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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of

April CSR Discussion Day: A Love to Last by vanalas

April showers bring... May showers, at least where I live! How about you? If you've been stuck indoors, maybe you checked out this month's looong featured CSR story, A Love to Last? Or it'll be this week's evening entertainment of choice after this interview with the author, vanalas! (Or maybe you might pick another of vanalas' stories!) Q: Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? A: It depends with my mood. There are mornings when I wake up an


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

2023 Poetry Anthology: Week 3 Now Live!

Welcome to week 3 of the 2023 Poetry Anthology, and the release of several great poems or poem collections by some of GA's authors & poets. This year the theme picked is so open, authors really can take readers anywhere on a journey of...   Exploration   *Additional poetry chapters posting this week: Backwoods Boy's Autumn Explorations, Headstall's Treasures Found, & Parker Owens/AC Benus' Cadence Don't forget to like, comment, and review! 


Cia in Anthologies

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 16 - Apr. 22)

The one good thing about taking forced holidays is you get a lot of crap done that you should have done way in the past  Let's see, I finally got my painting done that I started in November. Bought new appliances that I wanted to do before Christmas and got some new furniture too! So I will host the next GA Friday night party, and you all are invited . You can all crash on my new couch   Now what to do in the week ahead ? Any recommendations? I am working my way slowly through the Poetry An


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

April Signature Author Excerpt: Shadow Honor by Cynus

Did you catch Monday's blog where I featured Cynus's story, Shadow Honor? This is one of my favorite genres, and I have to agree with @JeffreyL because I really like the way that @Cynus used the tattoo magic in the storyline. Have you read this story? Share your thoughts below if you didn't get the chance to share your love on Monday. If not, maybe this except will draw you in enough to make you go read (warning: You're going to want to have NOTHING else to do for a while!)  Want to read


Cia in Signature Feature

April Signature Author Feature: Shadow Honor by Cynus

Okay, another long story feature and this one has themes of fantasy which we all know I love! If you haven't given this Signature Author's story, Shadow Honor by @Cynus, a shot, what have you been doing?? Better yet, it's part of a series! Full of political intrigue, magic, demons, and more.... there's a ton in store for intrepid readers! Length: 126,057 Description: In the depths beneath the Everbright City lies a vast complex of caves known as The Shade. The Underking of the Sh


Cia in Signature Feature


Catharsis Every now and then, I like to ask my fellow writing colleagues on this website or in my emails this question, because it really does vary from person to person, from age to age, and from culture to culture. And sometimes, depending what era of time we happen to be living in can make a huge difference. Emails and online forums have given way to text messages and social media, hot encounters of fictional sex and shallow beauty has given way to extended and meaningful storytelling and


Comicality in Writing Tips

Weekly Wrap Up (April 9 - April 15)

Did you notice we had an announcement this week that you won't probably see regular blogs about every week? It was a bit busier week than usual on a Anthology release week. Now that we have two weeks of poetry anthos out, tell me 2 things. 1, how many have you read. 2, which one would you recommend to others? Okay, you don't have to choose just 1, but was thinking that we might get a wide range of likes. Maybe even tell us what you liked about it as if you were a salesman selling poems lik


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

2023 Poetry Anthology: Week 2 Now Live!

Welcome to week 2 of the 2023 Poetry Anthology, and the release of several great poems or poem collections by some of GA's authors & poets. This year the theme picked is so open, authors really can take readers anywhere on a journey of...   Exploration         Additional poetry chapters posting this week: AC Benus' Second Sight: Remembering Some San Francisco Neighborhoods Don't forget to like, comment, and review! 


Cia in Anthologies

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