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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 20 - Mar. 26)

So what can I do to make the Weekly Wrap Up different this week?  I could ask someone else to do it  Or, I can throw everything in the blender and see what it comes out as   So no usual Sun to Mon this week and in order, lets see what happens. Also, tonight I will be watching one of the greatest rivalries in sports, not basketball , not baseball not football (either kind) , but the coolest sport on earth, ice hockey The rivalry is between the Edmonton Oilers *spit* and the Calgary Flames *Y


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Not So Hot Potato

Hehehe, now, it's no secret that I am constantly typing my fingers to the bone on many different stories at once. And that means that I might finish a brand new chapter of one story, but it might take some time for me to cycle through a bunch of the others before I pick that story back up again. It's something that I've been really working on fixing for a long time now, and I hope that I'm getting better at it. However, I'm sure that there are some of you dedicated authors out there who hav


Comicality in Writing Tips

March 25th Call to GA’s poets

April is National Poetry writing month (NaPoWriMo). The challenge is to write a poem a day until May. Over the last years, we had several poets who took up the gauntlet. I understand that many of you can't or don't want to write a poem a day, but we are looking forward to every poem or poetry collection that will be posted during the next month. We are happy we could win AC Benus as a special guest to get us started with two brand new poetry prompts: Skyscraper Let's Write some Sk


Aditus in Prompts

Grammar Guide 12 - Sentences

This week we dig deeper into the structure of writing: sentences. Sentence - made up of one or more words that express a complete thought in a statement, question, request, command, or exclamation Fragments - look like a complete sentence, but often does not complete a thought.  Often, these fragments are subordinate (or dependent ) clauses. Fragment Example:  Because he was tired. This is a subordinate clause that is an incomplete thought. Sentence: Because he was tired, the


Myr in Grammar Guide

March Classic Author Feature: Bill W's A Friendship Lost and Found

How's your March coming along, like a lion or a lamb? I don't know about you, but sometimes this time of year, it feels like the weather is shifting back and forth, coming and going... maybe just like the characters were coming and going in each other's lives in the anthology entry by Bill W that I'm featuring this month. Did you read A Friendship Lost and Found? If you haven't, now's your chance!  Length: 12,029 Description: Tristan Rader and Gavin Munson met as four-year-olds a


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 13 - Mar. 19)

Well it appears that there is a lot of US Senators that seem to partake in GA Authors, and read the Weekly Wrap Up  Why you ask? After last weeks highly controversial wrap up where I asked everyone's opinion of Daylight Savings and Standard Time, it appears the US Senate were closely watching the discussion and decided to vote for year round Day Light Savings Time  The majority here I believe wanted to scrap it, and that is what they did. Cia won't be happy as the better time is to stay on Stand


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Now...I know that there are authors out there (or artists of every kind, to be honest) who hear the word 'guidelines' and go into a state of immediate shock, shaking their fist like, "Oh nooooo! They're gonna try to take control and limit my artistic freedom! Don't put me a box!" Hehehe, I'm happy to say that I've never really been one of those people. That's not to say that I want to sellout or have my creative abilities to be bound and gagged in order to fit into a mold that was built by


Comicality in Writing Tips

Let there be Spring!!!

Aaaaahhhh...The Vernal Equinox approaches.  "The March equinox – also called the vernal equinox – marks the beginning of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere. The March 2022 equinox will arrive on March 20 at 15:33 UTC. That’s 10:33 a.m. Central Daylight Time." - EarthSky website [https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/everything-you-need-to-know-vernal-or-spring-equinox/]   Oh, and it's Randy's birthday too!  But enough about

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Grammar Guide 11 - Interjections

Welcome to week 11 of our Grammar Guide.  This week is all about interjections.  Interjections typically show up in dialog. Interjections are used to express emotion such as surprise, displeasure and other strong emotions.   Interjections are typically abrupt as an aside or interruption and most often appear in dialog. Hey! Wow! Yuck! A strong interjection will typically have an exclamation point ! as punctuation.  However, you will see them with a period if the re


Myr in Grammar Guide

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