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    Words, writing, language... Oh, did I say words...?

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  1. Now that was Serendipity working hard! I didn't even know. Or maybe I subconsciously did... Happy birthday!
  2. Puppilull

    Chapter 7

    Hmm... I'll keep my shipping to myself from now on, to avoid more characters getting dispatched (?) like Mikhail. Yago has a way of revealing even more crazy when you think the man has reached the absolute bottom. He needs a spectacularly painful ending, filled with humiliation.
  3. Puppilull

    Chapter 6

    He he... Kade will prove a challenge for Adrian. How to woo a thief? Stealing his heart? 😉 Sounds to me like Jared indeed is a better diplomat than assassin. They will have to show trust and faith to get anywhere. Not easy given their history.
  4. Puppilull

    Chapter 5

    Kade is a Di Couteau? Interesting! I can understand Marion's confusion. She holds a lot of hatred towards Alexandre and justly so. Can a man change? And does that make up for his cruel past?
  5. Puppilull

    Chapter 4

    Talia must be feeling so useless locked up like that. Difficult to take action without help, though it seems hopeless at the moment. Maybe if Mikhail shows up...
  6. Puppilull

    Chapter 3

    Jezebel will fall of her own pride. She'd do well learning the phrase Memento mori. Maybe that's the point of keeping old portraits? Jared and Marion have some thinking to do. The world is changing and they should change with it.
  7. Puppilull

    Chapter 2

    Strange to see Ysabel almost human and so aware of her demon. She needs to regain full control not to be used as a mere weapon. Talia sure is up against a true challenge. She'll have to prove what she learned from all her training. I'm happy Luca followed his heart. Though Adrian deserves an equally fine a spouse.
  8. Congratulations! I enjoy your stories very much!
  9. Puppilull

    Taking a Hit

    Dust yourself off and try again... Isn't that how the song goes? He'll get there, if he keeps at it.
  10. Puppilull

    Chapter 5

    Very true. So old. So unbelievably stubborn...
  11. Puppilull

    Chapter 5

    As much as he likes to deny it, Kiorl is such a caretaker. He goes about it in rather roundabout ways, but he takes care of those around him. Even when they don't deserve it very much. He should listen to Jin-Ha. He needs being cared for as well. And on a deep level.
  12. Nascent Edit: No, I'm thinking equinox!
  13. There's only one trek - Star Trek!
  14. Puppilull

    Chapter 4

    Conflicted is just the surface of Kiorl's state of mind. Tricky to distance yourself from your king and maker without causing friction. Will the king ever be prepared to step down? If so, I'd guess he'd want Nassau to have someone so loyal and strong as Kiorl by his son's side. Still not close to letting go of power, so the king could get possessive. He's not in a good place either. Hell is stirring. Cute to imagine demons being grown in fields. Kiorl seems like he'd like having someone by his side for some adoration. Maybe someone slightly less complicated than Nas. A labrador demon? Are there such a thing? Pull did a good impression of one. 😉
  15. That dress stunt is kind of a shitty move...
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