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If you had a time machine...


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My dear Zombie, there's an alternative theory to multiverse theory, it's called the self-consistency principle:




It's like the movie 12 Monkeys, no matter what Bruce Willis does, he is doomed to die in front of his childhood self and unleash the plague that will destroy mankind. Time travel exist in a consistent universe, where there is no possible way of making changes in time.


If a butterfly flaps its wings in Paris, it might create a monsoon in Bangladesh, but does that mean if a butterfly does not flap its wings, there will be no monsoon in Bangladesh?

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My dear Zombie, there's an alternative theory to multiverse theory, it's called the self-consistency principle:



Already covered in the previous link :P

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Oh i would probably go back and kill myself, paradox be damned :P

actually in seriousness I probably would, it would solve many of at least my problems...


although I'd like to go back and witness some events first hand in history, I also know I'd probably considered a barbarian and be arrested and otherwise killed... or just simply not understood after all go back to the civil War you can't even understand what they're saying....

Edited by Celethiel
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Oh i would probably go back and kill myself, paradox be damned :P

actually in seriousness I probably would, it would solve many of at least my problems...


although I'd like to go back and witness some events first hand in history, I also know I'd probably considered a barbarian and be arrested and otherwise killed... or just simply not understood after all go back to the civil War you can't even understand what they're saying....


That's why you need your time machine to be a TARDIS, which has a translation circuit that gets in your head and translates everything.

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Krista what if this is the Twillight Zone version of Time Travel and YOU ARE JANE AUSTEN! :o


She was a very cavalier woman in her time - so I'd take that. :P 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd go back to my 20 year old self and give some personal advice - oh yeah, and some share tips :P

If your 20 year-old self were like mine, Zombie, you wouldn't have listened to your older self anyway. LOL!

Edited by mickey1952
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One thing I'd like to confirm once and for all is that Richard III murdered the Princes in the Tower. But then I'd want to save them :P And that would change all history and today would be a very different world - maybe better, maybe much worse :o That's the problem, try to make one thing better and it has all kinds of unpredictable consequences :( I'm a sucker for time travel and alternate reality / parallel dimension stories. The Beeb did one based on an old John Wyndham story called "Random Quest" about a sad nuclear physics geek - Sam West - whose experiment goes wrong and he wakes up in the body of his much-more-successful self in an alternate but very similar universe and what happens. It's in 6 parts on Youtube if you like this kind of story :)


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If I could go back in time, living in my younger self and possessing the knowledge I have now, I'd:


- not move to HK at age 9 with my family and instead go to a boarding school


- buy a lottery ticket (and win) and solve all my family's financial issues


- stop 9/11 from happening (i dunno - maybe figuring out some way to stop those planes from taking off)

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I'd go back in time and be Jane Austen's best friend. :P


I'd probably kill Jane Austen because my ex's name is Darcy and probably rewrite Pride and Prejudice to have Mr. Darcy and Mr. Jake (referring to me) to have a happily ever after story. I'd probably change Mr Darcy's personality trait of being a self-centered twit and change my personality for being a dickhead.


But in all seriousness, I'd go back in time to tell my college self not to sleep with Francine, and tell her that she was right all along, that sleeping with her would ruin our friendship and that kahlua and vodka ruins everything, especially mid-term exams, long quizzes, and term papers.


I'd also tell myself to befriend my room mate who smelled like swiss cheese because he will transform from an ugly duckling to a beautiful hot mo-fo who collects and flips houses for a hobby. He's dreamy . . . although he now smells like prosciutto and basil since he's now a vegan. Which is great because I have all the meat he will need in his life. 


I'd also go back in time to have another chance to play with Benny. He was the greatest dog evvaaah. I asked him to play dead and he literally died the next day. I could have asked him to roll over, but he might have rolled over to our gate and probably would have been killed by a passing truck. It was his time, but it's ssssooo NOT, according to my time-machine.


Yup. I'mma time travelluh.

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