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4000 Posts!

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  • Site Administrator

C James has always told me that there is no tradition of celebrating 4000 posts at GA. I've taken him at his word, and so this is NOT a congratulations on reaching


4000 Posts!


but simply an appreciation of a person who has enriched my experiences at Gay Authors. Thanks, CJ!

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C James has always told me that there is no tradition of celebrating 4000 posts at GA.

Because no one has really reached 4000 posts. CJames is the first in history of GA. :P


but simply an appreciation of a person who has enriched my experiences at Gay Authors. Thanks, CJ!

This is not the time to be sweet with him. :(


But I'll admit that you're right when he ever admits he's not a lurker. :funny:

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C James has always told me that there is no tradition of celebrating 4000 posts at GA. I've taken him at his word, and so this is NOT a congratulations on reaching


4000 Posts!


but simply an appreciation of a person who has enriched my experiences at Gay Authors. Thanks, CJ!

Thanks Graeme!! :wub:


I've had a lot of fun at GA, I love this place. Thanks to everyone who makes it so special, and you are certainly one who does.


Because no one has really reached 4000 posts. CJames is the first in history of GA. :P

This is not the time to be sweet with him. :(


But I'll admit that you're right when he ever admits he's not a lurker. :funny:


But Frosty, what I said was absolutely true; GA has a tradition of celebrating 1k, 2k, and 3k, but we've never made a practice of celebrating 4k. :*)


And what? You don't believe I'm a lurker? Why, I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya! I'm just as much a lurker today as I've always been. :ph34r:

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I've had a lot of fun at GA, I love this place. Thanks to everyone who makes it so special, and you are certainly one who does.

Erm...I'll get you guys an hotel room you want.


The kids here are watching. :blink:



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but simply an appreciation of a person who has enriched my experiences at Gay Authors. Thanks, CJ!




Are you saying that he's been paying you all this time???


I'm shocked. I'm definitely sending this to :jerry:


Congrats CJ!!!


For some time now, every time you posted it was a new record! But who's counting. :P


I guess we'll all have to adjust to the non-traditional way of congratulating you. :blink:


Here's to the best looking, hardest worker, most talented lurker goat that GA has ever know. CJ!! Drink up! :wizard:

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:music: HAPPY 4000TH POST! :music:


It's not because it's 4000 but because these 4000 posts contains posts from your great stories, your contributions to several stories (including mine) and especially the preparation for the last anthology (which was awesome!) :worship:


So it's acceptable if I demand another 4000 posts from you, isn't it? :lol:


Take care and happy posting,


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(...)these 4000 posts contains posts from your great stories, your contributions to several stories (including mine) and especially the preparation for the last anthology (which was awesome!)


Take care and happy posting,

Praising quality, good! The Goat did some decent posting, making comments that are to the point, speaking his heart in a debate, yet not blasting others with weighty arguments, never losing his patience with the Frosty One, ;) ... Though CJames' lurking claims make me wonder about his sanity, no doubt your last wish will come true.

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My Heartiest Congratulations to the Lurker, thought the post count suggests other-wise....lol


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us CJ. You have no idea how much GA treasures the time, effort and thought spent by you.....


Well Done!!



The BeaStKid

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  • Site Moderator

Congratulations CJ on being the first to reach 4000.


Maybe we should change some definitions for a few words here. Lurker could become the term for someone who posts frequently, and Post Whore to someone who posts occasionally.



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Congratulations CJ on being the first to reach 4000.


Maybe we should change some definitions for a few words here. Lurker could become the term for someone who posts frequently, and Post Whore to someone who posts occasionally.



What category does that put me in?? lol :lol:

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What's reaching the big goal with out a little text art!













Ya made it you silly lurker!



Also, heads up to Graeme. Just a gentle reminder of yor own post from last year:

My view is that once someone reaches 2000 posts, the gloves come off and everything is fair game. Since I'm a long way from that, I think I'm safe. 0:)
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  • Site Administrator
Also, heads up to Graeme. Just a gentle reminder of yor own post from last year:
My view is that once someone reaches 2000 posts, the gloves come off and everything is fair game. Since I'm a long way from that, I think I'm safe. 0:)

I'm a long way from 2000 and getting further with every post. :P


I, for one, am happy to let CJ continue his delusion that he's a lurker. After all, would we really want him to post less frequently? And to make Bondwriter happy, I think CJ has a very high percentage of top quality posts. He tries to make good comments on other stories (especially the anthology entries) as well as having a playful attitude in the threads for his own stories :)


Happy lurking, CJ!

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Wow, thanks everyone! :hug:


I've had the time of my life here; GA is a wonderful place (thanks Myr!) and I've really enjoyed "meeting" everyone.


And Emoe, thats a VERY good quote of Graeme's you found, and I will point out that he certainly does have more than 2000 posts now. :devil:


Well, we seem to have a new tradition here; 4k congrats threads. :lol:


I'm also remembering that I announced my current serial story (linked in my sig) during my 2000th post thread. So, I'l like to kick off a new tradition, of announcing stories in millennial post threads. :lol:


Yes, that's just my excuse to be able to announce my next story here in the lounge, by doing so in this thread. :devil: The new story is called "Let the Music Play". It should be appearing in eFiction soon, soon being less than two weeks. I'll be posting the prologue and chapters 1&2 together. I'd also like to mention, for those of you who may have seen the old prologue in sneak peeks, that's not the prologue anymore. :)


Thanks everyone! :wub:


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  • 2 years later...

Lol, I was looking for someone's profile and dug through their posts. I found this, and I think it's funny, because now you've more than doubled since then. So do you still consider yourself a lurker, C James? :P

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Lol, I was looking for someone's profile and dug through their posts. I found this, and I think it's funny, because now you've more than doubled since then. So do you still consider yourself a lurker, C James? :P


And the award for the most archaeologic dug-out goes to... TIGER! :P

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