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Marvel Comics vs. DC Comics

Comic Books Universe  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Comic Book Universe do you prefer

    • DC
    • Marvel
    • Neither

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Many people may not read comic books anymore, but most do watch movies and TV shows. There are two major publishers in this area: DC and Marvel Comics with competing stories, heroes, and ideals.


For those of you who are not familiar with the different lines of Comic Books let me list Some Flagship Comic Properties for each:





Wonder Woman

The Flash

Green Lantern

Green Arrow

Justice League

Lucifer (Yes, they own the Devil's Comic book, which is also a TV show on Fox)

Watchmen :D




Incredible Hulk

Iron Man

Captain America


The Avengers



Each studio has made movies based on their characters, some very successful ones like Spider-Man, The Avenger, Superman and the Dark Knight Trilogy.



Personally, I used to be a big fan of Marvel, I liked their gritty stories and their exciting plots far more than DC, except for Batman's line of comic books.


However, in the last year, I've grown to actually like DC more as I began to enjoy their TV shows more, so I want to read the comics. Their new line of Comic books, "Rebirth" is fun and I am enjoying the plot a lot more than I thought I would, especially with the the introduction of the Watchmen storyline into DC. Watchmen was a favorite movie of mine and seeing it slowly coming into a universe with far more idealism and hope makes me as the reader entertained. Don't get me wrong, I like reading light stories coming out of it too, like the new team up between Batman's emo teen assassin son, Damian, and Superman's naive adorable son, Jon. A good bit of humor mingled with serious questions go a long way in making good comic book characters (and hopefully comic book couples in a few years, here's hoping to see a main line LGBT couple in comic books :D ).


Marvel has been going down hill for me over time after the last Avenger's movie and Civil War story arc. It just not as fun anymore. Also, I hate how the Hulk is gtting written and written out of the Marvel universe in its current run (I happen to like the Green Gentle Monster with anger issues )


Plus yesterday's news story isn't inspiring me to be their fan or supporter.


Marvel's Exec Blames Diversity as cause of Slumping Sales


(This is a Gay Authors' site, diversity and writing are at the heart of what we do. That felt kind of cold coming from Marvel.)


So I want to open this up to discussion, which comic book universe do you prefer?



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When I used to read comic books (back in the ‘70s), my brother and I always chose DC. Superman and Batman mostly. That was after we had graduated from Disney (we were still in elementary school). Our parents only let us buy them for our several times a year 400 mile trips to visit our favorite cousins. We were quieter and less annoying if we had something to read and the candy of our choice on the roughly 8 hour drive.


Eventually, I started reading car magazines instead. I never cared much about the mechanical parts, it was all about the style and design.



I enjoyed the Christopher Reeves Superman movies, but was never interested in Batman much. I remember the campy ‘60s Batman TV series and remember watching the George Reeves Superman reruns. I also enjoyed the Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno Incredible Hulk TV show (I remember owning one of the Levis shirts that was shredded in one episode – Levis supplied the clothes worn on the show).


But I enjoyed the earlier X-Men movies, the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies, Captain America (sigh, Chris Evans!), and the Avengers movies. Robert Downie Jr’s Iron Man annoys me.


Yes, I know I skipped some of the other TV shows and movies. I never watched most of them. I’m not really in firmly either camp.

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Batman has always been the linchpin for me, even when I was a kid and preferred Marvel. His story was the most fun and versatile of all superheroes on TV in 1990's, including Spidey.


Recent Comic strips also make some fun commentaries too: Superman has statues, Flash has a Museum, Wonder Woman has legions of Female fans and Girl power admirers, so batman gets some love now too in the DC comic universe:


BatBurger! - It is the most incredibly smart/fiendish/commercially applicable idea DC has come up in a long time.




And Batman/Bruce Wayne's reaction is priceless at the idea of his fight against Joker and other villains being turned into a McDonalds-like restaurant:




I'd grab a BatBurger if such a place existed in the real world

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  • 2 months later...

I am reviving my old thread, because Wonder Woman was amazing and has beaten a lot of movies that have come out recently, finally a DC movie other than Batman or Superman with real depth, charm, and a unique kind of heroism.


I might not be heterosexual, but I can appreciate a woman who runs into the heat of battle:




Now I understand why a segment of LGBT like wonder woman, she's tenacious and inspiring.


Of course, one has to Wonder whether being an Amazon gives her a discount at whole foods :P


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@W_L I just now saw this topic.  I'm pretty much with you 100% on a lot of what you said.  I have far and away preferred Marvel to D.C. growing up.  That was where most of the characters I enjoyed reading about as a kid.  That being said, regarding that (semi) recent story from Marvel execs saying that diversity is the cause for slumping sales is more a case of Marvel losing touch and missing the point.  In my perspective, I think it has much less to do with people not liking diversity and much more to do with "message" storylines and people not liking being hit over the head with the personal political opinions of the writers.  Also, the poor writing demonstrated in some of the more recent comics being released.  By comparison, more recently D.C. Rebirth has been very well regarded, and even got me interested in checking out some of the titles.  

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You'll never get any Scandinavians to approve of Marvel's Thor. :angry: :pinch:



And the time reverse ending of the first Superman movie ruined it for me permanently. :pissed: I guess I like Batman slightly more than Spiderman because of all the cool gadgets. The rest of them are pretty much 'bleh' to me.

I haven't seen the new Wonder Woman movie yet, but I intend to.

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I would have voted but I think there should have been a both option. I love the DC shows, marvel movies, and enjoy both comics. Both have some weird storylines ( marvel having Mary Jane die due to radiation from Spideys swimmers, DC Bat-Cow) my two favorite characters at Deadpool and the Joker. So I'm split down the middle.

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I don't read comics.  *listens to hush*


However, I follow the cinematic universe of both companies well enough and I dare say that I prefer Marvel to DC. The former knows how to make there installments exciting. I see there movies and shows and I get to know there characters pretty well, rarely getting confused. An example would comparing Marvel's Avengers to DC's Suicide Squad which came off like a pasta with all its ingredients tasting differently.



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I'm old. I read both companies starting in the 80's. As a kid I grew up on the Batman TV show, Wonder Woman, and the Hulk. Saturday morning was the live action Spider-Man, Shazam, and the Mighty Isis. There  were the Thor, Ironman, Spider-Man, and Super friends cartoons.

I've watched both companies grow and stumble. Remember for every Avenger movie there is a Fantastic Four disaster. For every Ironman there is a Punisher. They have had hits and incredible flops. In comics right now Captain America is an agent of Hydra, a Nazi organization type thing. Scary part is Marvel forgets that Steve was created by two Jewish men. So they have their disasters too.


DC isn't behind the door. For their success in cartoons like Batman or any of the DC comic movies, they've had a disaster in live action like Constantine,  Swamp Thing, or Suicide Squad.


My favorite character has always been Wonder Woman. I loved George Perez's version of her, and Greg Rukka has done a great job in DC's Rebirth of her. I love Donna Troy and Cassie Sandsmark, both were Wondergirl. Wally West is my Flash. Nightwing is my Robin, and the Titans my team. Unless Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Flash, and Martian Manhunter are part of the team then you don't have the Justice League. Just my take on the comics

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Old time X-Men fan. Kelsey Grammar was a brilliant Beast.


I had eclectic tastes in comics.




This guy was a comic book character before he was in a cheesy movie with Sly. The remake a few years ago was much better.




This was a graphic novel years before it was a meh movie by the Wachowski's.

Edited by jamessavik
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Well, I am hoping that Justice League will be good and can compete with Avengers.


As mentioned, technically it's true Captain America aka Steve Rogers, is a Hydra agent/Nazi, he's also currently the world's leader :o (When a hero is secretly a villain, he has to be an uber-villain, one that can actually succeed.) If the visions of Spiderman do come true, he'll create a world of ttalitarian survillance, a society where the strong will crush the weak, and "undesirables" will be removed. I don't know if the world is ready for a successful villain and heroes who are weak, but I do have to give Marvel some kudos for thinking outside the box with their newest run "Secret Empire"


I should also note that Wonder Woman is the most obvious bisexual character in all comics, even before it was announced as an official piece of canon.



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