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How did you find Gay Authors?


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Hm, can't remember how exactly, but I think it was through Nifty and a link of one of the hosted authors.


I know there are other posts thanking individuals at GA who make it all possible, and all of them deserve every bit of thanks they get, but I want to thank GA itself for having this place we call 'home' for all of us like-minded people to meet and mingle :wub:

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I'm another one who started off reading a story on another site--Nifty. It was a while ago, I guess--dkstories's "Do Over"--and it was just a few chapters long at that point. Now I'm an impatient one, and discovered, thanks to Google, that stories often appeared in multiple places, and lo (not ot mention behold)--the versions on GA were much more complete than on Nifty. So I came here and was able to read farther ahead into the plot than I would have at Nifty--which only got me so far, because then I reached the end of what he had psoted here and needed to wait week by week as each new installment came out.


Googling also clued me in to the Forum feature of this site--I was very much taken with another story at the time--Grasshopper's "Just Hit Send," and found that forums discussing that story were everywhere except at IOMFATS, which hosted his story, but where the forum rules pretty well precluded serious story discussions.


Gay Authors has, along with several other sites, given me hours of pleasurable reading over the past few years, but GA has also offered something more--through forums and blogs and chats, it's offered me a real community of friends to share my reading with, and parts of my life with. (Thanks, Myr!)



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I found out about Gay Authors through Dom's Story links. I was convinced to post and become part of GA through a friend that told me it was better than Nifty and Yahoo Groups.



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Guest captain x3

googling on a bored friday night :/



..actually i made that up.

but that's probably what went down anyways ;P

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I found GA by following the link from DomLuka's The Log Way and Desert Dropping stories. I was "disappointed" because I immediately read all of those stories (which had been posted in their entirety on GA but were still being doled out to Nifty a bit at a time) - and once I finished reading them, the "disappointment" was that I didn't have that great sense of anticipation and satisfaction of waiting for the next chapter to be posted once a week and reading it. ("disappointment" is, of course, a joke. Being able to read all the other stories by Dom and DK, and eventually Dio and LittleBuddhaTW also, well outweighed that I'd have to wait for more TLW and DD chapters. :)


- dfp

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I'm here because of Dan's Do Over. Only half of it was on nifty so I searched, found his page...went holy crap all of Do Over is here, a second book Do Over Redux and then Doing it Right! Eventually I clicked on the link to GA on his site. That was only 4 months ago :)



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I was googling, trying to find a gay writers community or at least a story archive that respects the author's rights.

I found both, here!


Here, for a large part, writers come first. This is quite refreshing compared to other communities who aren't particularly respectful towards authors or their fiction. Respect is very important to me.


The more I see of GA, the more I feel at home here.

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I was googling, trying to find a gay writers community or at least a story archive that respects the author's rights.

I found both, here!


Here, for a large part, writers come first. This is quite refreshing compared to other communities who aren't particularly respectful towards authors or their fiction. Respect is very important to me.


The more I see of GA, the more I feel at home here.



It's a great place to be, lustful_orcs' :pickaxe: :ranger:

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I acctualy think I stumbled onto GA by going through refering urls on my own website... It seems someone was foolish enough to acctualy add it to the links archive here.


Been coming back over the years, checking out different authors Comicality, DomLuka. Then I figured Id join... acctualy I need to pm admin about that :blink:



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I really enjoy reading male/male stories, I read Bobby Michaels Jock Dorm Dar and Gregg. I signed up for his yahoo group and got a link for his other yahoo group, rimpig. From there I got the link for nifty and read many stories on that site. Long story short I investigated the authors I enjoyed and joined their groups. Dominic Luka among others was recommended through the lustyville yahoo group. Dominic has this website as a link and here I am :2thumbs:

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  • 4 weeks later...

It was because of after :



'Who said you can't fight fate?' J'Stan asked himself, remembering his favorite saying as a teenager. The grin on his face as he fought the last battle of his life was one of pure joy, pure freedom. He was free at that moment. Free of pain, of guilt, of anger, free to love all the people who were yet to be born, free to give his life so that they could live without the Mists of Fate.



I just HAD to have more... So, I traced DK around the Web... until I found him here... :)




P.S.: Yes, Dan, I'm a backup freak... ;)

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It was because of after..... :


Hey Lele

By reading this post, I found your signature very appropriate :P May I ask you ? Is it home made ? Or did you find it somewhere?

Peace on Earth, malgrado Il Papa. And buon Natale

Old bob

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