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Harry Potter 6 Spoiler Thread *SPOILER*

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This is the thread to discuss the 6th Harry Potter book.

please keep the really big spoilers (who dies, who kills, and what Half-Blood Prince means) inside of the spoiler tags.



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This entire post is a spoiler...



*Does anything think Harry Potter will return to Hogwarts?* It seems as though he intends to skip his final year.


Also, did anyone else notice that Neville played almost no part in the book. As one of my favorite characters, this sorely dissapointed me. Ditto for Professor Mcgonagall. And I thought that Harry would've received Fawkes. I thought phoenix's never die after all.


Also, I bet Draco redeems himself somewhere. I know that's what all the slash authors are hoping for at least ;)




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so, how do I read the thoughts of others?


Boy on a String








Occlumency? Not sure what you mean




That is what I thought I had to do ... all I saw was black stuff and I didn't know how to read it.


Thanks, Myr, for reading my mind so you could tell me how to read the posts. (is this how you came up with Psionic Corps?)



Ok, is it possible that Snape killed Dumbledore because that is what Dumbledore wanted him to do to prevent Draco from becoming a murderer?

After all, that would fit with the argument that Hagrid overheard between Snape and Dumbledore?

And then there is they way Dumbledore talked to the deatheaters on the top of the tower and the way he talked to Draco. He didn't talk to Snape the same way.

Rowling is a great author. I like how each book is 'fresh' ... different, from the other books, even though she is using the same charactors in each book ... the stories are different. (And though I didn't like book 5 all that much, I did like this one a lot).

Rowling also throughs in some really nice plot twists ... stuff that I didn't/don't see coming, anyways. So, this could be a major one.

And yet, what better way for Voldemort to plant an agent inside Dumbledore's house, than the one who overheard part of the prophecy, but to send him back, with somekind of repentent story?

Of course I could have caught Dumbledore's beliefe in giving people second chances, which is why I want Snape to be a 'under orders' 0:) .



Hope that worked.


Boy on a String


(Hey, it did work :D )

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My two cents:



I'm pretty well convinced that Dumbledore knew what was going on with Snape and Draco, and that Snape didn't go back over to the death eaters, he just wanted to save Draco. There's also the fact that he refused to attack Harry. I know he said that Voldemort wanted to deal with him, but that still doesn't mean Snape couldn't have done some painful but non-lethal things to Harry. I think in the end Draco will at least not side with the death eaters, even if he never really comes over to Harry's side. JKR has spent too much time on him, showing us how Lucius treats him and making him a sort of sympathetic character. Him not being able to kill Dumbledore pretty much made up my mind that he'd redeem himself somehow.


I'm still wondering what the significance of Snape being the HBP is. We found out it was him right at the end, and then nothing else was really said about it. It is pretty funny that Harry was the top of the class in Potions because of Snape.


I think that if Harry doesn't return to Hogwarts, then we're not really going to be able to see any of the other characters, plus that'll pretty much be the end of him becoming an auror (although I'm not sure how much he cares about that anymore) so I hope he does go back.


I'm not sure why everyone dislikes book 5 so much. I mean, yeah, Harry's pretty annoying, but I think it was a realistic way for him to act, considering his age and what he was going through. He's still human after all, and he's got faults.




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Lets see if I can figure this out.



I am really not sure what I think about the book. It seems to me that there is a definate rush at the end to get things done. After the slow pace of the first parts of the book I was disappointed by the sudden ending. I am probably just kidding myself on this one, but I am not sure Dumbledore is even dead. Remember earlier on when he was talking to Draco about how they could *pretend* to kill him? He even says something along the lines of 'you'd be suprised what we can do'.


I agree that it would be sad for him to not go back to school for his last year. After everything that he has been through it doesn't make sense for him to stick it out to finish. Since education is so important with everything else, how can he be so willing to just not go back? Maybe he will finish that seventh year after he finishes off the dark lord. I was under the impression that there would be one book for each of his years of schooling, but since it seems as though he wont be going back maybe we will get more than just 7.


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Lets see if I can figure this out.



I am really not sure what I think about the book. It seems to me that there is a definate rush at the end to get things done. After the slow pace of the first parts of the book I was disappointed by the sudden ending. I am probably just kidding myself on this one, but I am not sure Dumbledore is even dead. Remember earlier on when he was talking to Draco about how they could *pretend* to kill him? He even says something along the lines of 'you'd be suprised what we can do'.


I agree that it would be sad for him to not go back to school for his last year. After everything that he has been through it doesn't make sense for him to stick it out to finish. Since education is so important with everything else, how can he be so willing to just not go back? Maybe he will finish that seventh year after he finishes off the dark lord. I was under the impression that there would be one book for each of his years of schooling, but since it seems as though he wont be going back maybe we will get more than just 7.



Welcome Anoni to GayAuthors!



I too don't really believe that Dumbledore is dead. I've thrown that theory out to a couple other HP fans, but they tell me to let go, that he's gone :( .


My hope is that the curse/spell that Snape used didn't really kill him but made him look like he was dead. Or at least I hope :great: .



Anyhow welcome to GA and hope you enjoy some of the other stories around here.


Take Care,


Vic the Domaholic

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My two cents


I was slightly disappointed with this book. Book five was my favorite because of how dark it was and because of all of the info that it had. sure we get the whole back story of voldemort but it was lacking in action. Mcgonagall was nonexistent and so were some of the students. I think that it should have more to it.


I think that Dumbledore is dead but it's not his final appearance maybe he gave harry extra protection like his mother gave him. That goes for sirius aswell.




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As emotionally attached as we are to Dumbledore, his passing really pushes Harry out of the nest, and also gives him more motivation against Voldemort. I do wish we had seen his portrait talk in the headmaster's office. That would have been a little reassuring.


The last book is going to be totally crazy. In all the previous ones, achieving the destruction of a single object (the sorcerer's stone, or the diary) has taken the whole book. Now we have to do 4 horcruxes, find out who this RAB character is, kill off Voldemort, get Ron & Hermione together, Harry & Ginny together, maybe redeem Draco (Snape is just a lost cause though), get through NEWTs, graduate, ... whew!



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Welllllll, here's my opinion, I think that Dumbledore wanted Snape to do it. Actually, I must confess now that my opinion comes in a large part from a friend of mine who shared his opinion with me and then I thought 'Oooh, that makes sense'. I think that Snape really is on the good side, it'd just be too cliche for him to be a bad guy, and I think Dumbledore must have had a pretty solid reason for trusting him as much as he did. For that reason I think Dumbledore realised that Snape had to get even closer to Voldemort, and what better way of doing that than killing Dumbledore? And as my friend said 'Since when does Dumbledore beg for his life?' Part of me would like to think that Dumbledore was still alive but I find it unlikely, Snape did after all us one of the unforgivable curses on him.


I'm really really intrigued by the locket too, someone else knows about the Horcruxes and is after them, presumably to also kill Voldemort, but who is it? I really wonder if Harry will find out who that person is and form some sort of alliance? Although I imagine with Harry's frame of mine at the moment, he wouldn't want any help. I get the feeling he might not go back to Hogwarts when he should, although I do think he will at some point, but also will Ron and Hermione not go back too? After all they said they'd stand by him.


I think with this book in some ways it doesn't feel like a complete book. I think the earlier books you could read and they stand alone very well but this one definitely feels like it's part of a series, which is not bad thing imo, it just makes me that much more excited for book 7!



I put all that in spoiler text just to be on the safe side, lol.


ooh, and how do you all pronounce Horcruxes? Like, Whore-cruks? I'm just wondering what way people came up with, lol.

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First off I want to apologize for not being able to post very often. School and work take a lot of my time. That being said I finished the book in under 9 hours. Now, on with my thoughts.



The whole Dumbledore/Snape argument aside, I am really glad that she finally came out and solved the Zabini mystery for us. I was getting tired of girl Zabini.


Now with that out of the way, Snape had no choice but to kill Dumbledore. If you remember the Unbreakable Vow can only be broken on the pain of death, now if Snape killed Dumbledore to save his own skin or part of a greater plan is anyone

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I'm under the impresion that Snape and Harry are even more alike then I thought previously. Like Identical, Snape serving his lord, and Harry serving his, Dumbledore. Harry understood teenage Snape, I believe Harry will kill Snape at the end of the next book. Its what will finaly free Harry from all the past troubles, and let him live his life out in mediocrity. With his untrusty house elf, unwanted home, and despised wealth. The twinkle is gone, and the rage is heading for old Tom. But can Harry's friends make him leave some human for when all this is done? Maybe Draco can... Now that would make the Slash writers rejoice ;)

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I had some thoughts...



RAB- Remulus A. Black. I found it odd that JKR specifically reminded us of Sirius's brother and how he had turned against the Dark Lord and didn't survive long. Do you think he survived long enough to destroy 1 horucrux?




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  • 2 weeks later...

That's good detective work, Myr. It very well could be. Of coures, Rowling has no problems using names/terms that the reader really wouldn't be able to figure out, so it doesn't have to be someone we're aware of.


As some of you may know from my blog, I've just started the HP series this month. So I don't have the same long-term attachment and anticipation. Nonetheless, this past weekend, I finished HP & The Half-Blood Prince.


Here's my perspective:


Book Six did everything I expected to see in Book Five (knowing vaguely only that Five was darker and someone died). My expectations were two-fold: 1) Dumbledore must die, and 2) Snape must be forced to choose sides. I was very disappointed when neither came to fruition in Book Five. And as a matter of story-telling, I was glad to see both happen - or begin to happen - in Book Six.


There is a small part of me that wonders whether Dumbledore is REALLY dead (in the sense that we won't hear from him again), but I do believe he is and that he pulled a classic Obi Wan Kenobi move (since he didn't fear death anyway). As a story-telling mechanism, Dumbledore's death was inevitable, which is why I had been anticipating it for over a book before it happened! (I wonder what the people who heard my 'predictions' but had already read Book Six were thinking!)


In short, Dumbledore was the crutch that Harry has always relied on. Harry could not grow from a boy to a man if he could still lean on that crutch. It reminds me a little bit of Ender (Orson Scott Card) - Harry can't become the great wizard who defeats Voldemort unless he believes that there is no one else who can save him/stop Voldemort. How many times did we hear that Voldemort feared Dumbledore?


As for Snape, I'm glad he's finally coming back into the picture. I don't think we have enough evidence about his true nature. On the one hand, it seems all too 'obvious' for Snape to really be evil. It's all just a twist, a pre-arranged killing, etc. to help for the future. Blah, Blah, Blah.


If I had to bet, though, I'd guess that Snape is evil. Dumbledore did trust him. But part of the Harry growing up lesson is that Dumbledore was NOT perfect and did make mistakes. It also seems plausible that Dumbledore doubted if he could still trust Snape somewhere between Books Five and Six. Then he lets Snape have the DADA position - the one he knows to have been cursed - and focuses on his Obi Wan strategy of preparing Harry to fight the ultimate fight. Who knows? Just have to wait for the next book, I guess.


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I think that originally, Snape didn't really know the plan Voldemort had for Draco, got cornered into taking the Unbreakable Vow to support him (Given Bellatrix's reaction to Snape, perhaps so everyone would trust him enough to tell him details of the plan), then chose to save his own skin by fulfilling the terms. Draco and Harry might not end up as friends, but I do think they'll end up as allies against Voldemort

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An interesting thing occurred to me. We have two previous examples of the curse ... the spider dies, and Cedric dies. Neither of them were thrown ... they just fell over dead. And the bodies of Voldermort's father and grandparents ... they were sitting at the table ... not lying strewn around the room. Yet when Snape cursed Dumbledore, he flew off the tower. I find that very interesting. Is it possible to say one spell out loud, yet use the wand movement and a 'silent' word to perform a different spell?


Just food for thought




I don't think it was Sirius' brother. Sirius says he wasn't a very good wizard ... and if it almost did in Dumbledore and Harry, then I don't see how he could have done it.



Boy on a String



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Ok - haven't really talked about how I feel about the book much. Mentioned a few thoughts to Dan who basically totally disagrees with me :)



So lets see if anyone else has thought things like I have:


I don't think Dumbledore is dead, and I don't think Snape is "evil" - what I think DID happen is Snape hit the horcrux (inside Dumbledore's robes) with the Avada Kedavra spell. Then some slight of hand to put in a fake horcrux while "falling" and have a dead body below that appears to be him.



Ok - so probably SOOOOO full of holes to not even be worthy of consideration... but it was my first thought upon finishing the book.

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