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JP's 75th Birthday

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June 20th, 1936 is JP's birthday. So If he is still living, JP would be 75 today. Even though Mark has added the threat of cancer. JP has the best doctor around, Jack. I honestly can't see Jack loosing him. Claire would kill him. Happy Birthday JP! I wish you many more.

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Although it's a bit of a shock to consider it, I can see JP being quite active at 75. My Mother will turn 75 July 19th, and even after a double knee replacement three years ago, shoulder repair last year, three fused vertebrae last February, and major neck surgery in the near future, she's still taking care of herself, her home, and pool. If she tires of that, she hops in her MKX, opens the sunroof, rolls the windows down and drives up to an hour or so to visit friends and relatives. The car gets little chance to cool off. I can only hope I'm half as mobile as she is at her age. Of course a lot of the thanks goes to Barnes-Jewish and her doctors in St. Louis. ;)

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Interesting how society changes.


When I was growing up in the 1950's anyone over age 60 was old and really old people mostly died off by their early 80's. Now I personally know of 3 people over age 100 and all of them drove their cars well past age 95. My mom is going strong at age 88.


Stereotypically, young gay males are portrayed as thinking anyone over age 25 is over the hill. Now most of the Stonewall generation is pushing 60 and even 70.


And, this past week New York legalized gay marriage!


Now if we could just get Congress to act like adults and put the debt ceiling-budget deficit talks into perspective and get off their ideological soapboxes and realize a mix of judicious cuts and targeted tax increases are both necessary to fix the problem. (I know, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.)

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happy Birthday, JP.... I didn't realise that he is that same age as my mother (and mother-in-law, for that matter).

the comments about age not being what it was, I think is pretty universal to every generation - As I see it "old" is about 10-15 years older than I am now...... and it has ever been thus!

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Guest JWSmith

He's still young, My mom is 86, and like the pink bunny still going strong.

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