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Irrational Fears, what are yours?

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Well, as long as they are hiding behind the closet, I'm fine. I make as if they are not there. What I don't see doesn't hurt me. (Or something like that). Sometimes, being in denial does help. Haha



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Also (and I know how silly this must sound), I sometimes worry that my parents or people around me can hear my thoughts.


I think this to sometimes, not a fear of mine but when your maybe mentally undressing someone :*) and suddenly think OMG what if everyone here just saw that thought.


My most irrational fear though is being mistakenly pronounced dead and waking up buried in a coffin, for this reason my family knows that I am to be cremated when I die.


It's not a fear but talking to tall people makes me very uncomfortable not for any fear for my safety or anything like that, more just that I am quite tall and am not used to looking up at someone when I talk and it's quite unnerving if I have to for some reason.


Other than that I think all my other fears are perfectly rational :P

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I think this to sometimes, not a fear of mine but when your maybe mentally undressing someone :*) and suddenly think OMG what if everyone here just saw that thought.


My most irrational fear though is being mistakenly pronounced dead and waking up buried in a coffin, for this reason my family knows that I am to be cremated when I die.


It's not a fear but talking to tall people makes me very uncomfortable not for any fear for my safety or anything like that, more just that I am quite tall and am not used to looking up at someone when I talk and it's quite unnerving if I have to for some reason.


Other than that I think all my other fears are perfectly rational :P


That's another one, I'm sorta afraid of trapped in a coffin, when I was really just deep sleep. :(


sametime though goes hand and hand about being trapped in spaces.

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I'm with me on the tall people one though i'm not afraid it's just like "Holy Crap they are taller then me! Ackward!!!!" cuz i'm pretty tall.


My Irrational fears:


There's this stretch of highway on the Reservation it's about 15 minutes all along the lake it's a shallow lake and theres a dam and a current and lots of rocks. Whenever we are driving on that side of the highway that the lake is on i grab onto the doorhandle. I have this fear that one day i am going to drown in that lake. I've had that thought plenty of times for years and years. I know people who have drowned there in fishing accidents. And back a couple decades the water was so high it pushed a few cars into the lake.


On the same stretch theres a campground where a few murders happened i won't even dare go drive in there it's a little rest stop. I just find it creepy knowing that murders happened there. My towns actually famous for those murders too which makes it more creepy.


But i wouldn't really consider these irrational. Elevators maybe cuz i got trapped in them a few times.

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1. Completely irrational? Lizards. Big/small- doesn't matter. Even photos or drawings. Even the word freaks me out. I keep the blinds open in my room at night so that enough light comes in for me too check my bed for lizards every so often.

I am totally with you on this one. Damn Gico commercial drives me NUTS!! By the way, it IS a phobia. My dad, who is a retired prof. of the U of PR has contacted various scholars to find out the proper name for the fear/phobia of lizards, no one has been able to answer his question. You can find a vast list of phobias on the internet, Google it.

I have been trying to do self therapy and it's getting better, but just a bit. My father who is a psychologist told me I needed counseling immediately and when I said NOOOOOO!!!! (cuz I know what it implies) he asked me if I wanted for him to do it for me. Needless to say, another NOOOOOO!!! LOL

I'm with Mark Arbour, I find the possibility of being with a pair of identicall twins intensely erotic and exciting beyond belief! :lmao: (Especially if they do everything the same, including kiss, and taste the same)


Oh you have no idea how MAD the girls used to make me when ever they had their eyes on one of my boys and when he showed no interest they would go for the other one!!! Yeah, Ideantical twins can be a pain in the ARSE!! (They cover for each other all the time!) They used to get tormented by other kids (esp. girls) about their *coughs* Puertorrican hiney. I used to tell them to not pay attention, that those same girls would be drooling once they reached high school.... It happened. Then they couldn't keep their hands off their BUTTS!!!





There is no worst than them. I often scream when I see one near me. Sometimes, they come in my room. :( I go in the opposite corner and try to ignore them. :( Can you believe that even with my 'shoo' they don't go away?


Pets of devil, I tell you.


Take care,



Three years ago we went to PR to visit. One evening my sister comes in the room and gives me a "look" and starts whispering with my dad. They didn't say anything to me. Like everyday in my life, I was the last one in the shower. When I reached for my towel, I looked at the back of the tub and what do I see? A damn baby lizard!!!! Now, my uncle, who I think "plays" deaf always has the TV full blast. I screamed and screamed holding the towel on me. Needless to say, no one heard me, they were all in the sitting room. The only shower door working was the one where the damn critter was!!! I think I am the first person in the history to be able to actually fly! LOL I jumped so high, grabbed my clothes off the floor and ran to our room hyperventilating! After a few minutes, my sister walks in and sees me looking like a ghost, runs to the living room, yells at my dad (here i am still clutching the towel, butt naked!!!) I see the look in their eyes and my sister says, "Oh Oh, she saw it!" ..... I wanted blood...

Did you know you could die from a phobia? I've gone as far as hyperventilating and passing out... due to my twins prank!!! Consider it a miracle they are still breathing!!! :P

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Also (and I know how silly this must sound), I sometimes worry that my parents or people around me can hear my thoughts. So if I have a crush on someone and fantasize about them I get paranoid and wonder if they're seeing me see them in my head. :blink:

It's not silly...I have a tendency to freak out every time I let my thoughts wander, 'cause they go some awfully weird places




1. I am afraid of darkness and silence together. I am fine with either separately, but if they occur together like walking alone at night; I am really afraid. It's just eerie and you are expecting something from nothing.

You're not alone my friend, I have an overactive imagination and form those figures and movements. I've found talking to myself helps 'cause it's not just that eerie silence, especially if you can create a conversation between multiple characters




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I'm terrified of Jizz.


Which makes life as a gay man interesting...

I misread that as jazz.


I was thinking, "That's true, a lot of gay people do like Jazz."




You're not alone my friend, I have an overactive imagination and form those figures and movements. I've found talking to myself helps 'cause it's not just that eerie silence, especially if you can create a conversation between multiple characters

I really like total darkness. So dark in fact that there are no dark shapes and figures. The pitch blackness is the best, where you really can't tell if your eyes are open or not. I love sleeping in such darkness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmmmm... second post, my irrational fears.... :P you're really getting the best out of me I guess :P


I'm afraid of deep water, I love showers or simply taking a bath, but anything larger and especially when I can't see the bottom.... I can get creeped out of my mind. I saw What lies beneath when I was 12 years old and it left it's marks....... Even if I know nothing can happen, I have a over-creative mind, my reason just can't win sometimes....


And I'm afraid of people near me dying..... My b/f snores but sometimes his breathing stops or something.... and it creeps me out so damn bad that I can barely sleep for the night.....

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I am totally with you on this one. Damn Gico commercial drives me NUTS!! By the way, it IS a phobia. My dad, who is a retired prof. of the U of PR has contacted various scholars to find out the proper name for the fear/phobia of lizards, no one has been able to answer his question. You can find a vast list of phobias on the internet, Google it.

I have been trying to do self therapy and it's getting better, but just a bit. My father who is a psychologist told me I needed counseling immediately and when I said NOOOOOO!!!! (cuz I know what it implies) he asked me if I wanted for him to do it for me. Needless to say, another NOOOOOO!!! LOL

Same. Everyone in my family is also like "you need therapy" and I also refuse to for the same reason. If that virtual-reality therapy thing was more available I might consider it but still scary. Used to be a bigger problem coz I lived near a reserve but now I'm in the city so it isn't too bad. I've also passed out but only on like two occasions- usually I just cry pathetically.


Oh and they should totally have a name for the phobia.

Edited by writeincode
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Same. Everyone in my family is also like "you need therapy" and I also refuse to for the same reason. If that virtual-reality therapy thing was more available I might consider it but still scary. Used to be a bigger problem coz I lived near a reserve but now I'm in the city so it isn't too bad. I've also passed out but only on like two occasions- usually I just cry pathetically.


Oh and they should totally have a name for the phobia.

I'm really stunned that they don't!

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My most irrational fear though is being mistakenly pronounced dead and waking up buried in a coffin, for this reason my family knows that I am to be cremated when I die.


Embalming is just as effective.


And I'm afraid of people near me dying..... My b/f snores but sometimes his breathing stops or something.... and it creeps me out so damn bad that I can barely sleep for the night.....


One reason to be treated for sleep apnea is so that your spouse/partner can get some sleep.

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I am afraid of elevators. Which really sucks because I work on floor 15 with all the executive staffs. I'm mostly over it, but I used to never go on them. I got mostly over it on one elevator ride, I was with my young friend and I was so scared. He said I could hold him if I was scared, and I just clung to him for all 4 flights of the trip. It was a glass elevator so it was super scary. It felt so good to hold him, and when we got to the top I felt so relaxed. Every time I get in an elevator I think of how he felt in my arms and I just melt; before I know it I'm at my destination floor.


Millipedes too. Eeesh...so many legs.


Umm, that's all I really have that are irrational...I mean I fear getting shot when I have a gun pointed in my face. Luckily those times are few and far between...

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I am afraid of elevators. Which really sucks because I work on floor 15 with all the executive staffs. I'm mostly over it, but I used to never go on them. I got mostly over it on one elevator ride, I was with my young friend and I was so scared. He said I could hold him if I was scared, and I just clung to him for all 4 flights of the trip. It was a glass elevator so it was super scary. It felt so good to hold him, and when we got to the top I felt so relaxed. Every time I get in an elevator I think of how he felt in my arms and I just melt; before I know it I'm at my destination floor.


Millipedes too. Eeesh...so many legs.


Umm, that's all I really have that are irrational...I mean I fear getting shot when I have a gun pointed in my face. Luckily those times are few and far between...


That sucks, If I could I'd walk if it's not to high up, or do half and half.

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Hmmm, another one, Im afraid of prison.


5 days in juvenile almost destroyed me. lol


B) .......Humm, must be a catchy thing, I had to go by the family court complex the other day and had my step-kid with me. He spent three months locked up there, he cussed, refused to get out of the car and asked me to park as far away as possible!! :lol: And that was like 8-9 years ago. :P

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Fear of saying goodbye or losing someone


I've got that too and it sucks. I wouldn't say it's irrational but it can get really bad if you worry about it too much.


It's scary sometimes to get close to someone because once you get used to them being around, once you get used to the feeling they give you, it gets difficult to deal with not having them there and not feeling that way again. So yeah, I think we all experience that from time to time.

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I have an irrational fear of anything with more than four legs. Seriously, even LADYBUGS freak me out.


Oddly enough...the ONLY one I'm not afraid of is bees. I actually think bees are kinda cute.


Not wasps though. *shudder*



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  • 2 weeks later...

This isn't really a fear... It's just something that's terrible and I can't deal with it. Raw meat in any form. I can eat it cooked, but raw is just so gross to look at, smell or even worse, touch! <_<

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This isn't really a fear... It's just something that's terrible and I can't deal with it. Raw meat in any form. I can eat it cooked, but raw is just so gross to look at, smell or even worse, touch! <_<


I dont enjoy touching raw meat, so I usually have it as is like whole chicken breasts instead of cutting them. But I do touch it sometimes when it really needs to be cut, even though I find it ugh.




Being trapped by someone else while they do something harmless but unpleasant. Quickly giving an example for this.. being pinned and tickled :P . If it happens I turn into an animal and will absolutely hurt this person if they do not respond to verbal instruction or to mild push off.



Potentially being smelly in a public place. I get paranoid if I feel a bit sweaty, even if I know I cannot possibly smell because I showered just an hour ago and put deodorant on. This leads to me getting sweatier and more nervous and so it goes on. I dont mind if its some sort of physical activity and everyone else smells too :D .

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  • 2 weeks later...

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