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Happy Thanksgiving


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                       Happy Thanksgiving!


Even if you're not from the US, take a moment to be thankful for the things you have and enjoy.  Count your blessings. 

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yes Thank you Lord for making the Indians take pitty on us Poor Pilgrims, so that we can over the next few years...

Spread diseases, and take more of this "land of Plenty" for ourselves, for the Faith and For England.

Thank you for the plentiful Harvest so that we may survive another winter...

And in a few years about this time, thank you for the burning of them witches, even if one was a pastor...


Thank you for our lives may we live them long in our own blindless intollerance of others...


And that my dears is how Thanksgiving was founded :evil:

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Wow, angry much, C.


There are many of us who are very aware of past atrocities and how and why they were perpetrated. What that very same awareness also means is that we are aware of the world and it's machinations today as well. Yet, it is possible still to be thankful for family and much loved friends, for home and hearth and to be mindful of those that have fallen on hard times for whatever the reason.


It is better to be thankful and mindful of those in need today, where you can make a difference, than to dwell on something that you cannot change. Is it not?

Edited by Ron
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I'm thankful for the bumper crop of fine reading that helped me manage Thanksgiving week. Every year, no matter how many organic veggies and eggs we harvest, we could sell twice that many this week, at the local market (down the hill) Tuesday afternoon and a regional market (14 miles away) Wednesday morning. This year I hosted the farm's Thanksgiving meal for, as it turned out, 13 adults and 5 kids. Rather than prioritize scarce free time, I fell back on a tried and true management technique: play piano, read stories, procrastinate until options fall away, leaving focused desperation. Once again, I got away with it. Thanks, GA!

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