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Would you date someone who had 'Truck Nuts'?


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So there's this guy at the gym whom I've had a little crush on. While leaving the gym recently, I saw him getting into his vehicle (up until now, I hadn't known what he drove). So he gets into this pickup truck and there swinging from the tow hook were a pair of those Truck Nuts. Immediately, the attraction I had for him went away faster than you can say skeedaddle.


Now, I've seen those before on other trucks and while I'd never have them on my own vehicle, I didn't think much about the guys who drove them. But the quickness that my attraction to this guy disappeared startled me. I mean, there's nothing, nada anymore for this guy. Maybe it was the thought of him picking me up on a date in this truck. Or the though of me just being seen in this vehicle. Weird....


So, would you date someone who had Truck Nuts hanging from the tow hook of their pickup? Would you feel comfortable riding in a vehicle with these?

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Vic, I'm totally with you on this issue. I mean... Truck Nuts :blink:


I'm sure it turns some guys on, but not me.


Good things we hardly even have any trucks over here.

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I agree Vic.


I am a country boy, If I want to decorate my truck in any way it will either have a nice dent with a fun story of how it got to be there or it will be covered in mud with a fun story of how it got that way.


The great stories happen when it gets covered in mud and dented at the same time :2thumbs:

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Hmm... all too common occurrence here, usually people age out of the truck nuts after high school though... kind of weird an adult male around your age still has them on his truck though. :P


Maybe it was a maturity factor? You saw him as an adult male that you're compatible with until you saw the obvious sign that maybe he could be a bit immature?

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If I dated a guy with these swinging near his back door, the threat of having his nuts cut off would have a whole new meaning! :P


To be honest I hate the whole accessorize thing full stop, from truck nuts to 'humorous'' stickers in the back window. Totally tacky.

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Propellers are OK, They even match if you are rich enough to have spinner wheels. And stickers, It depends on the sticker....I proudly have one of the PISS ON FORD stickers in my back window, Just to make sure others know how I feel about Fords 0:)


Stickers really only bother me if they are in the line of view or if there's so many it's like driving behind a billboard. HOWEVER, Sometimes on a car like that I have to look close, They get a grin if the reason for all the stickers is to hold the car together :lol:

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I think it's a first impression kind of thing. You see the truck nuts and think instantly about what you imagine they say about the guy's personality. Like, I'm thinking probably a crude sense of humor, somebody who thinks potty jokes and curse words make for great entertainment, like watching Ben Stiller movies. I'm not the kind of person who enjoys that, so it's a turn-off for me. I think it only makes sense that your attraction went away, because it was based on what you imagined to be true at the time (your visual appreciation at the gym) and now reality butted its ugly head into fantasy. That's all.


Only thing, though, is are you sure it was his truck and he wasn't borrowing someone else's? It's a long-shot, but .... :boy:

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I think it's a first impression kind of thing. You see the truck nuts and think instantly about what you imagine they say about the guy's personality. Like, I'm thinking probably a crude sense of humor, somebody who thinks potty jokes and curse words make for great entertainment, like watching Ben Stiller movies. I'm not the kind of person who enjoys that, so it's a turn-off for me. I think it only makes sense that your attraction went away, because it was based on what you imagined to be true at the time (your visual appreciation at the gym) and now reality butted its ugly head into fantasy. That's all.


Only thing, though, is are you sure it was his truck and he wasn't borrowing someone else's? It's a long-shot, but .... :boy:


Good question.


Just good ole boys havin' a poke at people who just might be a tad too politically correct? I"m just thinkin'...

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It's his truck, and I'd never tell him... Oh who am I kidding. I'd freak the f**k out if someone came to pick me up with those dangling behind. And I cna't imagine how my parents and sisters (and their husbands) would react. They choked on a basically innoffensive nice guy.


I know it's jsut a little joke, but for someone to willingly put that on his own truck would be a deal breaker. For one thing, those would tell me that him and I had very different sense of humor. That's a pretty big gap to close.

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We're not the the 'truck nuts' kind of folk. I'm not quite that flavor of redneck :P I don't know as I'd never see a guy with them but to be sure they'd be gone before I set foot in the vehicle. Josh leans more toward stickers, he has a line across the bottom of his back window with hunting stickers. Only one is 'offensive' though. It sure ticks off the tree huggers in my Moms club with I drive the truck. I just laugh.

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Of course I would because that would be my first clue that he was trying too hard to be macho and what he really wants is something stuffed in his tailpipe :P


I would not date a smoker though.

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Alright, Living in south central Ky I see MANY sets of "truck nuts". The redneck boys love them. When us girls ask why they want to display such a thing the reply varies from, "It's a guy thing." to "It says we got the balls for anything." Therefore us South C. Ky girls just rack it up to redneck boys wanting to be macho.


I personally think it is an ugly way to accessorize. Most often the guy with them is a jack ass and isn't worth asking the time of day.

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The radio program I listen to on the way work, ends at nine am. The show ends with a segment called 'On the bright side', where listeners send in comments. I just happen to catch the end of today's show where a listener sent in that this morning he observed a guy using a hammer to chip ice off his windshield. And YES, there was a set hanging from his rear bumper.

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The radio program I listen to on the way work, ends at nine am. The show ends with a segment called 'On the bright side', where listeners send in comments. I just happen to catch the end of today's show where a listener sent in that this morning he observed a guy using a hammer to chip ice off his windshield. And YES, there was a set hanging from his rear bumper.


I KNOW that guy! Actually, he hates those things SO MUCH that he was actually bashing that windshield in anger and with malice.:D

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Truck Nuts.... when I saw the name, I thought 'what are those?' and then I looked it up... I've never seen them before :huh: I don't think I could date someone who had these on their truck/car/vehicle. It seems so... macho. I'm not really into macho.

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I've only seen the nuts a few times. Oddly only once was a guy in the truck by himself. I've seen women and what I assumed were married couples or boyfriends and girlfriends. One woman I saw had kids in the suv with her. What does that say about her or any woman who has them?


As for dating someone with them?! I wouldn't let that be the determining factor. Would definitely ask about it during the course of the date.

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