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Reality TV. Love it or hate it?/ American Idol S8

Sir Galahad

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Well another season of the biggest show in America is under way, but do you switch off, or stay glued to your seats?


Let's face it, Idol is a reality show & a huge one at that. Personnally I love it.

The auditions are the best bit by a mile, lets be honest, the majority of them can't sing a note, but REALLY believe they can. Just the looks on their faces when they get turned down, so funny. Simon just tears 'em to shreds, a lot of people say cruelly, but some of them do need a serious reality check. Paula, well, she sits on the fence so much she must have splinters in her....... lol

Normally it's airs here on a Thursday night, so no reveals! Is it me or is the standard so far really below par. What gets me is that they have a once in a lifetime opportunity, & they blow it by singing, really lame songs which never suit their voices. Maybe group 3 will be better


Over here Idol was dropped in favour of the X Factor, headed again by Cowell. Same concept, but 4 categories, under 25 girls, under 25 boys, groups & the over 25's. The four judges have a catagory each, & choose the songs etc. Works really well. Leona Lewis so far it's biggest star, but that was really a given.


Britain/America's Got Talent - Again headed by Simon Cowell here in the UK. Love the show, & the weird acts they have on them from the superb to the banal.


I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - Must see TV for us over this side of the pond. Seeing 'celebrities' chucked into the jungle & made to eat all kinds of animal parts, bugs etc. We're a sick nation.


Big Brother - Hate it with a passion. Was great the first 5 - 6 seasons, then has tailed off as the producers have tried to put totally insane people in the house. Just don't watch it anymore.


So what do you guys reckon? Turn off or turn on?

Edited by Sir_Galahad
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I watch American Idol. It's nice to drool over those singing guys. lol

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I actually like American Idol (btw, I think Adam Lambert is hot). I used to follow The Amazing Race, but after a few seasons it's pretty much the same. I also like X-Factor, but I can only watch it on youtube heh.


Being where I am, there's sooooo many rip-offs of western talent shows, and most of them are boring, popularity contests. Waaaaay too much 'looks-and-novelty-will-net-you-votes' kinda shows, less talent involved.

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I've never watched a full episode of American Idol.


I think the one reality show I do like is "Hell's Kitchen". It's in it's 3rd or 4th season now.

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I personally hate most Reality TV shows, however I watched almost every episode of last seasons I'm a Celebrity.


The reason being that 3 out of the 12 contestants were either Gay or Lesbian, one of which was the great George Takei. But that was pretty much the only thing that interested me.


Most other reality tv shows annoy me, along with the contestants.

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I don't really watch any nowadays except The Amazing Race which I follow religiously.


But it's kind of a reality, game, travel show hybrid, so I think it's not as bad as watching something like Big Brother. At least there's actual things to see, learn, enjoy on Race.

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I don't really watch any nowadays except The Amazing Race which I follow religiously.


But it's kind of a reality, game, travel show hybrid, so I think it's not as bad as watching something like Big Brother. At least there's actual things to see, learn, enjoy on Race.


I know. Big Brother is the scourge here as well. I really have a feeling it's days are numbered in the UK. Viewing figures have plummeted through the floor, producers are desperatly thinking of new ways to make it current, but I think people have just had enough of it.

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the thing that I find the most amazing about all of them is what they are called, i mean really, game shows give away prizes reality has nothing to do with any of them




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Reality TV is what it is because its cheap to produce and people watch it.


A reality TV show costs a mere fraction to produce compaired to a made for TV series drama or movie but it fills a time slot and advertisers pay to air their commercials at the same rates.


Basically it is the worst of the worse video junkfood that the networks have to offer. I hear there is an all reality cable channel in the works. I can't wait to ignore that.


They make a profit for their networks so the only way to kill them is not to watch.

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I think all points so far are valid, we all agree the vast majority of reality TV is trash.

That said, some are genuine crowd pullers. American Idol, X Factor, Britain/America Got Talent all pull in the viewers by the millions. Yeah, the networks make a fortune from the phone lines, but no-one is forcing these people to ring up & vote.

Do you classify these programmes as reality TV or are they just pure entertainment?

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It's all about the music to me. That, and my mother and I compare the guys. ;)

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Have just seen the latest instalment of American Idol, & the standard was much the same as the second group, poor. At least that awful Tatiana didn't get through, she had a face you could quite happily slap a few times! :D Big surprise was a top 13!

For me the front runners have to be Lil Rounds & Danny Gokey, though that Adam is a bit of a hottie. lol

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I love Adam ;)

I like Anoop a lot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have finally caught up on American Idol. To be fair if Adam doesn't win then there is a serious problem. By far the most original on the show.

Can't really argue with who's gone so far, but overall the standard seems to be getting better. Hope that's not the kiss of death! lol.

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My TV set is on for 1 hour a week.




..for the story line! The fact that the lead character is the stuff of wet dreams is just a happy accident. No, really...!


Okay, fine. I lied.

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Well, I don't watch TV at all and haven't for...well about 8 years. :lol:


No, it wasn't American Idol which turned me off completely. That time simply coincided with a busy point in my life in general as well as a growing preference to spend my free time online instead.


Anyway, that's not to say that I haven't seen a few episodes of things here and there at friends' houses. In fact I used to have weekly plans with a bunch of friends to get together and watch Intervention, which would of course also be reality TV. As a matter of fact I did enjoy that show quite a bit.


Regarding American Idol I'm more conflicted. I've seen a lot of single song performances, mostly on YouTube, and a few bits and pieces here and there when other people had it on. All in all I'd say that it isn't something I'd classify as worth spending my time watching (but as is evidenced by my lack of TV viewing there are very few shows I consider worth spending time watching); however, it would not be an unpleasant way to spend my time. Theoretically, if I didn't have anything better to do I'd be fine watching American Idol; however, I've pretty much always got something better to do.


In general, as a genre, I don't like reality TV. Nor do I like the ever popular crime dramas like CSI or the court TV like Judge Judy. The same goes for Medical dramas, talk shows, and soap operas. Those sorts of shows actively disgust me and put me off in most cases. Actually, the only type of TV genre I can say that like is the SitCom. I generally find SitComs to be at least pleasant to watch and like American Idol most of them are such that if I didn't have anything better to do I'd be content to watch them. There are really only a few television shows that I actually consider worth my time and the majority of them are SitComs (Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, Will & Grace). Then there is the random drama that I consider worth my time (Queer as Folk), and yes, even the random reality show (like Intervention).


For the most part though I'm very happy that I don't watch TV and plan to avoid it as much as possible for the remainder of my life. If something is really funny or really emotionally compelling then I'm happy to watch it, but if - like the majority of TV - it's just a big, mindless time drain then NO THANKS.




Edited by AFriendlyFace
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So Michael is the latest to go, & frankly based on last week & this deserved it. To be honest this was a really horrible show. Most acts were terrible with the exception of Adam Lambert, Matt Giraud & Allison Iraheta.

You would have thought with all those bad performances it would be easy to pick a bottom two. Well, we got it half right, but WTF was Matt Giraud doing in it. One of the performances of the night & he's bottom two. Come on America, get your fingers outta your ears! :thumbdown:

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Yeah am with you on Scott, two weeks in a row now the performances have been really lame. He has a nice enough voice, but, I dunno, he lacks that certain something. Oh yeah, personality, charisma & general sex appeal! :lol: Nope, am left totally cold when he performs.

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