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What do you do when you first get home?


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Check for mail, lock the door, hang up key ring on the wall. If I get any mail, it goes on the foyer table until I have time to look at it.

If I plan on staying home for the rest of the day/night, I take off my street clothes and just lounge around in my boxers or with a pair of shorts. (Benefits of living alone. :P) If I feel grimy, I add a shower to the routine.


Then I usually grab a drink from the fridge and open my laptop. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, First thing when I come home, remove my shoes and place them near the entry, then throw my wallet and keys on the kitchen table.


After that is usually depends if Im hungry or not, if I am, I pilfer everything, if I'm not, then I get on the computer, check my mails then check for any updates on the stories I like


On the wednesday though, I read my manga updates (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Noblesse and a bunch of others)


That's about it.

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Aside from hanging the keys on the hook by the door maked KEYS...I kick off my shoes at the door. Check on the Harold our turtle make sure he's okay... :) Turn on the computer while I change clothes (usually tee shirt and sweat pants...I own several I hate dressing up so at home I dont..) so by the time I'm done the computer is all warmed up and ready to go..lol. I check GA site for any comments to my stories, see if any updates to the ones I'm reading have been posted, so I know I can come back after dinner to read, then check my FB page, and Yahoo. Usually on Yahoo I have to delete a lot of alerts from FB when people commented to posts that I've commented on...that can be pretty annoying sometimes, but oh well...I check a site I used to visit until I found GAPosted Image ...and by the time I'm finished the kids are home and I start my mommy business....

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When I get home I take off my shoes and tell my mom that school sucked as usual XD If I'm hungry I grab something to eat and change into pj's.Then I turn on the lappy :P

Edited by Anya
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Lol..Maria nice post! :P


I get home..dump my bag somewhere (I only find it next time I have to take it ).


I then change my clothes quickly and get into my shorts (I only strictly wear shorts at home since I feel too hot at home) and a t-shirt too. :P


Then I turn on my computer and go on fb/GA ..while I shout for some food, coffee/tea to my mother. :D I usually manage to get it in 10 mins after the order is placed.

I munch on my food, load a video and don't get up till it's time for dinner.


It only ever changes when my sister is around. I fight with her first and then get to the routine. :D

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the two things that stand out from the responses that never apply to me are the "lock the door" (who's going to come in that I don't know?) and "collect/dump the mail" - all my bills etc arrive with my email.... so it's only the junk that arrives in the box and that gets claned out ~weekly.



the dump the clothes works - I bought these great "fisherman's pants" at the Mindil beach markets....


but the primary task on getting home is making sure the b/f is happy :wub::D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turn on computer/log in


feed guinea pig


take off shoes


make dinner


eat dinner while chatting on msn.


feed guinea pig


Change into pjs while still on msn


feed guinea pig


Go to bed around 2-4. (depending on what I need to do the next day)

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I take off my shoes (I hate wearing shoes...guess it's the hillbilly blood) put up my keys, coat and Wallet. Depending how hot I'd got through out the day I'm likely to change into some knock around clothes; usually an old pair of board shorts and tank top.It would probably be less than that but I don't live alone and sadly I don't think that will change any time soon...

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In from my chores, I strip off completely have a body wash at the sink, pull on my baggies or boxers. Get a pint pot of coffee, black no sugar LOL Sit at my PC. Bare feet up on the desk, lay back in my chair, and sit my keyboard in my lap. Thats it i'm a happy bunny. :boy:

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Back in the day-


take bong hits



Your back in the day is my day. Though it is for medical reasons. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy it though. Then I relax like none have ever relaxed before. Recline in my chair and play some games.Then I do that all night unless the wife bothers me for something, as its her turn to watch the kid.

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When I get back to my dorm room, the first thing I do is drop my backpack and collapse on my bed (regardless of what time it is/how much stuff is piled on it.) When I first get back home on the weekends, I unload my car and then once again collapse on my bed (a different bed though.) So it's not much different from one place to the next. =)

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Guest Enistachia

I also take off my pants. However, I put on my relaxing pants ... joggers. Then I usually go onto my computer and check my feeds.

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Guest tethered_dreamer

The first thing I do is change into something that is not my work clothes. Then it's usually finding something to do.

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