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Mark Arbour

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In Ottawa, we have a tradition where stoners gather on the lawn outside the parliament buildings on 4/20. It's a pretty big party. There's a clock on the peace tower that everyone watches. We ritually count down to zero hour, then everyone lights up. A big cloud of happy smoke wafts toward Parliament, where we hope it will bring our politicians to their senses. It never does--they just get nastier and more out of touch with the electorate--but it's fun.

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In Ottawa, we have a tradition where stoners gather on the lawn outside the parliament buildings on 4/20. It's a pretty big party. There's a clock on the peace tower that everyone watches. We ritually count down to zero hour, then everyone lights up. A big cloud of happy smoke wafts toward Parliament, where we hope it will bring our politicians to their senses. It never does--they just get nastier and more out of touch with the electorate--but it's fun.


They do that here too in winnipeg.


Anyways mine was pretty normal. Basically just like any other tuesday lol.

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I must say that I celebrated far too hard the night before / morning of and ended up skipping all my classes and almost missing work. Well worth it though!


That's what holidays are for!

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It's a little late, but I will be partaking in this tommorrow, to celebrate Skidfest.


A great song, but many argue that it ISN'T about smoking. I'm not saying I agree with them, I'm just saying..

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Anyone ever attend Hash Bash?


it's quite an event. Last I went, the ticket for getting caught smoking on the Diag was about $25. Pin it to your shirt, and you've got a free pass for the rest of the day.


Get caught drinking from an open container... $500.


Not sure why it's not held closer to 4/20 though.

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