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What is your tipple?

Yettie One

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Ok so I have never been a really massive drinker, and along the way I have discovered that I am not really one of those that can mix my drinks and get away with it.


However, I am still a fan of a drink now and again, and got to thinking, I wonder what it is that tickles everyone's fancy when it comes down to your drink of choice.


Ok so I do like a cider on a hot summers day. Nothing better than going to a British country pub for an afternoon our and having a nice cider and ice.


I would have to say though that my main drink is rum. I love a good rum and coke, and am very partial to a brand known as Captain Morgan's Spiced Gold. :P (drools)


It is a blend of rum with a cinamon kick to it. :D


I am partial to a single malt whisky on the rocks when there is a lovely roaring fire to sit beside and get lost in a book.


Wine I cannot do, it gives me a violent headache, but I do love a South African sparkling wine called JC Le Roux. Ooooof that stuff is nectar of the gods I am sure.


The drinks I can't do.....

Anything with Aniseed in it. Things like Sambucca or Oozo or Jagermeister....... Nope. I worked for a greek man when I was a boy and at a BBQ one weekend I got very plastered on Ooozo, and OMG I could taste it when i was being sick and that only made me worse. :(


So there you go......


What are the drinks that you adore and what are the drinks you despise and why?


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My choice is vodka . Most times I'll drink it with ginger ale. Or vodka, cranberry juice and a splash of 7-up. Vodka because as a teen I imbibed wwwaaayyy to much on whiskey one night and went home and drank milk...what can I say I was 18 and stupid lol.

Even today the smell of whiskey can turn my stomach.

I dont actually drink all that much, never have been a big drinker, plus I cant handle my booze, lol,

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I used to like drink something strong like Vodka or some 80 proof and up (40% alcohol), but now I tend to drink something mellow... (if I drink at all). Don't know why. Napa wines tend to be very strong as far as wines go... (some can go like 18%.... Two glasses are enough). I do like margarita with lots of tequila (reposado). Rums (dark) are nice. Don't drink a lot nowadays, if any. Like Japanese plum wine also (and the prune/green plum/ume inside).

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My most consistent choices are Kahlua with soda and ice or Ursus Roter on the rocks as a cocktail.


I like ouzo with water and ice as an accompaniment to fried small fish and other appetizers and watching the sun set in the sea on a lazy summer evening.



The drinks I can't do.....

Anything with Aniseed in it. Things like Sambucca or Oozo or Jagermeister....... Nope. I worked for a greek man when I was a boy and at a BBQ one weekend I got very plastered on Ooozo, and OMG I could taste it when i was being sick and that only made me worse. Posted Image



Yettie, I had a similar experience with gin over twenty years ago, and it still makes me nauseous to even remember the taste. Too bad your experience was with ouzo, though. :P

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My drink of choice is bourbon and water. I do not real sweet bourbon. I usually drink Crown Royal, of if it is not available, ten year old Charter. If I want something a little sweeter, I do Bacardi rum and coke. Wine is ok, but it gives me a headache also. During the summer, I like a frozen margarita every once in awhile.

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If I'm out for the evening with friends then my drink of choice is Jack Daniels and coke which I can drink all night long without worrying about getting too drunk - I just get nicely drunk.


When I am with my Scottish relatives we'll usually break out the single malt whisky. I'm particularly fond of a highland single malt called Glen Ord. The 12 year old is really nice and only costs around £35 for a 700 ml bottle. This year on Burns Night though we went really insane and clubbed together to buy a bottle of the 30 year old, which at £200 for 700ml bottle was a once in a lifetime treat.


I'm also not adverse to trying some of the local poisons when I'm abroad. I tried slivovice in Prague but never again (for slivovice read "highly toxic drink which could be used to power the space shuttle" - I kid you not), I tried ouzo when I was in Rhodes last year and really liked it (but then I love aniseed) and I tried many different rums on a Caribbean cruise a few years ago.


About the only drink I really avoid is white wine, I just get too giggly on it. I've also never been a huge fan of vodka, just doesn't really seem to have any taste or oomph to it.


But I'm up for trying anything once, or sometimes twice just to make sure.


Please drink responsibly :) .

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my poison is vodka with tomato juice haha bloody marrys are the best i love going to my bar right down the street from me on sundays buy one get one free Posted Image. there's lots of ways to make a bloody marry but the best i think is the juice of course, pepper, hot sauce, celery salt on the rim of the glass, pickle juice yum yum, and then you need your veggies a pickle, a celery stock, a pickled mushroom. lol then good old wisconsin cheese cube and a old wisconsin beef stick. thats how we do it in wisconsin :) omg i want one now thanks you guys look at what you made me do lol


oh yes a lime and lemon in that bloody marry to

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Hmmm. I don't really drink much, once a month or so.


I love mimosas, apricot is the best. My favorite wine is Valckenberg Dornfelder 2010, I could drink cases of that stuff. Favorite mixed drink is Jameson and 7up, sometimes I will drink Ron Pampero Aniversario rum and coke. Oh oh oh! Forgot about my favorite beer, Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale from Boulevard Brewing.


Things I have to stay away from: Jägermeister, Seagram's 7 (horrible experience drinking it, threw up in my shoes, etc), vodka, tequila (another bad experience, or experiences, drinking it).


My three favorites....


Posted Image

Edited by andreanugget
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I don't really drink. Last week I had my first glass of wine (cheap, four dollar grocery store wine lol) with my boyfriend because we had a hotel room with a whirlpool and it seemed like a romanti thing to do, but usually the most I'll do is take a sip or two of someone elses drink. I like the fruiter drinks where you can't really taste the alcohol the best.

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A Hot Spiced Ale... :/ or was that a cider... oh wait no... i just saw or read somewhere...

I actually like wine, I can't stand beer of any kind...and winecoolers taste like candy to me so i won't drink them (for fear of becoming drunk off of them)..

As to any other types of alchehol... i dont' think i've tasted anything besides Champaigne which I don't know that I want to drink again...lol...after feeling sick within two hours of drinking it .... and wine... and i forget what else @_@ one New Years...

I don't drink often...

:lol: but my mom is a bad influence and she and I would open up a bottle every so often... whenever I was there :) >_< hasn't happened since she got back with her boyfriend cause He's a drunk... and don't pretty much allow her to be someone besides his ...woman...


>_> I don't get the morning after, I always feel fine with it... if i get sick it's usually within a couple of hours afterwards...

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I envy those that don't seem to get a hangover. Grrrrr. It always seems that they can drink whatever they like and it never has any effect. No Fair! :(


Still I do like to have a good old session every now and then. :)

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Haven't had a drink in 9 years. I kept waking up in jail with my ass kicked.


But I used to like:


Posted Image Put it in the freezer and serve it cold


Posted Image Careful. You'll get "Clubbed"


Posted Image Great whiskey but dangerous. You might wake up in South America signed on with mercenaries.



Posted Image Dangerous stuff. I call it "liquid boxers remover".

Edited by jamessavik
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If its just to enjoy a drink, I like Bacardi Raz or Mike's Hard Lemonade. Something fruity with very little taste of alcohol. If were drinking to get drunk, its usually Smirnoff vodka straight.

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If you are lucky I have maybe three drinks a year. I am not a beer drinker.


Drinks of choice are usually mixed drinks.


Fuzzy Navel - Peach Schnapps, vodka, and orange juice

Mimosa - Orange juice and champange

Rum and Coke

Mudslide - Kahlua, Chocolate syrup around the inside of the glass, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream, Bailey's Irish Cream, and vodka



I prefer blush wines or fruit wines used for dessert wines such a peaches.

Edited by comicfan
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I have never tried Rum with Lemonade. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Something I will be trying out tonight then James. :)


Another new one that I have discovered that is really rather nice is Port and Coke. :) Had it served to me in Scotland recently and it's quickly becoming a fav of mine. :D

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I don't like to drink alone, it's a social thing for me and I very seldom have a drink any more. I've just made it a policy that if I'm driving I don't have anything, and I always seem to be the driver. Consequently, my tolerance for alcohol is VERY low and it doesn't take much to make my tongue too big for my mouth, my nose numb and my cheeks pink.


In my younger years it was always rum & coke, although I've never tried the spiced rums that Yettie mentioned but it sounds very yummy. The other drink I was partial to was Smith & Kerns.


I don't care for most wines but I've recently discovered Sutter Homes Moscato and really enjoy it but I haven't had it in almost 2 years.


I do like a good beer every now and then with the right food - pizza, mexican food - and can be the exception to not drinking alone.

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Oh good Shout The_Round_One. Magners with lots of ice on a hot summers day is just tooo good. :)


My mom used to make a Baileys Creme when I was much younger. I wonder if that has anything to do with me liking Whisky now. :P

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My drink is a malibu coconut rum mixed with apricot juice. Really good stuff, especially during hot summer evenings, out in the backyard with friends having a barbecue. Fun times.


Don't like beers and I can't do Vodka, I get sick within hours.

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