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Circumnavigation (99+55) Doomsday

C James

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  • Posted 109th December 2012 - 08:47 PM

DOOMSDAY is up! (it might take a minute after this post to appear).





Okay, we've got a chapter up. And it's a big one; it's longer than three regular chapters. :)


I'm now positive; after this chapter, we have ONE more (and an epilogue) remaining after tonight's chapter, "Doomsday".  Doomsday is the next-to-last chapter.



Posted 109th December 2012 - 08:47 PM

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For brave souls, three beating hearts – adrift in a massively damaged Atlantis close to being devoured by Dean.  Will Shane be able to use his skills to restart one heart?  All with no relief in sight for our friends; and likely a week or more befor the release of the next chapter giving relief to those of us dangling on the edge of our seats, as we slide over to the edge of the nefarious goat's cliff..

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:/ .........................HOLY SHIT, WHAT A CLIFFHANGER!!!!



You've been taken in by the conspiracy... don't listen to them! This was not a cliffy.


I'm sure all of our our faithful, hardworking team members will soon be along to verify that the chapter is entirely cliffhanger-free.


Our wonderful team carefully scrutinizes every chapter for any hint of a cliffy. If there was one, surely someone would have seen it?


You rat bastard!! Another excellent chapter, and I kind of hate you for the ending, but as always, will tune in til the last word!


What? Poor, sweet, innocent me a rat bastard? 0:)


Also, please bear in mind that the bad things happening are Bridget's fault, not mine. :ph34r:

For brave souls, three beating hearts – adrift in a massively damaged Atlantis close to being devoured by Dean.  Will Shane be able to use his skills to restart one heart?  All with no relief in sight for our friends; and likely a week or more befor the release of the next chapter giving relief to those of us dangling on the edge of our seats, as we slide over to the edge of the nefarious goat's cliff..


Atlantis has indeed taken quite a bit of damage.


BTW, to anyone wondering: Dean was a real storm, exactly as shown. I didn't make him up or take artistic license. This also, of course, means that I can't very well be blamed for what Dean does.

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Cautiously avoiding the

Life and limb drama unfolding

I must say that

Finally reaching the

First part of the ending...


Hopefully the boys

And Joel and Lisa survive the

Night and

Gain the safety of land

Everything seems to have gone wrong and

Really it's all a bit tense 0:)

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At the Moment as I have not seen the last chapter and knowing what I do.  Dean existed and rose to become a category 5, I cannot see how this could be a cliff hangar. I can see no sucessful ending. 

This I think sums the situation up but there is no light house, I can see



 for people who cannot see it



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B) ................. Hmmm, For brave souls, three beating hearts – adrift in a massively damaged Atlantis close to being devoured by Dean. Shane will have to do some CPR on Trevor because we need four beating hearts.


Now that Bridget's entire fleet knows that Trevor has ridiculed her, she will lose face if they don't find the Atlantis. I think she will be in further trouble as the first amoungst equals dies on her. Xavier heard the exchange and is well aware that she disobeyed him, I wonder how much of her fleet is intact or if they fled from the approaching storm?


Not sure how Atlantis is going to survive, could be dumb luck having the bilges flooded and keeping her stable in what is going to a very rough ride. Nice cliffhanging chapter, it will be interesting to see how you get our heroes out of this mess you created with the help of Bridget.

Edited by Benji
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Cautiously avoiding the

Life and limb drama unfolding

I must say that

Finally reaching the

First part of the ending...


Hopefully the boys

And Joel and Lisa survive the

Night and

Gain the safety of land

Everything seems to have gone wrong and

Really it's all a bit tense 0:)


I do admit that it is, perhaps, ever so slightly tense, and there is a touch of mystery to it. But it is the end of the story, and the major showdown, so I wrote a chapter 3 times normal length, to avoid breaking it. I felt that breaking this chapter up would spoil the flow of action. 


There are clues in the chapter. Quite a few. ;-)


At the Moment as I have not seen the last chapter and knowing what I do.  Dean existed and rose to become a category 5, I cannot see how this could be a cliff hangar. I can see no sucessful ending. 

This I think sums the situation up but there is no light house, I can see



 for people who cannot see it



Plug for  www.runrig.co.uk


That's perfect!!!! :)


B) ................. I generally don't try to point out mistakes....but ......though the resort’s switchboard no longer allowed outbound or inbound calls on its lines. As Bridget had anticipated, many of the guests called their friends and families, and word reached the media’s ears within half an hour.  So how did the reporter call in? 


Hmmm, For brave souls, three beating hearts – adrift in a massively damaged Atlantis close to being devoured by Dean. Shane will have to do some CPR on Trevor because we need four beating hearts.


Now that Bridget's entire fleet knows that Trevor has ridiculed her, she will lose face if they don't find the Atlantis. I think she will be in further trouble as the first amoungst equals dies on her. Xavier heard the exchange and is well aware that she disobeyed him, I wonder how much of her fleet is intact or if they fled from the approaching storm?


Not sure how Atlantis is going to survive, could be dumb luck having the bilges flooded and keeping her stable in what is going to a very rough ride. Nice cliffhanging chapter, it will be interesting to see how you get our heroes out of this mess you created with the help of Bridget.


Thank you for the goof alert!!! I did indeed goof there.


I've just edited the chapter to fix it. Thank you Benji!!!!!!!


As my team will surely attest, I'm notorious for missing words. This was one such time. The missing word was "room". It was supposed to be "room lines". They cut off the hotel lines to the rooms. Sorry for the confusion!


Bridget's fleet is intact, save for the speedboat Atlantis destroyed. There are around ten boats racing south, to get into position to jump Atlantis if she races free of the storm. The rest, 60 odd, are a few miles west of Bridget, arrayed roughly on a north-south line. They will have to run for it very soon - but they have more time than Atlantis does, due to being several miles to the west (dean is approaching from the east).


BTW, I posted above that I took no artistic license with Dean. I just remembered that I did, very slightly. Dean's actual historical course is just a few degrees north of due west, so in the chapter I simplified it and said "west" and coming out of the "east" instead of, for example, "Dean was roaring in from four degrees south of due east". This was just for simplicity, the same as I often round off mileages; the actual course of dean will be per the historical record.


And Benji, I didn't create this mess they are in. Dean was real; the conditions portrayed are exactly as they were on that date and time and place; the night of August 19th, 2007. So I cannot be blamed for Dean. As for Trevor, Shane, Lisa, and Joel being there, I can't be blamed for that, either; Bridget did that, via her oh so thoughtful wedding present for Lisa and Joel. So blame Bridget, not me! I'm innocent. I'm worried about Trevor, Shane, Lisa, and Joel, too. 

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Shane may be the heart needing to be restarted after STANDING in two feet of water when the lightning hit and spread to all exposed hull and "flesh".


As to the Sea Witch - hoping the PORT engine running in the red, explodes just as Xavier is checking on it (per Bridget's order) and between only one live engine and water coming into the boat through the hole in the bathroom (caused by Trevor's second shot) cause it to be sunk by Dean - esp as I also notice while mentioned twice, we are never told the damage done by his first shot to the PORT side.

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Bloody Hell.

Dam fine Chapter, Much excitement!

Thanks yet again!  I hope we don't have to wait too long.

I would love to guess what is going to happen but I am so enjoying the ride I shall just sit back and wait.


Can't thank you enough for your writings

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Shane may be the heart needing to be restarted after STANDING in two feet of water when the lightning hit and spread to all exposed hull and "flesh".



This is exactly my fear Trebs. And Shane is, of the four of them, best qualified to be doing CPR or whatever you need to do to revive someone struck by lightning.


It's also possible that the non-beating heart is Trevor's. After all, he did get shot and we don't know how much blood was lost.


My only hope is that the narrative says that there are still 4 souls on board. This is the usual terminology for the number of people on a ship or aircraft so I'm keeping everything crossed that all is not yet lost with the non-beating heart.

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Bloody Hell.

Dam fine Chapter, Much excitement!


That's pretty much what I said to CJ after I first read it.


I don't know how the rest of you have got the strength to be here so soon after finishing this chapter. I felt completely drained - totally empty. I ended up going out for a walk before starting in on the proof-reading proper so that I could try to maintain some distance from the story itself.

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What a 'goat-hanger'! (A bit like a cliff-hanger only worse).


My dream of 10 days ago where Atlantis sank in the storm with the loss of at least one life is coming horribly true. Yes, I'm even dreaming Circumnavigation now.


Hopefully after all this time, the goat is not going for the sort of ending my brother favoured at the age of about 9 in school stories where failing to think of an ending, he just killed everyone off!

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Incredible! I'm literally speechless. Some of the best reading I've done in a long time, and that includes New York Times bestselling authors. I'm not even trying to figure out how this ends any longer. Just gonna ride it out! Bravo, CJ!

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Great chapter, CJ.  I trust this is the real climax of the story and the rescue/escape of Atlantis' crew will a bit calmer even if dramatic.


Shane may be the heart needing to be restarted after STANDING in two feet of water when the lightning hit and spread to all exposed hull and "flesh".



This is exactly my fear Trebs. And Shane is, of the four of them, best qualified to be doing CPR or whatever you need to do to revive someone struck by lightning.


I agree (sadly) that Shane is the most likely victim of the lightning strike.  Since Atlantis is a commercial vessel, normally carrying paying passengers, it is likely to be required to carry a defibrillator and Trevor, as captain, likely knows how to use it.  He will save Shane.  I certainly hope he will.

Edited by MikeL
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Fantastic chapter!


Why is everyone aching for them to survive? There should be no deus ex machina. It is clear now that this story is not fiction at all. C James is actually Gonzalez, and he is paying tribute to his late friends by recounting their epic story here on GA.

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Not my favorite chapter.  Everything is so bleak for our fantastic foursome whose numbers may already be reduced.   Nothing that happens to Bridget will be enough atone for her actions to date and that leaves me upset.  This round the world epic has been a roller-coaster and it looks like it's about to run off the tracks.  I can only await the final chapter and epilogue to find out how it all ends.  :/

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CJ:  Here is it the 110th of December and we are all living in a time warp chewing our nails. 


There is a crippled yacht, dismasted, trailing sails and rigging, holed by gun fire, taking on water and sheltering a crew of four.  Not just at sea but lying in the path of a major hurricane.  The only vessels near-by are in peril themselves and are themselves a peril to the four crew members.  


The last time I read of Trevor in such hopeless conditions he was barely surviving in the southern Indian Ocean.  At least this time there are friendlies monitoring the craft's whereabouts although totally unable to help.  The communication gear including the EPIRB is safely stowed in the galley microwave.  There are lifejackets and inflatable life rafts aboard.  The water in the bilges and the dragging sails will dampen the wave effects and maybe keep the craft upright.  Maybe the crew will survive in what's left of Atlantis. 


It's a terrific 154th chapter to a great saga.  I find it hard to wait for the final chapter but I'm confident it will be a great one.  Thanks.  Well done.

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Wow! The MOST riveting 90 minutes of fiction I have ever experienced! The ultimate nail biting page turner.. THANK YOU CJ. 


Now what is to come?  Certainly Atlantis is too crippled to go very far very fast even with engines, one hull is filling with water, two crew are injured, the eye of the storm approaching.  Fortunately I believe that TFAE will likely be a bit upset at the recklessness of BB, and as mentioned by Trebs, her craft may also fall victim to the storm.  I do think I recall some hint towards a radar image like 20 miles south??, lets hope it's the good guys... 

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