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New Members Welcome-Introduce Yourself!


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Since no one else welcomed me here, I might as well welcome myself!! Thanks anyway guys!! :2thumbs:


The system doesn't announce who's new [well except at the bottom of the forum page and then it only shows the name of the last person to join not all who joined that day], so unless you walk up and wave electronically like you did, no one really knows you're new. I didn't know this part of the site existed when I joined so I've never welcomed here either and I've been here a hot minute.


BUT since you did let us know you were new:





Glad you are here.




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Hi everybody,

I'm new here. I'm french and I know now that I will not be able to post stories here. It looks like it's not possible to moderate a story in french, and my level in english is not enough to translate my stories. So I will be a reader!

I like to read yours stories and it's very interesting for me to see another culture. A lot of people don't like americans here in France, thanks to our TV and our newspapers!!!

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Hi everybody,

I'm new here. I'm french and I know now that I will not be able to post stories here. It looks like it's not possible to moderate a story in french, and my level in english is not enough to translate my stories. So I will be a reader!

I like to read yours stories and it's very interesting for me to see another culture. A lot of people don't like americans here in France, thanks to our TV and our newspapers!!!


Hi Patrick48, welcome to GA :) I'm not American, but I thought it would be nice to say 'hi' to you. Hope you enjoy the site :)

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'Lo peeps,


newbie from Scotland here. Loving the site! Just finished DKs Dawn of Tears :worship: :worship: :worship: ... what next ... hmmmm


Hey Newbie from Scotland - Oh my but what's next is terribly loaded question 0:) Where to start


Personal favorites of mine are - in No particular order


(In)visible - by Anyta Sunday

The Bridgemont Series by Mark Arbour

Hostage - by Nephylim is amazing - and not just because I got a shout out at the end :P

Cia's Escaping the Pain is quite good

If you dig Sci-fi Adamagicka by Hamen Cheese was also kick ass.

Not to double dip, but Enigma by Nephylim was very good.

If you like Fan Fiction, Tests of Blood by AllenSmithee was really well done

Lugh wrote some amazing short stories for the Anthologies which is helpfully bundled into a collection that you can download if you like

Anything by Dom Luka is always worth reading.

I also enjoyed, Raven: The Hands of Ada


Those are stories that are done - and there are a ton more that you could go to as well but that's just a brief selection of personal favorites :)

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Hi everybody,

I'm new here. I'm french and I know now that I will not be able to post stories here. It looks like it's not possible to moderate a story in french, and my level in english is not enough to translate my stories. So I will be a reader!

I like to read yours stories and it's very interesting for me to see another culture. A lot of people don't like americans here in France, thanks to our TV and our newspapers!!!


Gasp - everyone doesn't like us? Shocking :P


Welcome, and try not to believe everything you read in the paper about us, those are generally just the bad examples anyway :P



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Hi I'm new to this site...looking around looks like there are some great stories and authors to checkout. Lots of reading material.


Welcome Dan,


There is definitely some great stuff to read. If you have an iPad or Nook you can even save, convert to ePub docs and upload on your reader.


If you get stumped ask folks, be hard to find an unfriendly soul on here :)

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  • Site Administrator



Peerless, Patrick, Dannsar, and Dan!


It's always nice to see new faces and readers here on GA. I hope to see more of you all here active on the forums and in GA Stories. If you have any questions feel free to send me a pm or leave me a comment on my profile. We were all new once and I remember how confusing the site could be.
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I joined last week, made a quick post, and left until today. Imagine my surprise when I found two welcoming messages when I returned. I've never seen that on an Internet board before. Thanks, Nephylim and jian_sierra, for your warm hospitality.


So what's the appropriate netiquette? Is responding here sufficient or should I also go their profiles and return the welcome? I need advice, but I think my best source is dead. She was called Emily Post for a reason.


Here's something from me. A few years ago, I took this picture out my front door of a rainbow going into the Mississippi River. This was actually part of an amazing double rainbow but I took this pic because it shows where the pot of gold is. Who's got scuba gear?


Here's a high rez version. I've used it as a desktop background.



Posted Image

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Welcome everyone I missed since last time... which is LOADS. I do my best but I do miss you sometimes


OMG I can't beliee that I missed welcoming you Andy.


Come on everyone say Hello to Quonus the new guy :P


I am sure you will make new friends Wood Stock we're awful friendly... well some are awful and some are friently :devil:


There isn't really and etiquette about welcoming. And thanks are always appreciated no matter where they are posted. Take it as said :)

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Welcome everyone I missed since last time... which is LOADS. I do my best but I do miss you sometimes


OMG I can't beliee that I missed welcoming you Andy.


Come on everyone say Hello to Quonus the new guy :P


I am sure you will make new friends Wood Stock we're awful friendly... well some are awful and some are friently :devil:


There isn't really and etiquette about welcoming. And thanks are always appreciated no matter where they are posted. Take it as said :)



OMG - that was so not the point :*)


All I meant was, if you don't come here and say "Hi, I'm new, my name is ... no one is going to say - Hi, .... because we have no idea a) you're new or b ) that you even read this forum.


I've been more than welcomed, by you and quiet a few others - trust me when I say, I feel welcome, always have. I mean where else am I a Grumy Old Man?? :evil:



Thanks Nephy. :hug:

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Hey everyone!

Just figured I'd introduce myself.

I'm Kaitlyn, and I'm from Newfoundland, Canada.

Just happened to stumble across the site at random, and I must say I'm looking forward to reading and getting to know people on here.

Who knows... I may feel courageous enough to write something to submit!


I just finished reading Shane and Trey by AnyataSunday, and enjoyed it immensely.


Uhhh... Nice to be here!

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Welcome to GA hun.


I have extremely fond memories of visiting Newfoundland. It's a fabulous place full of fabulous people. I saw bears and elks and ate buffalo and saw whales and ice bergs in the harbout in June.


Anyway enough remeniscing. Welcome and I hope that we see some of your writing soon. It is scary to put them out there for everyone to see and comment on but OMG it feels good that something you created is being shared with so many people.


Give me a shout when you post and I will read it and be your first reviewer. :)

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  • Site Administrator

Hi Sylphic/Kaityln! GA is a well of great knowledge when it comes to writing. There are writers and editors and betas and tips and hints and flat out rule giving topics to read to make your own stories become just that much better. I felt much the same as you did when I joined and I'm always here to answer any questions you have or steer you toward those who could help you instead. Welcome to the site!!

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Hey everyone!

Just figured I'd introduce myself.

I'm Kaitlyn, and I'm from Newfoundland, Canada.

Just happened to stumble across the site at random, and I must say I'm looking forward to reading and getting to know people on here.

Who knows... I may feel courageous enough to write something to submit!


I just finished reading Shane and Trey by AnyataSunday, and enjoyed it immensely.


Uhhh... Nice to be here!


Hey Kaitlyn,

Welcome to GA! :D

Hope you have a wonderful time here! and... here hoping that you do write and sub,it some. :D always great to have more to read!! ^_^

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