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It's only be online for less than 5 minutes! :P


I enjoyed it quite a lot. :)


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Wow! Exellent chapter. And posted at midday as well (wich makes it morning in the US, I guess). :worship:


Really god description of a spacefight. In a lot of te scify I read spacebattles are either far to complicated to understand, or become boring, 'cause they're lenghtly and sometimes too detailed. But the fight in this chapter had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.


As always I'm eager for the next chapter.


I have a hunch, that we're in for the next surprise, when we'll get to know the pirates took prisoner. They seem to have good resources and the ambush was to well preparpared, for just ordinary pirates.


Everyone have a nice weekend,


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Wow! Exellent chapter. And posted at midday as well (wich makes it morning in the US, I guess). :worship:

Really god description of a spacefight. In a lot of te scify I read spacebattles are either far to complicated to understand, or become boring, 'cause they're lenghtly and sometimes too detailed. But the fight in this chapter had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

As always I'm eager for the next chapter.

Everyone have a nice weekend,



Wow wow too :great: I fully agree with Lele.

The "military" knowledge of DK is on the level of a general staff officer :worship: I followed the battles as if I were Marko Blashame, with the same enthusiasm !

Now I can reread slowly and with even more pleasure the 2 last chapters.

Tanks a lot DK and a nice weekend also for you.

B) Meanwhile, could you perhaps find an hour or two for DOT ?

Old Bob

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Oh man...I went to bed right before it was posted!


Oh well, it gave me something good to wake up to! Wow, really cool battle, great descriptions and as always superior tactical strategy is used...as in all dk's stories.


Now I just have to wait until some answers are posted...until then my brain will be in overdrive!


Thanks DK, great chapter!



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Absolutely superb!! One of the very best space battle scenes I've ever seen! (and I read a lot of sci-fi!). :worship:


I loved the clear "image" of the tactical situation. Conveying that clearly is incredibly difficult, but it was clear throughout.


One thing especially caught my eye: the inclusion of Azimuth in addition to bearing when giving Nav orders. Spacecraft operate in a 3-d environment so you have to have azimuth, but I can't recall ever seeing it used in a sci-fi battle sequence like this before. (and it's absence is glaring to me). So, I really loved seeing it! :great:


The tactics were believable and consistent, and also totally unexpected!

The AI coming back online was something I never guessed, and Garret's pump-fake maneuver (heading away then doubling back) was a classic! Exceptionally well done!



A few small details caught my eye, too. The use of "Trousers" as opposed to the more normal (for Americans) "Pants" worked to help aid the feel of a different culture as well as a different time.


I also loved the response of the Frigate captain: "By the little Buddha!"


Well, my predictions were 100%... 100% wrong! :D


There are a lot of questions remaining, and a lot left to cover, but I'll leave that for later in the discussion.


There was only one bad thing about this chapter: that nasty little scroll bar on my browser that showed me that I was nearing the end of the chapter. I didn't want this chapter to end!



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Wow Dan!!!


I was so excited reading this chapter! The space battle was very well detailed and I too felt like I was on the bridge watching!


That's what it was! Unlike many third-person scenes, this one kept your focus on the bridge, seeing all from that point of view! I think that's what made it so clear.


I wonder if that's what DK was alluding to when Garret resisted the temptation to see the AI's perspective view?

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That's what it was! Unlike many third-person scenes, this one kept your focus on the bridge, seeing all from that point of view! I think that's what made it so clear.


I wonder if that's what DK was alluding to when Garret resisted the temptation to see the AI's perspective view?


that was what fascinated me as well. i don't necessarily do a lot of sci-fi, but i'm used to descriptions or visuals of what's happening during a space-battle. i think he's trying to portray a realistic visual of the experience for the captain and seeing the battle from the AI's perspective would defeat that.


me likes.

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that was what fascinated me as well. i don't necessarily do a lot of sci-fi, but i'm used to descriptions or visuals of what's happening during a space-battle. i think he's trying to portray a realistic visual of the experience for the captain and seeing the battle from the AI's perspective would defeat that.


me likes.


I think you are right! I do read a lot of sci-fi (hard sci-fi) and this was exceptionally well done.

Often, a third-person perspective gets very confusing, due to the author trying to be "everywhere at once".

DK's technique of segmenting things, and looking at one aspect at a time really worked well IMHO. Anything else would have gotten confusing fast with this complex a scene.


I hope to give writing sci-fi a try soon, so I'm studying DK's techniques and methods. I often think "how would I have written that" and in most cases the answer has been "not well". I very much doubt I'd have thought of DK's presentation method, and would have written (had I been writing this chapter) an extremely confusing scene.


BTW, you were first again! And long before the announcement went up! Wow!

I think I'll watch for your posts rather then the announcement board. :great:

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I hope to give writing sci-fi a try soon, so I'm studying DK's techniques and methods. I often think "how would I have written that" and in most cases the answer has been "not well". I very much doubt I'd have thought of DK's presentation method, and would have written (had I been writing this chapter) an extremely confusing scene.


BTW, you were first again! And long before the announcement went up! Wow!

I think I'll watch for your posts rather then the announcement board. :great:


well, we can't all be as proficient in our writing as dk. the important thing is to try. or drink wine from his skull in hopes of gaining his powers...not that i was considering that...uh...hey, who else finds the string of posts commenting on the posts before them amusing? hehehehehehe. :funny:


lol, btw. i don't know about that. 7 is my lucky number. i may start to get lazy in the future. B)

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I think you are right! I do read a lot of sci-fi (hard sci-fi) and this was exceptionally well done.

DK's technique of segmenting things, and looking at one aspect at a time really worked well IMHO. Anything else would have gotten confusing fast with this complex a scene.


Its weekend and I just finished to reread quietly all the chapters of DOH. The pleasure was even greater as the fist reading. DK's techniques and methods makes the story ALIVE. Each word is at the right place.


I hope to give writing sci-fi a try soon, so I'm studying DK's techniques and methods. I often think "how would I have written that" and in most cases the answer has been "not well". I very much doubt I'd have thought of DK's presentation method, and would have written (had I been writing this chapter) an extremely confusing scene.


James, dont hesitate :2thumbs: Just write .I'm sure you will do well, and you have the possibility in the Sneak Peaks part to collect the opinions of your friends and correct your style if you want.

Old Bob

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well, we can't all be as proficient in our writing as dk. the important thing is to try. or drink wine from his skull in hopes of gaining his powers...



Um - I think he's still using his skull... if for nothing else, as Melody's pillow at night...



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Meanwhile, could you perhaps find an hour or two for DOT ?

Old Bob

I like that DK is still using his skull. He's still got us hanging with several unfinished stories! I'd vote for DOT too but DK prolly need to get Bully out of his head/brain/skull. :read:

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Braxi dear, no the forward fire base was NOT named after you.



Now a hot picture of you in a baseball uniform the way I like it would get something very special for you...


BTW, Robert picked the hotel for this weekends CDP E-board meeting and I think he had me in mind...baseball fields right next to it with softball and baseball players that were just yummy (and of age)

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Add to that, it is a dog-friendly hotel (and a few of our attendees brought theirs)... I tried bringing up having the girls go this time - but if we use it again, um, I think I really will push for it :2thumbs:

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or drink wine from his skull in hopes of gaining his powers...


Hmmmm!! I knew I was going about this the wrong way! :lmao::lmao:


Its weekend and I just finished to reread quietly all the chapters of DOH. The pleasure was even greater as the fist reading. DK's techniques and methods makes the story ALIVE. Each word is at the right place.

James, dont hesitate :2thumbs: Just write .I'm sure you will do well, and you have the possibility in the Sneak Peaks part to collect the opinions of your friends and correct your style if you want.

Old Bob


Bob, well said! Every word in the right place is indeed a great way of describing it, and I was thinking much the same thing during this last chapter. Don't get me wrong, I loved the other chapters, but Ch 7 was a step beyond IMHO.


I'm going to be doing some re-reading myself. Good idea! Thanks for the "sneak peeks" idea, too. I'll give that a try soon.


Anyone have any thoughts on what the repercussions of Garret's battle will be? I'm betting they won't all be good. For one thing, the pirates now know the capabilities of his ship.

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Anyone have any thoughts on what the repercussions of Garret's battle will be? I'm betting they won't all be good. For one thing, the pirates now know the capabilities of his ship.


Well I'm sure he isn't going to be popular with the pirates after this, not like they were likely to just ambush him for tea anyway. His aggressive counter-attack on them wasn

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My first question from Ch 7: How did the Virus get aboard all four ships? By broadcast (which I would assume there would be safeguards against) or by onboard sabotage?


Well, I'm just assuming that infecting four ships with a virus would not be easy, but for all I know they might be using "Windows for Warships". :P


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