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cooking attempt gone wrong


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Dear all GA members,


as most of you know now,  I absolutely love cooking that's is one of the reasons why I became a chef. But I doesn't matter if you have had 4 years experience or 40 years experiences you still make mistakes. the other day I was making a cake for my mates birthday, it was going fine until I began to bake it. I put it in the oven and left it, as I went to do some reading and half way through my book I could smell something burning. So I made my way downstairs and was greeted by a cloud of smoke coming from the kitchen, I made my way in to the kitchen opening the front door and windows as I pass to let the smoke out, as I open the oven my eyes begin to sting as a cloud of smoke hit me directly in the face. I leave the kitchen and head outside to stop my eyes from stinging, I go back to the kitchen and was greeted by an exploded cake covering every inch of my oven.


have any of you had major cooking disasters like mine please leave comments in the space below and I look forward to hearing from you.




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No... sorry. I mean, I've had flavors that didn't mesh well when I was experimenting and ended up making sandwiches for dinner, but I have an oven timer and use it :P

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We threw a dinner party once and made Thai Tom Ka Gai soup from scratch, and the broth was waaaaay too salty. I mean, the soup was edible, but really far too salty for anyone to really like it, even my friend who's basicallt addicted to salt and over-salts everything she eats.

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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B) ........................ I did something like that a few months ago, where I inadvertantly used kosher salt instead of of what I thought I was using, the containers were the same size and color. I ruined dinner from the first bite.........

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Exploding cakes.  Sounds like a Pee Wee Herman gag. 


When microwaves first came out, my aunt thought she could hard boil eggs using one and that was an explosion too.  lol 

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I once let a pot containing chickpeas boil dry. At the time I was living in a house where the kitchen was totally separate from all other rooms (with a hallway in between) and I had gone to read a book in another room, not noticing a thing and losing track of time.

I found out that something was not quite right when a housemate came to my living room to say there was so much smoke in the kitchen he couldn't see the other side!

Pan was ruined, too.

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i have never broken any food. sorry. i forgot to put sugar in an experimental muffin recipe once and i've burnt sugar on more than one occasion, but no actual disasters


NeverSurrender? I believe this would be your topic to shine in my dear...

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NeverSurrender? I believe this would be your topic to shine in my dear...


*cough* ok erm where do you want me to start :P



this is the picture of mine which has been on chat recently - it started out as a raw ,clean, chicken breast


OTHER life lessons ive learnt the hard way, just the ones off the top of my head....

1. dont put foil in the microwave - or tins, forks, jars, etc... actually, just all metal!

2. cover food thats in the microwave or itll explode everywhere

3. just because something is 'oven cook for 6 minutes' does not mean you can substitute 'microwave for 6 minutes'

4. as above, but instead use 'grill' in the place of 'microwave'

5. the rule 'dont stick a knife in the toaster' also applies to forks, spoons, etc.

6. the rice and the pasta dont WANT to boil dry,

7. not all pizza is placed directly onto oven shelf

8. not all meat can be eaten rare, and black on the outside does not always mean cooked the whole way through

9. dont flip pancakes with too much enthusiasm, especially if you arent guaranteed to catch

10. just because you have turned off a hob ring, does not mean its immediately cold


my main problem is getting distracted while cooking. that said, im very much getting better, with time, patience and practice.


thats all i can think of for now, folks :P dont judge me too harshly!

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*cough* ok erm where do you want me to start :P



this is the picture of mine which has been on chat recently - it started out as a raw ,clean, chicken breast


OTHER life lessons ive learnt the hard way, just the ones off the top of my head....

1. dont put foil in the microwave - or tins, forks, jars, etc... actually, just all metal!

2. cover food thats in the microwave or itll explode everywhere

3. just because something is 'oven cook for 6 minutes' does not mean you can substitute 'microwave for 6 minutes'

4. as above, but instead use 'grill' in the place of 'microwave'

5. the rule 'dont stick a knife in the toaster' also applies to forks, spoons, etc.

6. the rice and the pasta dont WANT to boil dry,

7. not all pizza is placed directly onto oven shelf

8. not all meat can be eaten rare, and black on the outside does not always mean cooked the whole way through

9. dont flip pancakes with too much enthusiasm, especially if you arent guaranteed to catch

10. just because you have turned off a hob ring, does not mean its immediately cold


my main problem is getting distracted while cooking. that said, im very much getting better, with time, patience and practice.


thats all i can think of for now, folks :P dont judge me too harshly!


ladies and gents, this was the reason you should have paid attention in cooking class!

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Not necessary if they're new potatoes or some other type with really thin skin (Amandine, for instance).



B) ............................Better to be safe then sorry, venting them is a good idea.

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I have had my cooking disasters but nothing along the line of an exploding cake. I think the worst things to happen to me were over salting and my cheesecake cracked because I forgot to do a water


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Making cornbread, not paying close attention to what I was doing, I mixed up the measurements for the corn meal and the corn starch.  If you ever want your taste buds to go on strike for a week, just suck on a mouthful of corn starch.  Needless to say,  I ended up bringing store bought corn bread to the party I was going to.

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