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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. E-P-I-C

  2. The Mantis Gland

    Superheroes are real, but their powers can be stolen if you eat their brains.

  3. Sparkle

    A historical vampire anthology, with each part telling the story of a different main character until they fight the ultimate evil together. I stole part of this summary from @Hudson Bartholomew 's critique.

  4. Ink Boys

  5. Generations

  6. MyPinnedPrompts

  7. Working It Out

  8. Vega-5

  9. The Fragmented

  10. Carthera Takeover Tales

  11. Moorpark Palms

  12. Confounded

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    Waiting for the Sign

    A romp through the sports and acting worlds with the twists and turns of living in the public eye.

  13. Fire Prompts

    The unlikely friendship between a firefighter and a fire extinguisher which has some unexpected abilities and quirks.

  14. Doorways

  15. Splash Trilogy

  16. Las Vegas Trilogy

  17. Black Sheep

  18. High School Sports Series

  19. My Jump Off

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