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New NBC Show - Merlin, starts June 21


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I never watched it, I've been warped by Disney and can't help but think of Merlin as a really old man. I had the same problem when I started to watch Robin Hood on the BBC, it just wasn

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I never watched it, I've been warped by Disney and can't help but think of Merlin as a really old man. I had the same problem when I started to watch Robin Hood on the BBC, it just wasn't the same him not being a fox :lol: My sister watched Merlin though and she really enjoyed it, I probably would too, but I've just never got round to watching it. Anyway I have a knew fantasy man in my life now, Krod Mandoon :wub:



If it's the same one I am thinking of my son is a Merlin addict. Personally I think that Arthur, although being somewhat of a prat, is hot hot hot. And the have lots of random totty. oh gods... yes I do have a one track mind... well two track

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I never watched it, I've been warped by Disney and can't help but think of Merlin as a really old man. I had the same problem when I started to watch Robin Hood on the BBC, it just wasn
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I don't know the show you're referring to, but I think I can say it's different. Merlin is not 'out' as a wizard, because Uther Pendragron (Arthur's father) has banned all sorcery from Camelot. Using sorcery or witchcraft is grounds for execution.


Most Arthurian legends start after Uther's death (where the sword in the stone is to determine the next king). This series is set in the period while Uther is still alive and still king. Arthur is his only son (at least the only one I've seen referenced in the show so far) and Morgana is his ward.


It appears the commercial was the scene where merlin was cleaning many things with magic and guis came in.

The pre-text before guis was Harry Potterish ... then the commercial concluded with merlin looking out the window.

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So anybody like it??


There's talk for BBC Season 2.


Oh ... one of the guest stars is from skins in one of the episodes of merlin ...


so much for trivia ...

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I like it. I have to be home on Sunday night to watch it, and the boys have been told they have to be quiet while it's on 0:)


They are only loosely following the more traditional Arthurian legends, but they are certainly doing it in an interesting way.

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So anybody like it??


There's talk for BBC Season 2.


Oh ... one of the guest stars is from skins in one of the episodes of merlin ...


so much for trivia ...


Don't forget that the first episode had Gwen Cooper from Torchwood as well :)

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I vote for a better looking cast? Motion passed on all fronts. Fugly.




Athur's hot. Merlin's cute.


And considering they're the two male leads, I'm pretty happy with the arrangement ;)


Morgana isn't a very good actress, and some parts of the show are incredibly cheesy and awkward. Overall though, it's a fun story and fun to watch. I'm glad it's a mini series. Less chance that NBC will pull the plug early like they did with other shows that I enjoyed.

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Just watched the first four episodes, (thank you video on demand)...is it my GA imagination or are there some lingering looks being exchanged by Arthur and Merlin. This is definitely an AU version of the Arthur legend...which makes me ask.


Gay Authors where are you? some GA AU versions of these stories please, make that several versions...


And the male leads are perfectly matched (beautiful IMHO), think young Spock and young James Kirk...

It is also the oldest pattern, mutual dislike at first, eventual love blooming...the soap operas still use it, why, because it still melts your butter :wub: ...again, IMHO



and now you throw in Lancelot...oh my...

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hh5 sent me a link to the BBC series some time ago, and I watched a bit. Too much emphasis on scenery, camera work, stereotypical pap, IMHO. Yeah, there are some cute characters. I've set the DVR to record, but haven't found the time to watch. Apparently just not interested enough.

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hh5 sent me a link to the BBC series some time ago, and I watched a bit. Too much emphasis on scenery, camera work, stereotypical pap, IMHO. Yeah, there are some cute characters. I've set the DVR to record, but haven't found the time to watch. Apparently just not interested enough.




I was quite skeptical being a fan from my teen years of the Arthur legend. But the actors and scenery won me over. It is good for what it is, a nice romp in a Doctor Who kind of way, and it is apparently popular on BBC at the family hour. And it is astonishing to see all the liberties they take with the legend/history. That if anything keeps me interested

"oh, they're going there with that story line, oh, they've changed so and so's lineage, or age "

and the guest stars are some of Britain's best actors...

it's just fascinating...and it's been a long time since I got into anything on TV



Also amazing is at the almost instant development of slash sites and stories, the series is only a year old having been shown in the 2008 BBC tv season. There are entire slash sites up now and LJ has some good collections.

I'd love to see a sociological study on fandom and slash development in the last 10 years.


Just heard it was picked up for season 2...wonder what that means for NBC since they are importing the series.

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Athur's hot. Merlin's cute.


And considering they're the two male leads, I'm pretty happy with the arrangement ;)


Morgana isn't a very good actress, and some parts of the show are incredibly cheesy and awkward. Overall though, it's a fun story and fun to watch. I'm glad it's a mini series. Less chance that NBC will pull the plug early like they did with other shows that I enjoyed.

I agree with you, it's meant to be fun and not taken too seriously. I know the legend inside out, and there are so many flaws in the show it's obvious it's all done tongue in cheek. Great entertainment though. :D

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Something about Merlin makes me worry that it is the sort of show that networks cancel without warning or completion: a good show that they won't give enough time to gather traction like Surface or Jericho.

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Something about Merlin makes me worry that it is the sort of show that networks cancel without warning or completion: a good show that they won't give enough time to gather traction like Surface or Jericho.

The ratings were pretty good for it over here, so I wouldn't imagine there's any danger of the BBC canceling it. NBC on the other hand...... *shrugs*

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The ratings were pretty good for it over here, so I wouldn't imagine there's any danger of the BBC canceling it. NBC on the other hand...... *shrugs*

It also appears to be popular in Australia. The station is repeating last week's episode on Sunday afternoon, then the new episode on Sunday night. Last week, they also had a half-hour special about the show before the new episode, and it appears that that special was done for Australia (there were a few places where the actors explicitly mentioned the interest in Australia).


The American networks may decide not to show it, but I think the show itself should continue, at least for a while. I, for one, intend to get a copy of the first season on DVD when it becomes available, and I normally don't buy DVDs.

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I don't understand: America is the most sophisticated entertainment market in the world but if you look at the programming, you would think that most Americans are jr high aged. They watch Seinfeld (a little show about nothing) but won't watch a drama unless it is over in an hour.


They do watch Lost but that is more like a reality show where people get shot/stabbed or eaten by the island.


Don't even get me started on reality shows. There should be assassinations! Lots of assassinations to apologize and atone for those damned reality shows. :angry:




Disclaimer: this post does not actually call for violence against TV executives: just beating, wedgies and swirlies

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  • 2 months later...

Merlin, season 2 started last night. So if you were eager to see more about Merlin's TV adventures.. you can. Available on iPlayer for the UK viewers. No idea if any other international channels will pick it up. Ive heard there are other ways of getting it which I havent mentioned..

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  • 1 month later...

So anyone had the urge to make some fan-fiction for this series yet? I've done some basic searching but haven't found anything



haven't seen any around here but if you check on Live Journal there are loads of it.

there is even a web site exclusively housing Merlin slash...I'm not at my home computer to provide you the link, but if you haven't gotten it by day's end, I'll update this post.


well ok, here is the link to a Merlin slash archive




there is even some RPS of Colin and Bradley...

yes indeed,

Edited by aikirangel
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So anyone had the urge to make some fan-fiction for this series yet? I've done some basic searching but haven't found anything



Awhile back I saw a story for it on Nifty Arthur and Merlin was its title, I don't think it was complete though, it was in teh celebrity section. If I come across it I'll post the link.


I really enjoyed the show and I hope to get to see the second season of it.

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Merlin, season 2 started last night. So if you were eager to see more about Merlin's TV adventures.. you can. Available on iPlayer for the UK viewers. No idea if any other international channels will pick it up. Ive heard there are other ways of getting it which I havent mentioned..


I'm not sure if it shows here in usa in the same time frame or gets to be shown in june like season one.


It looks like the actors seems to be reprising their roles very well after a year hiatis.


Hopefully season 3 will continue without a year gap.

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