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You know...I'd think this would be easy...


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7 minutes ago, Shinichi_mini_tiger said:



some people are ignorant selfless moron


I try to no think about them they don't deserve you or your work


If it wasn't for you i wouldn't have meet my Sweet "BIG HEARTED" Fiancee 😻


So Thank you Sensei







What he said. ^_^

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I love the video clip you made!  I've watched that movie and so it's extra funny when I watched your version.  In any case, :hug: Comsie.  Don't stress out.  Drink a glass of fine wine or two.  Chill and chat with us.  :)

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4 hours ago, Comicality said:


Thanks to all of you! ((Hugz)) I really do appreciate it.


I know that people will assume I'm being thin skinned or oversensitive, but I'm not. Every single time something like this happens, the authors are told to ignore it. We're supposed to just say 'to hell with them'. Turn the cheek, pay them no mind, don't let it bother you. Well, you know what? It DOES bother me. Because I don't treat other people like that and never felt the need to. We continue to spare the rod and spoil the child. These little passive aggressive tantrums get flung around on the internet and these people are total jerks to us with NO consequence! They never get any better. Any more patient. Any more sympathetic with the people they criticize. No. I don't agree with that. I'm going to stand up and say, "Hey jackass...knock it off!" I'm a human being with feelings like everybody else. And I work so hard on this website that I wouldn't even have the *TIME* to sit down at a keyboard and type out a snotty remark like that. Hard work that I do to entertain YOU! And that's what people have to say to me? 


So yeah...let THEM feel like shit for a little while. Instead of always tossing it on my shoulders and waiting for me to be the bigger person. I don't mind getting right there in the mud with you, if you want to take it there.


Now then, sorry for the disruption. Back to life. :) 

The feisty side of Comsi is kind of sexy. You have every right to stand up for yourself. You aren’t a doormat! 😉

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5 minutes ago, CassieQ said:

I'll help.  


Seriously, I'm sad and frustrated that Comsie has to deal with this.  :hug:Fuck those guys who think they are entitled to your hard work.  

You go sister!! 😉

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2 minutes ago, VampireMystic said:

Why not a punishment that can be repeated. Immolation only works once. 


It need not be violent. 


Strap them down and pry their eyes open so they can't look away from bad movies. Or cover there ears from bad music. 


Or escape a menu of food based on reruns of "fear factor"


Or  the complete works of Charles Dickens, read by text to speech synthesizer. 


Genital warts can be reoccurring if left untreated.

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13 hours ago, VampireMystic said:

Why not a punishment that can be repeated. Immolation only works once. 


It need not be violent. 


Strap them down and pry their eyes open so they can't look away from bad movies. Or cover there ears from bad music. 


Or escape a menu of food based on reruns of "fear factor"


Or  the complete works of Charles Dickens, read by text to speech synthesizer. 

That reminds me, I found a book on Goodreads recently. It was kind of like "How to Eat Fried Worms", but classier. I'll see if I can find it again. :lol:

Update: It's called "Boy Bites Bug" by Rebecca Petruck. :P

Edited by Page Scrawler
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16 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

OMG, I love Yukine! :lol:



He's such a sweetheart. :gikkle:


@Comicality I'm sorry that some people can be so selfish, Sweetie. :hug: We here love you for who you are, and we always appreciate the work that you put into your stories. :kiss: But, I guess some people just can't understand that it takes TIME to write quality fiction, or that one doesn't get to control another person's writing. I hope in the future, this person or persons can be more understanding. :)





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2 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

Yeah, that'd be my reaction, too, if a girl climbed into my bed. Only I'd be a lot worse. :lol:


 I'd be jumping to the other side of the room. "J- j- j- just take the bed!  I'm good over here."


#gold star gay

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6 hours ago, VampireMystic said:


 I'd be jumping to the other side of the room. "J- j- j- just take the bed!  I'm good over here."


#gold star gay

:lol: "Gold star gay". Sounds like a Lady Gaga album. :rofl:

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1 hour ago, Page Scrawler said:

:lol: "Gold star gay". Sounds like a Lady Gaga album. :rofl:

Look for it in a certain underground music store in Chicago in 2020. 


You may regret it in hindsight if you don't wear a C on your jack off hand.


 I can't tell you more than that, finding the store is part of the challenge. 

Edited by VampireMystic
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