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New Members Welcome-Introduce Yourself!

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I was totally supposed to post here.
Anyway tis my second day here, been reading the stories since i was 13 though.
I love writing, i love random chats. And i love how ALOT of people have so friendly with me. <3

Edited by SimonOhNoes
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Hi. I just signed up and thought this would be the best place to start. I'm currently reading a member's story which I find great and, as it turns out, the author is pretty friendly and I find it great to talk to him. So joining GA seems like a good way to read other wonderful stories and meet more people. The site seems amazing so I'm off to explore it. Hope to hear from you all.



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Hi. I just signed up and thought this would be the best place to start. I'm currently reading a member's story which I find great and, as it turns out, the author is pretty friendly and I find it great to talk to him. So joining GA seems like a good way to read other wonderful stories and meet more people. The site seems amazing so I'm off to explore it. Hope to hear from you all.




(Looks at the others) Did he just say pretty friendly? ;)


It's great to see you here, mate! And like the ever warm welcoming committee said, welcome to the site!


As David McLeod suggested, the (wink) Anthology section (wink) is filled with good stuff, as is eFiction, and lastly the many Hosted Authors have some pretty damn good stuff too! :D


Take care!

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Hey guys, I'm another newcomer here, just thought I'd drop by here and make myself known. I just signed up here a few days ago, but I've actually been reading stories on GA for a while, just never bothering to sign up. But alas, I eventually decided I should make an account here. Reasons for this include: hopes of bettering my own writing abilities, intents of posting my own stories here one day soon, and immersing myself in a sort of gay community. So yeah, hopefully I'll make some friends here and posta few stories. From what I hear, GA is pretty friendly to new people. Hope that's true =].

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Hey guys, I'm another newcomer here, just thought I'd drop by here and make myself known. I just signed up here a few days ago, but I've actually been reading stories on GA for a while, just never bothering to sign up. But alas, I eventually decided I should make an account here. Reasons for this include: hopes of bettering my own writing abilities, intents of posting my own stories here one day soon, and immersing myself in a sort of gay community. So yeah, hopefully I'll make some friends here and posta few stories. From what I hear, GA is pretty friendly to new people. Hope that's true =].


B)........Welcome, have a good stay here!

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Hey guys, I'm another newcomer here, just thought I'd drop by here and make myself known. I just signed up here a few days ago, but I've actually been reading stories on GA for a while, just never bothering to sign up. But alas, I eventually decided I should make an account here. Reasons for this include: hopes of bettering my own writing abilities, intents of posting my own stories here one day soon, and immersing myself in a sort of gay community. So yeah, hopefully I'll make some friends here and posta few stories. From what I hear, GA is pretty friendly to new people. Hope that's true =].


Woo! Another Jerseyan! Now I can hopefully begin my desires of overtaking the Australian GA Takeover Committee with the New Jersey Takeover Committee!

(Inside Joke ;) )


Anywho Welcome! Hope you have fun here, and there are plenty of resources you can use on here, and plenty of nice authors to talk to if you ever get stuck :) Also, if you got any questions you can ask one of the mods :)


Eric :)

(Who's also from Jersey!)

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Hey guys, I'm another newcomer here...Reasons for this include: hopes of bettering my own writing abilities, intents of posting my own stories here one day soon, and immersing myself in a sort of gay community. So yeah, hopefully I'll make some friends here and posta few stories. From what I hear, GA is pretty friendly to new people. Hope that's true =].


Welcome to the GA community. You should find a lot of people who are ravenous for new stories, and who are willing (eager) to offer support. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi, I am new on GA and can I just say that the people are AWESOME and so nice and helpful. I emailed one of the moderators for help and they came back in a couple of minutes. This is gonna be great-- thank you guys!!!



Glad to see you're settling in well. This really is a great place and everyone is, indeed awesome. I love it here.

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Hi, I am new on GA and can I just say that the people are AWESOME and so nice and helpful. I emailed one of the moderators for help and they came back in a couple of minutes. This is gonna be great-- thank you guys!!!


Hey, abbillion! Great to see you here, mate! Yep, the people here are awesome indeed! :2thumbs: (One of the reasons why we all love it!)


See you around!

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Hello everybody.


I'm new here and I like writing! Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you in the future!


YAY another Brit! :D


Anyhow, welcome to GA, Circle! I hope you enjoy everything this place has to offer!


And as always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!B)

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I'm currently writing something that turns out to be longer and more developed than I expected. Found GA is currently holding a novella contest, so I hope I could make it.


Need some help on grammar, so if someone would like to volunteer, that'll be great. :) I am okay with basic writing skill, character development and thematic structure, but I do need some constructive criticism on those subjects.

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  • Site Administrator

Lots of new people and lots of people who are interested in writing... Awesome! :2thumbs:


Welcome, everyone, and good luck with your stories! :great:

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Hello everybody.


I'm new here and I like writing! Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you in the future!


Welcome to ga :)


and to ashi as well.



Can Find stories under the author section or stories, you like, can comment on an authors forum or efiction section. , and can always join in conversations .

Edited by Drewbie
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