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Cheesy Classic Tv Shows Of Your Youth


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For some reason, I just thought about an old TV show that I haven't even seen in at least a decade from syndication, but all the talks about rebels, guns, and outlaws just triggered a cheesy memory. The concept was corny and cheesy, but it was the forerunner of Walker, Texas Ranger and several other shows from the same era.


This just made me think of all the shows I caught on TV a few times as a kid that I wasn't supposed to be watching.


Ladies and Gentlemen and people in transition: I give you Renegade



Also for some reason, this show also makes me think of another from later in the same time period, which is completely unrelated: La Femme Nikita (I remembered the opening was sort of weird and it is)



Of course after a trip down female heroine land, I had to make a pit stop at the Queen of the late 90's cheesy and fun drama, Buffy the Vampire Slayer



Now to complete this trip down memory lane, after Buffy tangent, I remembered something about sisters with wicked fashion sense and cheesy plots of a Soap Opera: Charmed



Anyone else?



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OMG I used to love "Renegade"! lol  Lorenzo Llamas... :wub:  I grew up in the '80s - the decade of cheesy TV shows.  lol  "Mama's Family" comes to mind... "Soap"... There are tons of others, but can't think of them right now.

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Let's add one more macho intro of a cheesy TV show with potentially one of the worst movie sequels ever, where they converte Fantasy to Sci-fi:


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Highlander was a 90s series based on an eighties movie.


There can be only one WORST decade.  


The 90's brought this ugly piece of cheese on screen:



Plus, it's horrible spin off that makes a mockery of good Sci-Fi


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Just remembered one other thing 90's had that few others did (Don't think any shows exist with premises like these anymore outside certain specialized networks), but I hope mods do not think I am breaking rules by mentioning them, I won't even name the shows just to prove the point :P


This was one of those shows that is heavy cream cheesy



The next one was part of my WB watching from time to time, just because Buffy and Angel weren't on, when I needed that gooey cheesy feeling:



Few prime-time networks are as gooey and preachy as that anymore, this is classic cheese! :lol:

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Okay, I object to Buffy being described as Cheesy. It was a legitimately good, Award-worthy drama, especially through seasons 2 to 5. The first season and the last two kind of sucked, but the middle run was great and the acting could be phenomenal.


But anyway, back to the topic:


California Dreams:





Basically, Saved by the Bell with a band.


Hang Time:



Basically, Saved by the Bell with a basketball team.


USA High:



Basically, Saved By the Bell but at a boarding school in Germany. I remembered thinking Jackson and Christian were sooo hot.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Okay, I object to Buffy being described as Cheesy. It was a legitimately good, Award-worthy drama, especially through seasons 2 to 5. The first season and the last two kind of sucked, but the middle run was great.


Remember that time, when Buffy and Scoobies had to fight off the swim team being turned into monster due to performance enhancing drugs:


This might be interesting review


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