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No pants Friday!


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It's my day off, so... Just remembered I have a kilt somewhere. *digs in closet* Can even go grocery shopping now. :P

Ooops, wolves don't wear pants. Right?

Edited by aditus
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MMMM, better keep my jeans on.  Boss would be a little uncomfortable if he was in my office, and my hubby walked in since he works here also.  "awkward"  But, I can always take them off when I get home.  Hubby wouldn't mind then :o  :P  -_-  :funny:

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Swear, this is my son's version of every day after school... walk in door, drop backpack and coat, strip off shirt and pants, grab blanket... spend the evening in his britches. Friday's nothing special! LOL

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Swear, this is my son's version of every day after school... walk in door, drop backpack and coat, strip off shirt and pants, grab blanket... spend the evening in his britches. Friday's nothing special! LOL


apart from the lack of fur, this sounds very much like what happens at the end of my school/work day.

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Any relation to WOW - whip em out Wednesday? That was a radio promotion around here in which women were encouraged to publically display their breasts. I do not recall the intended benifit but it caught on quickly among the college set.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep your chicken legs covered it is winter.. :P And Friday is the end of the week, most men don't do laundry all that often, but when they do it's usually when they're on their last pair of clean underwear... and I just don't want to see y'all in your 'ready to throw away' skivvies.


Also, to remain a lady, I shall take a personal day on No-pants Friday, because ladies never show their business. (I'll take any excuse to keep me curled up in bed a little longer) :D

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