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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards

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1 minute ago, Headstall said:

I do water the peppers daily because they are in buckets. I water all them daily... if I don't the tomatoes droop. The peppers look healthy... my daughter says they take longer in her experience. I thought I might have been overwatering the zucchini, but letting them dry out completely, seemed to make matters worse. I at least got one good zucchini (big enough to make clo happy :P) , but I think I'm done with them after this experience.

Did you check for blossom end rot? It most common in tomatoes but effects zukes too. That's an issue with inconsistent watering. Zukes need roughly an inch of water a week if planted in the ground if potted you want to maintain a consistent moisture level.

Do the wilting leaves look like they have talcum powder dusted on them? That's a sign of powdery mildew. Not usually a serious problem but if wide spread on a plant can effect fruiting because it inhibits photosynthesis. 

That's about all I can think of. 

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Just now, Marty said:

I've finally found out what these zucchinis are that you lot keep going on about. :yes:

We call them courgettes this side of the pond. :) 

Are they also called marrow or is that something else?

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3 minutes ago, dughlas said:

Did you check for blossom end rot? It most common in tomatoes but effects zukes too. That's an issue with inconsistent watering. Zukes need roughly an inch of water a week if planted in the ground if potted you want to maintain a consistent moisture level.

Do the wilting leaves look like they have talcum powder dusted on them? That's a sign of powdery mildew. Not usually a serious problem but if wide spread on a plant can effect fruiting because it inhibits photosynthesis. 

That's about all I can think of. 

Thanks. My daughter had that a couple of years ago, and she saw my plants on Saturday... says the bit of white is not like what she had. I really think it is pollination related. There is a lot of info and complaints about it online. :( 

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