forth depending on how I plan


Comicality in Writing Tips

It's Resolution Time!

New Year's Resolutions - love them or hate them?  Some people thrive on resolutions and use them to make changes in their lives, at least for January   Others scoff at the idea and remain their fabulous selves without some arbitrary date telling them it's time to effect positive change.  Since New Year's is right around the corner, let's explore some resolutions!    PT Prompt #191: You've always been steadfastly against making any resolutions come January first and have trea


Valkyrie in Prompts

Author Guess Who #18 - Reveal!

Hope everyone had some happy holidays! Yours truly did. Seeing Momma Stone's eyes light up when she opened her new iPad was a great moment. The bro-in-law got me an indoor counter-top grill, so I'll be using that every day for the next week until I accidentally leave it in the farthest corner of the cabinet. Speaking of weeks, your two weeks are up. Time to see if y'all guessed the author. If you missed the questions or forgot what the responses were, you can click HERE to read 'em. Let's c


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

World Building Deep Dive

World Building is a special genre added to Gay Authors to group together the various elements that an author must develop for a speculative fiction story that occurs outside of our own experiences.  The further outside the more that needs to be developed.  However, modern audiences do not generally tolerate large amounts of exposition (Show, Don't Tell!).  World Building genre is where you can post the various parts and pieces that aren't full on story, but fill your world for those that just wa


Myr in Genre Deep Dives

December CSR Discussion Day: Mr & Mister Danvers: Initiation by LJCC

First, to all who celebrate, Merry Christmas!! Second, did you get a chance to read this month's CSR? I figure anyone who isn't celebrating, or who needs a break from celebrating, could definitely enjoy LJCC's story Mr & Mister Danvers: Initiation. Make sure you leave a comment below, but first... enjoy this interview!  Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Yes, fruits and vegetables are essential to life. Plus I’m in my late 30s now, if I don’t eat my fruits and veggies, my docto


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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