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Merry Christmas 2017!

Mark Arbour

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A very Happy Holiday Season back at you and it's great to hear that your health is better, but we still miss your stories!   Hopefully 2018 will find you with some spare time for JP & Co. and Granger et al as well!

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Merry Christmas Mark and to all of your GA faithful followers

I hope and trust that life will be kinder to you in this season and into the future

I have missed reading your regular postings and it is joy receive your 2 postings on my Christmas Day


Merry Christmas Happy New Year and the Gods smile on you into the Future

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 Merry Christmas Mark! And I echo the comments of the other posters before me and especially want to call out my delight was at your improved health which is most important. Nothing but the best for you as we head into 2018, and I look forward to the day when you are able to get back to a more normal life and posting schedule for your readers pleasure. I’m sure it gives you a lot of satisfaction to know how much we enjoy the efforts of you and your team! 

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Merry Christmas Mark. These people that keep you busy, is there anything us loyal readers could do about them? I am sure there are some us that have contacts....  one brief message and no mess, no noise, just poof and those annoying people are all gone, leaving you to us, the aforesaid readers... just a thought....:rolleyes:


Looking forward to 2018....

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