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Your Dream Journey


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Are you aching to go to exciting far-away places, like I am? If so, where would you like to go? What countries? Are there any specific journeys you'd like to make -- any traditional routes you'd like to travel, legendary trains, or would you like to experience something in particular?

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I am a Sagittarius, and we are known for our love of travel. I would have to say that Paris tops my list of places to go. It's a city with a rich history and so much beauty and style. There are so many places to see, like ancient ruins in Latin America or the jungles of Southeast Asia. The entire world is just another adventure waiting to be taken.

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Personally I would love to hop across the pond and visit either Germany or Russia.


Germany and Russia both have such a unique culture that I would love to visit either place and just revel in it. Germany has the gothic architecture I love, the bueatiful scenery, and a unique history that I would love to dive into. Russia has the same thing, but they also have the language that I would love to study one day.

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Over ten years ago, before kids, my wife and I had a long weekend on a canal boat up near Manchester in the UK. It was a magical time -- slowly moving along the canal and seeing the countryside. We'd like to do that again, though maybe in Southern France where we understand you can hire similar canal boats.

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My dream is to go to Finland. It almost happened. Someday it will for sure.


One of the people that I am closest to in the world lives there.


I am not sure when I will make it there. When I was suppossed to go there, our plans were to spend lots of time in Helsinki, take a ferry boat to Sweden and go camping. Take their family boat and spend a few days in Estonia, and just have a great time togeather. It is kind of sad that I was not able to go... I did not have enough money. When I do go though, i would love to still be able to do the things that we had planned.


Oh, and for your information, Santa lives in Lapland, which is in northern Finland. He has never lived in the South Pole 'North Pole'.



Edited by Kurt
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Germany has the gothic architecture I love, the bueatiful scenery, and a unique history that I would love to dive into.

Dunno about unique history, really, but -- yes, it's got nice scenery, and no -- not very much Gothic architecture. At least, not in eastern/northern Germany. I imagine the Cologne cathedral, being big and old and grand, would also be very Gothic, but I think France has much more Gothic stuff, being Catholic and all. Strasbourg (France) has an amazing cathedral of red stones.


Germany is cool anyway, especially during football matches. :D



Over ten years ago, before kids, my wife and I had a long weekend on a canal boat up near Manchester in the UK. It was a magical time -- slowly moving along the canal and seeing the countryside. We'd like to do that again, though maybe in Southern France where we understand you can hire similar canal boats.

Sounds lovely! The little boathouses in Amsterdam and the houses along Venice were all very inviting, although I wouldn't want to really have to deal with daily floods and such...


Oh, and for your information, Santa lives in Lapland, which is in northern Finland. He has never lived in the South Pole.

No, one does not usually envision Santa living in the South Pole...


I need to do the Silk Road some day. I haven't decided period or modern travel, but seeing as I'd like to make it alive, I think I'd opt for modern travel... Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England are also musts. Iceland would be lovely. Suzhou and Hangzhou are also necessary; I'd like to hit some of the 5 Sacred & 4 Buddhist Mountains, as well.

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I would love to visit Germany, Japan, and Estonia.


Germany: my birthtown, Wiesbaden - an American air base.




Estonia: a beautiful winter wonderland, hmm Leto Svet?

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France, to visit a ga member, probably go to Paris as well




Sicily and Ischia Italy.


England, Scotland, Ireland


Philippines and Japan.


Edit: Denmark and Netherlands

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Leaving the US permanently for Australia after wandering Europe for a while.


First the UK (a month in London, Scotland, Ireland), across the chunnel to Paris to hang with Sumbloke for a bit. Off to Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Brussels. On to Germany, Poland, the Baltic Coast and then St Petersburg. Down to Moscow for the symphony and ballet then off to Prague, Sophia then to Rome (for a while). Take a slow boat around the Med- Greek Isles, Sicily, Cyprus and Israel back to the South of France, Spain and Portugal. Then catch a plane for down under. :)

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The dream vacation and such would be going on an expedition with Wildlife Biologists in Africa and study a species of any of the larger mammals. Or in the Alaskan/Canadian/Northern US and study the Grey Wolves for a few months as well. Just something that will keep me in the wild and elements with a group of people and learn something. Animal Behavior is interesting.




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The Pacific Northwest, which is anything and everything from Yellowstone-Grand Teton National Parks to Alaska, and everything in-between.


Overseas, I'd like to see New Zealand, the Alps, Scotland, and the Caucasus Mountains. (Can you tell I love mountains?)

Culturally, I'd love to have encounters with the Dutch, the Austrians, the Irish, the part of Eastern Europe where my father's mother's family came from (I think it's mainly Belarus these days, but my people always ignored national borders, which changed too frequently to develop nationalities), and I'd like to see Great Britain.

And for music, Id like to spend time in Mali, Georgia, Madagascar, Wales, and Appalachia.


Of course, I need to retire from work to be able to have to time for all this, but then I won't be able to afford most of it. :(



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Some airlines offer round the world tickets at reasonable prices. There are some restrictions, like a requirement to stay overnight on at least four different continents. Ha! Wouldn't keep me from going. Of course, you need sufficient time and money to make it worthwhile.


I would go to Europe (Ireland, Germany, and the Scandinavian and Baltic countries), somewhere in Asia I haven't been (Hong Kong or Tokyo), Australia, and Brazil. I'll have to find someone to travel with me. My wife won't make that long a trip; she hates getting on and off planes, trains, buses, etc. Any volunteers?

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I'd go to Africa and

... sit on the head of the Sphinx in Egypt

... climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania

... ride an elephant in Kenya

... eat on Table Mountain in South Africa

... get drenched at Victoria Falls in Zambia


I'd go to Asia and

... walk along the Great Wall in China

... eat a sack lunch in the Skybridge of the Petronas Towers in Malaysia

... release a cricket in the Taj Mahal in India

... fly a kite at the Potala Palace in Tibet


I'll hit the other continents later...


-- Little Brother

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Me? Simple...Take a World Tour... :lol:


BeaStKid :devil:

BK, you're too cute! But that sounds rather nice.


I'd like to hit up most of Europe. I want to learn more about the countries/cultures and see a bit more of their history, which ultimately affects them in the present. Plus, I read so much about Europe in my history courses, it'd be nice to see it up close.


And of course Asia! But the flights would be mad long and I suck on airplanes!

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And of course Asia! But the flights would be mad long and I suck on airplanes!

The flights are long (about thirteen hours from the states to Japan) but well worth the exhaustion. The trick is to sleep as little as possible the week beforehand so that you nap the whole flight there, or take muscle relaxants. I really want to go back. The last trip was mostly presentations and work with just a little time to sightsee.


Other places I

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I need to do the Silk Road some day. I haven't decided period or modern travel, but seeing as I'd like to make it alive, I think I'd opt for modern travel... Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England are also musts. Iceland would be lovely. Suzhou and Hangzhou are also necessary; I'd like to hit some of the 5 Sacred & 4 Buddhist Mountains, as well.


I'll talk you into period travel yet... Muahahaha. :D And yeah, Hangzhou and Suzhou are definitely on my list as well, and I'll stick a few of those mountains on it, too. And *cough* the wall. Of course, I have to go to China both via the Silk Road and on the Transsiberian railway, so that'll be two long journeys... Not that I mind, though. ;)



France, to visit a ga member, probably go to Paris as well




Sicily and Ischia Italy.


England, Scotland, Ireland


Philippines and Japan.


Edit: Denmark and Netherlands


Heeey, did you forget Sweden?? The other places are cool though. :)



A 3-year pub crawl in Ireland! :D


I'm serious! :2hands:


Conner 0:)


Yeah, I did that, for four years, and I'd recommend it to anyone. :D I had a great time! The pubs are great, the music sessions are great, and -- the beer is wonderful. As is the Irish language. And as an extra bonus I got to take a kid with me back home. :P


On that note, I'll say that travelling with kids is absolutely great, it makes you see things differently, and it gives you an excuse to take things easy and skip the things the kid wants to skip, and which you secretly may not want to see either.


Apart from what I've already mentioned I'd like to go to Iceland, Svalbard, Lake Baikhal, some places in the Middle East (Jordan, Oman, Beiruth, Baghdad, Israel, Egypt, Iran), Peru/possibly Bolivia, and Mexico.


I'm going to Australia in December, but I'd also love to see New Zealand some time, and I'll definitely go to San Francisco some time not too far off.


And then, of course, I need to start revisiting the places I liked... :D

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Over ten years ago, before kids, my wife and I had a long weekend on a canal boat up near Manchester in the UK. It was a magical time -- slowly moving along the canal and seeing the countryside. We'd like to do that again, though maybe in Southern France where we understand you can hire similar canal boats.

Hey Graeme,

Here the site you need to fulfil you whish :

moving along a canal in France

enjoy !

Old Bob, who would do the same if he would be 20 years younger :lol:

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Aha, finally a topic about my most intense passion: Travel!


I've been lucky enough to have done a fair bit of traveling in my life. My backpack and I have been around the world a couple of times over, and I can tell you with some assurance that wanderlust is something that only gets stronger over time. I'm Canadian and have seen a fair bit of North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Central America, Southeast Asia, and I've touched bits of the Middle East (namely, Israel). Of course, it still feels like I've barely scratched the surface.


That said, of places I've yet to see, high up on my list at the moment are Japan (trip planned for this fall), the southern part of South America (next year, hopefully), the trans-Siberian/trans-Mongolian route from Russia to China (one day...) and East Africa (also one day...). Just to name a few, that is. Really, there's almost nowhere that I don't want to go (okay, maybe Detroit...) and I'll take any opportunity. Time and money always seem to be in too short a supply.

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I want to go to :

Petra, Jordan

Playa Blanca, Panama

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

Barcelona, Catalonia


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