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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Savage Moon

  2. The Barnstable Chronicles

  3. The Neko

    This is the story of Astara, a small planet home to humans, elves, and, of course, nekos. Some of them are werewolves, some of them want to be werewolves. And some want nothing to do with their wilder sides.

  4. Well Groomed

    Collection of Voltron: Legendary Defenderfanfics, set pre canon and pre-kerberos, featuring Shiro and Keith falling very gently in love.

    Series Complete (6 works)

  5. Ninth Pass Pern

    Dragonriders of Pern series set around the time of 'Dragonflight'.

  6. Werebears in America

    In the olden days, when most of the humans in northern Europe were still living in pagan tribes, werebears were the wise and strong protectors of the villages. Now, even though they are still many in number, they are scattered around the world, living forever in secret.

  7. TJ's Journey

  8. Pleasant View

  9. Underneath This Big Ol’ Sky

  10. Perry and Jesse

  11. The Trial

  12. Silven Words

  13. Camp Refuge

    This series begins with Guarded. Though, not absolutely required for Camp Refuge and what follows, it is good background to have. The tone of Camp Refuge is very different from Guarded, but they are connected, regardless.

  14. The Boot

    A series of stories that are centred around The Boot, a fictional shelter for homeless people set in Manchester UK. The stories are centred around individual characters, both staff and 'guests'. As with real life not everything is sunshine and roses. It has it's ups and downs, showing the effect that events have on people and how people can affect and have an impact on others. There will be fun and laughter, there will be sadness and tears.

    Characters will come and go, some will remain throughout, others will appear in more than one story.

    These stories are representative not definitive, some degree of literary license is used.

  15. My Old Anthologies

  16. New Beginnings

    Now alone after the death of his mother, a stranger arrives unexpectedly which changes his life forever.

  17. Lost Soul

    Lost Soul is a collection of 'stories' for characters from The Boot. The stories are based on some of the characters of The Boot, some are about homelessness, others about staff and volunteers. There are good times and bad times, those who find themselves homeless experience many bad times.

    Out of respect I refer to those who find themselves homeless as 'homeless people', because first and foremost they are 'people' and deserve to be treated as such and with respect. They are not 'the homeless' as some would refer to them as. Please show respect and remember that they are people, that respect could help someone find their glimmer of hope.

  18. Knots

  19. Comforting Touch

    Ben is a visually impaired gay demisexual, who is feeling emotionally empty, in December. Jason is a homeless gay pre-med student, who was disowned by his parents several months ago and has been hit hard by life. A chance encounter between them may offer both of them fulfillment.

  20. W.T.F.

    A collection of short stories featuring a group of friends who between them cover gay, tv, bi and straight points of view - there's even a confessed 'adventurer' and a drag queen. We see our drag queen go from first gig to a possible new relationship, our sad tv finds fun with an adventurer and our straight protagonist, to mis-quote Lou Reed, takes a brief walk on the wild side.

    Welcome to What The Fuck!

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