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2008 GA Readers' Choice Awards

C James

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The 2008 Gay Authors Readers' Choice Awards

First, I'd like to introduce two very special awards, for those who help make all this possible; the unsung heroes of GA, all of our Editors and Beta Readers!


The Best Editors!



The Best Beta Readers!




Best Hosted Story

How The Light Gets In by Duncan Ryder




Best Shared/Promising Story

Buy Me A Drink by A Friendly Face




Best eFiction Story

It Started With Brian by Dan Kincaid, Co-authored by Adam Phillips




Best Anthology Story

Street Life by Graeme




Best Non-GA Story

The Price of Friendship by Graeme



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Best eFiction Story by a New Author

In Due Time by J. Ross




Best Story by a New Anthology Author

If No One Notices by AFriendlyFace




Best Poem

Black Light by Corvus




Best Antagonist/Villain (From any 2008 GA story)

Travis from In The Fish Bowl by DomLuka




Best Protagonist/Hero (From any 2008 GA story)

Taylor from Hello Stupid by Dom Luka





I would like to add a sincere round of thanks to Sat8997 (Sharon) and Kurt, who did a great deal of work to make these awards possible, and to all the members of the WST who participated in the discussion threads. As a nominee, I had to keep out of the process, so they did all the work. Thanks!!!!!

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I'd just like to say how very honoured and delighted I am to have received a Readers' Choice Award. :D:great::2thumbs:


It means a lot to me and I'm very flattered :)


Congrats to everyone who won! :D


Also, thanks very much to Sharon and Kurt and the rest of the WST for all the work they put into the awards, to CJ for doing such an amazing job with the awards graphics, and of course to all the readers! :D




Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Congrats to everyone who was nominated and also who won!


Edit to Add - It seems that the WST has followed in the footsteps of our beloved goat. They left out the King/Queen of cliffhangers...


It is my sad duty to decry a cliffhangers with the awards....

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Whoever voted in this year's Awards sure made some good choices!


A special bow to:


Graeme, who is a great writer and a very smart guy, even if he still believes in modern day sorcery (Christianity). :D


Duncan Ryder, who is so talented he makes the rest of us blush.


J. Ross, who should be hosted dammit.


AFriendlyFace. Kevin, so cute, so kind, so bright. Well, except for those somewhat unrealistic expectations about the ideal man.


Adam Phillips. Friend, confident, and personal hero. Continuing on Sam's story after he died, picking up that mantle, that's worth a shitload of good karma. And that you're doing it well is a tribute to Sam.



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Congrats to everyone who was nominated and also who won!


Edit to Add - It seems that the WST has followed in the footsteps of our beloved goat. They left out the King/Queen of cliffhangers...


It is my sad duty to decry a cliffhangers with the awards....


The WST does NOT makes mistakes.


*falls to knees begging* Please Sharon. Don't kill him. He didn't know what he was saying.

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Thanks to those of you who chose Dan's story as your favorite piece of eFiction. In a very real sense, this is Dan's project to the very end. Many of the words, even those posted after his death, are his. All I'm doing is attempting to "channel" him.


I wish you all could have known Dan. He was one of the most brilliant, insightful, intuitive, and compassionate people I've ever run into. I miss him terribly.


I will finish his story, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. A new chapter should be up within the next week or so.


I want to thank you all again in Dan's behalf.




Adam Phillips

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:music::music::music: Congratulations to all the Winners! :music::music::music:

I think there were some very good choices made this year, along with some beautiful awards, well done CJ!


Now if only we knew who was withholding the cliffhanger award...and why. :lol:



Well done guys!

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Congratulation to all the winners. It's well earned by all.


Thanks to all who participated in the nominations and the voting.


A special thanks to Sharon and Kurt for volunteering to receive nominations and votes. Thank you Myk for your help in discussions.


Also a special thanks CJ for designing and making the Awards graphics.

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Edit to Add - It seems that the WST has followed in the footsteps of our beloved goat. They left out the King/Queen of cliffhangers...


It is my sad duty to decry a cliffhangers with the awards....

What can I say, I've had a good teacher.

The WST does NOT makes mistakes.


*falls to knees begging* Please Sharon. Don't kill him. He didn't know what he was saying.


Now if only we knew who was withholding the cliffhanger award...and why. :lol:

Be careful what you wish for, it just might come true. You'll get your answer soon. And as to why, it was the perfect opportunity to have some fun.

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Okay, that's long enough.


And the winner if the 2008 Readers Choice Awards, King of Cliffhangers is:



Ha! Congrats CJ!! 0:)


Congrats to everyone involved! You really are a group of talented individuals!

Edited by jessiflash
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Its nice to see the Betas and Editors awarded with these this year. :) Where would we be w/out you guys and girls?? :o


Congratulations J. Ross for creating a smoothly read/entertaining story. :)


The voters all around did a really good job.


And Poo on the goat for trying to pull the wool over our eyes (yes I am aware that Goats don't have wool). Tsk tsk tsk. Great job on the award designs though, they're pretty. :)


Now, Thanks Sharon and Kurt for accepting all the nominations and votes and keeping up with the awards... shew I can only imagine. :blink:

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Thanks to everyone who voted for my stories. :) I'm very appreciative, especially as I knew how good the other stories in those categories were.


Congratulations to the other winners, too, but especially for the first two awards -- the editors and beta-readers. I, for one, know I wouldn't have stood a chance if it wasn't for the polish that they've given my stories. Aaron and Rain from the Mail Crew for their great job of editing, the rest of the crew, CJ, Shadowgod, Kel and Ray for beta reading and pointing out all those little things I've missed. Congratulations, everyone!

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I am very honoured. On behalf of Scott and Josh, Luc and Matt....thank you.


Because I don't say it enough -- thanks to Gabriel Morgan who really goes out of his way to proofread stuff for me fast...and to Steve for all his work on my page.


Thanks also to everyone who worked so hard on the awards.




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Congrats to all the winners and nominees!! And thanks muchly to everyone that voted for me, I'm happy to have been included. :)


And thanks to everyone that worked on this.


Cheers. ^_^

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