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Sasha Distan

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alrighty then people, summer is well and truly here (apologies to Australians and Kiwis). today we had in my part of the UK and blisteringly hot day, followed by a truly terrific thunderstorm. it was excellent.


I had a good day; i wrote, went to the farm, we did and bit of shopping and grilled some stuff of the BBQ. i could have made it better by seeing some friends, but all in all it was a great day, topped off with a Rekorderlig Cider (blackcurrent and apple for those interested and it was delish) and a snuggle on the sofa with the boy while watching some Breaking Bad.


So what do you guys do on your lazy summer days? What makes your summer awesome? and more importantly, what do you drink during them?

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Belgian style wheat ale around the patio at the farm after a long day at a show is the best. LOL we call it having evening tea cause the lady that started the tradition drank Jack Daniels Twisted Tea's.

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What summer...?  Lol, my vacation truly starts in like a week.  *shot* but I do finally have weekends again, whee!  So on this lazy Sunday, I am going to force myself to write this blasted chapter, go out for coffee with a friend maybe around 2, write some more.  Probably neglect feeding myself.  The usual.  These past couple of weekends have been RIPE with Moutai, so that's what I've been drinking, *shrug* normally, it would probably be vodka with pink lemonade and some orange juice.  Mmm.  Can't wait for next summer.

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Eating ice cream for breakfast, enjoying my first coffee walking barefoot through the garden, watching shooting stars in August.

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Walking my dog after work, and then sit on the deck, waiting for the fireflies to appear.  I drink bourbon and water.  The locusts have appeared this year.  Noise!!!!!!!!

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I like to sit by a small lake in the shade and read a book.  Don't drink much alchohol but I like cider (and pina colada) :P

Dang Bear does this while her diaper is drying on a rock beside the lake :P  :o  :funny:  :hug:

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the Perseids - and noctilucent clouds  :)

Yes exactly, can't wait. August 10-13 before dawn.


I drink bourbon and water.

Bourbon With water ( shudder) or And water like in and beer?


Not a diaper - bikini pant !! :angry::lol::P:hug:

Pampers Splashers Type B. Right? AKA bikini pants for bears :whistle::hug:

Edited by aditus
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Take the dogs down to the river for a swim, bring them home for a bath, and swill Jameson's and ginger ale.

Jameson and ginger ale is one of my favorite drinks.


On a lazy summer day, I usually spend time in my garden and then read. Usually am drinking a Boulevard Brewery Tank 7. Sooo good.

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I jinxed it didn't I? It's overcast and chilly now! Oh well, sunday's weather will be perfect, or the gods will be answerable to me.

Summer is just taking a breather so it can be perfect on Sunday.

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